Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 794: Multiple Variations (4)

How can it be!

Sister Hei shook her head vigorously, feeling as if she had seen it wrong. . . She subconsciously wanted to confirm one more time, and instinctively followed her brain's ideas.

However, when I looked at it again this time, the level was only fifty-one.

"Oh, I saw it wrong, it turned out to be fifty-one?"

Lin Banyao's black wings didn't know that the black market had been withdrawn into his body, and he looked at the woman in front of him uneasily. He knew in his heart that a weak person like himself probably wouldn't have any luck with women, and even if he did, it would be quite bad.

Lin Banyao raised his hand cautiously, "Um...I've already released it. This big brother doesn't know how to screw me, screw me to death, right?"

Ahu opened his mouth slightly. He didn't have Sister Hei's doubts. After hearing what he said and reacting, he immediately burst into laughter, "Screw it, why don't you screw it! Hahaha!"

"Ah, you don't keep your word!"

"What right does a weak person have to say the word credit?" Ahu laughed, with a mocking look on his face, and walked slowly towards Lin Banyao.

Lin Banyao immediately crouched down in fear, holding his head and defending himself, "Don't hit me..."

Ahu suddenly spat out boredom, and suddenly a voice came from behind him, "Okay, stop teasing this guy. The leader said to keep him, don't be frightened."

"Okay." Ahu smiled, shrugged and left slowly.

The young man who spoke walked up to Lin Banyao and said thoughtfully: "Isn't it because of your appearance that you dare not see people? You hid in the basement, so you escaped. "Jie?"

Lin Banyao smiled bitterly and said: "Probably. When I showed my wings, many people thought I was some kind of powerful hidden profession. But I know my own affairs, and if I don't want to be embarrassed, I have no choice but to hide."

The young man shook his head, "Just stay away from the battle later. Take care of yourself...but don't think about escaping. The people here are a bit evil, but not as bad as you think."

Lin Banyao smiled with great difficulty, "Well, what should I call you?"

"Me?" The young man smiled and said, "Call me Sun Zhigang."

"Thank you." Lin Banyao stood up and said.

Sun Zhigang smiled and said: "He is really a strange guy who would actually say thank you to the person who kidnapped him."

Lin Banyao shook his head in embarrassment, with a silly smile on his face and was speechless.

Sun Zhigang shook his head. Suddenly his face darkened, and he turned around and said, "Okay, the cat cub has lured the wolf over. Wake up the leader!"

The moment dusk opens.

Lin Banyao was suddenly startled for some reason, and murmured to himself: "Isn't it rare that he can go there... Hey, why do I feel like this?"

At this time, Dusk stood upright from the ground, only wearing an unbuttoned dress, exposing large areas of strong muscles on his body.

He stood on the ambush cliff platform and put the broken sword on his shoulder. Looking down at the group of approaching figures below, he smiled ferociously: "Then... let's kill!"

Suddenly a huge roar appeared, and in front of everyone's eyes, a huge black shadow appeared from mid-air, and then crashed to the ground.

Even on a cliff tens of meters high, you can still feel the strong vibration. But at this time, what appeared in front of everyone was a ten-meter-tall giant beast!

A head like a lion. A body like a giant bear, with claws at the end of its limbs. It is even more dark, shiny and extremely sharp. Dusk jumped off the platform without saying a word and landed on the shoulders of the giant beast. Without saying a word, the giant beast got down on all fours and ran forward crazily!

"No matter how many times I see it. The leader's pet is really fierce and has no friends... Probably except for the city lord's pet, there are not many that can compare to it." Sun Zhigang smiled softly and waved his hand. , also mounted on a medium-sized flying pet and swooped down.

In front of Lin Banyao. This group of hundreds of guys all showed quite a bit of fanaticism in their eyes at this time. One group after another, they cheered and charged straight down with their weapons raised.

The group lured in from the front numbered about two hundred people. There were clearly twice as many enemies as the enemies that suddenly appeared, but they charged the people of the special attack group and completely scattered them.

In Lin Banyao's eyes, the 'leader' was like a god of death, killing enemies at a speed that was frightening.

At some point, a pair of black feathers jumped out from Lin Banyao's back.

His eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of strange red light, "Experience source discovered... Experience source discovered... Battle preparations... Preparations... Annihilator No. 95273... dispatched..."

During the fierce battle, Huang Huang suddenly felt an extremely strong danger, and he instinctively turned around to look around.

A huge black flash of light was now coming from the middle of the cliff silently.

After one blow... a huge pit with no end in sight appeared in front of him.

The number of enemies and enemies in the battle was reduced by half in an instant! A figure flew in front of me, its black wings spread to the extreme, and pieces of black feathers were scattered at this moment!

A piece of feather fell gently, landed on Ah Hu who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and exploded instantly.

Boom boom boom!

Bloody rainwater randomly hit Huang Huang's face... What appeared in front of him was the cowardly guy he picked up - Lin Banyao!

Blood-red eyes suddenly fell on Huang Huang, and he heard Lin Banyao say stiffly: "Discover...the source of the virus...annihilate..."

"The source of the virus was found...the cleaning program started!"

The entire center of the stunning battleship flickered, then quickly subsided.

In the control room, Zhao Nan looked at the data on the screen thoughtfully, while Alice, who was much more at ease beside her, frowned and said, "This is the third time today."

"When we captured the center, we restricted the release of all models. The Sony clan headquarters should not have discovered that Jingshi has changed hands," Zhao Nan said.

Alice nodded and said: "It's true that we didn't find it. After cracking this encrypted signal, it was actually just an order from the Sony clan asking Jingshi to report. It seems that Jingshi was in the past, and every once in a while he would give the master