Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 446: Two Choices

The five magical crystal cannons are the most powerful killers in Tingfeng City's defense system except for the guardians.

Guardians cannot leave the range of more than ten kilometers from the city. It is destined that they can only act as scope roles, such as their names. But these magic crystal cannons can be disassembled, which is different.

Although they cannot be stored in personal space, although they are very bulky, transportation is also extremely inconvenient. But if there are five of them side by side, at the maximum power output, each level will not be much worse than the power of a 'Super Goblin Bomb' exploding.

Although Tingfeng City is not comparable to any God's Chosen City in terms of the number of players, it can be used as a support for a fifth-level God's Choice, but its background is incomparable to any God's Chosen City!

The magic cannons that could not be reached one after another roared on the body of Bone Ge Geluo. The magic crystal cannon with automatic locking ability, in fact, there is no possibility of missing it.

Unless the target can avoid the past.

But the rate of fire of this magic cannon is faster than that of Tuoba Xiaocao's bullshit bullet. It's okay if it has a certain distance, but if it's close in front of you, it can only become a living target!

The attack of five magical crystal cannonballs, even Ge Geluo, who has successfully swallowed the projected will of the Bone Lord and reached the height of the legendary level 60, cannot stand it at this moment!

The magic cannons hit the body one after another, just like being hit with a hammer on the fragile dry bones, which may be smashed at any time.

Bone Ge Geluo protected his body with both hands, his eyes were full of fierce lights, and he suddenly moved at a high speed. These forts are extremely powerful, but they are fixed, so it is not difficult to blow them up!

It intends to use some injuries to resist attacks. As long as it can blow up these forts, the rest will no longer be dangerous!

Bone Ge Geluo's plan did not escape Zhao Nan's conjecture!

Finina and Zhao Nan connected with each other, and immediately summoned the little ice phoenix! Recently, Little Ice Phoenix has frantically raised the level in the 30th level dungeon of Tingfeng City. Has reached the gold level.

At this moment, the little ice phoenix flapped its wings, and a huge stream of icy air shot out directly from the ground, turning into a long icicle, freezing the bone Gegeluo in it.

Little Lolita took advantage of this time to play a Fengming song!

A song to lock the boundaries!

Extended the use time of abilities for Zhao Nan, Xu Yang, Finina and Yeyue respectively!

The light of divine power shines! Finina has entered the most powerful transformation state!

"Don't stop the magic cannon's attack." Zhao Nan said quickly.

Gao Mingyang and the others nodded, and continued to lock on. As long as the enemy breaks through the ice, they can hit it immediately!

Everyone didn't blink their eyes, waiting for the moment when Bone Ge Geluo broke open, Zhao Nan took a deep breath, opened it a little more, and the Soul Devouring Sword began to shine.

When fighting the evil spirit Mosleyan back then, because of Little Lolita's ability, he used the strengthened and extended spirit sub-skills to the limit level at this stage!

Now, he needs to replicate the original attack again!

Even he himself doesn't know how much attack power the fused fortieth-level various magic skills can produce with the intertwining of the two spirit sub-skills and the blessing of the light of divine power.

It is still a huge world of flames.

Fire Dragon Fire Blade, Fire Wind Fire Ball, one after another!

That huge icicle, at this moment, exudes this icy cold air, which permeates the surroundings. Adolf suddenly shuddered.

He didn't actually go far, he just hid himself. Achilles' state is really bad. Under the two consecutive upgrades of the secret method, the bones of the whole body are fractured, and even a little movement may hurt the internal organs.

The cold air also stimulated Achilles, cheering him up a little, and his eyes widened immediately. Looking from the gap of the prying eyes, under the giant pillar of ice, there was a terrifying world of flames.

Within tens of meters are filled with all kinds of fire magic, which is the peak of his common sense understanding of magicians, subconsciously murmured: "This is the chosen one, the creature bestowed by the gods in the sky... "

Adolf nodded heavily, and said seriously: "As long as the Earl can help Her Royal Highness, her safety will be greatly guaranteed in the future!"

Achilles shook his head and remained silent, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, the giant pillar of ice split open suddenly, and Bone Gegeluo was about to chop it down with a Bone Scythe, but he was immediately greeted by five magic cannons.

He had already suffered a lot of injuries, and now he was bombed again, his figure paused, and a huge sword light struck her immediately!

After Finina is Yeyue!

The two sword masters fought with Bone Ge Geluo for a while, then quickly backed away... because Zhao Nan's attack was already brewing!

Zhao Nan didn't know what to call such a wonderful attack, so he gave it a simple and appropriate name.

Flame world!

The entire world of flames swallowed up the bones of Ge Geluo! In the world of flames, the fire dragon devours, the fire blade lases, and the fireball bombards. It was actually more powerful by a single magic cannon.

It should be close to the power of the two maximum power magic crystal cannons. This is only at this stage, but if his ability continues to improve, the power of the flame world will continue to increase.

After rushing out of the world of flames, Bone Gegeluo was already covered in black smoke. He never thought that Gao Mingyang and his group, who liked to fight sap since childhood, now fired five magic cannons together!

When Bone Ge Geluo was about to resist, a burst of azure blue light enveloped him, forcing him to slow down his movements! Five rounds of magic cannons arrived in unison!


Bone Ge Geluo uttered a tragic cry, and lost three of the four ultra-long health points at this time, leaving only the last one!

At this moment, Baigegeluo's bones had cracks in many places, but he still looked like he was able to fight, and his toughness was not ordinary.

"Continue, don't stop." Zhao Nan drank in a deep voice, unscrewed a moon potion and poured it into his mouth.

LV60 Bone Gegeluo (Rage)

At this time, bone fragments were constantly thrown from his body, and a black mist that was as real as it was appeared from the body of Bone Ge Geluo.

Probably in the future, these boss-like aboriginal characters will go berserk to a certain extent, and start desperately, right? Zhao Nan thought silently, and suddenly pulled out a 'Super Goblin Bomb' and flew into the sky.

But at this moment, in Qiluo City, countless screams and ghost cries suddenly appeared!

Pale, ferocious, and distorted faces floated in the air, rushing toward Bone Gegeluo's body from all directions.

Zhao Nan stopped suddenly, surprised.

Unexpectedly, these ferocious undead were not summoned by Bone Gegeluo, these huge number of undead turned to Bone Gegeluo's body one by one, and began to hoarse!

"This is... the wronged souls of all the creatures in Qiluo City!"

A huge resentment filled the entire world at this moment, like a bell from heaven and earth, the sound entered the soul!

At this moment, Finina and the others, Gao Mingren and the others all stopped their hands, watching the unjust souls of Qiluo City attacking Bone Ge Geluo, speechless in a daze.

Weeping loudly.

A howl.

Curse aloud.

A scream!

Hundreds of thousands of souls, after being liberated from the altar, did not dissipate! With boundless resentment, it didn't appear until now!

Bone Ge Geluo didn't expect that these dead souls would eat him back. At this time, he frantically waved the sickle in his hand, chopping off the souls one by one! But one innocent soul was torn apart, but hundreds of innocent souls went on and on and on.

One by one, countless! But in a short while, this has turned into a sea of ​​grievances, swallowing the whole body of Bone Ge Geluo!

It can only float up and down in this ocean of wronged souls, trying to rush out, but is pulled back by the pale arms without hands!

"I am not wrong!!!"

Bone Ge Geluo raised his head to the sky and screamed, but was finally swallowed up by the ocean of wronged souls!

This is the revenge of the souls of Qiluo City!

Zhao Nan frowned. If this was the end, then he had wasted a lot of effort, but amidst the endless wailing, he had a feeling that this was fine.

"Affected by the strong feelings of wronged souls..." Zhao Nan murmured to herself.

Shaking his head suddenly, he glanced at everyone, all of them had expressions of surprise and uncertainty, obviously they had lost their fighting spirit.

The resentment of these hundreds of thousands of innocent souls is already strong enough to affect people's minds.

I don't know how long it took, these surging grievances gradually dissipated, and then the sea of ​​grievances gradually became smaller and smaller.

In the end, there was only gray mist less than ten meters away.

"It's over." Zhao Nan hissed, but the oppressive feeling disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But at this moment, the few remaining souls were dispersed in an instant!

Bone Ge Geluo let out a stern scream at this time, his body was covered with countless cracks, as if it could be blown away by the wind.

There was only the last trace of life left.

It turns around and runs away!

Zhao Nan's mood returned to normal, his brow furrowed, Blazing Sky Wings opened and chased after him!

On the ground, it was a little later for Finina and the others to return to normal. After calming down, Zhao Nan's back had turned into a black spot, and he quickly chased after it!

At the same time, Bone Ge Geluo suddenly fell from mid-air and fell into the alley of two buildings.

Holding the Soul Eater in his hand, Zhao Nan swooped down and slashed out mercilessly.

"Don't kill me! Please! I am willing to give up my phylactery!"

The Soul Devouring Sword stopped subconsciously!

At this moment, Zhao Nan heard the system beep.

——Ge Geluo hoped to save his life by donating the phylactery. Accept, this mission is complete.

——Ge Geluo hoped to save his life by donating the phylactery. If you don't accept it, the mission is completed by killing it.

It turned out to be two choices! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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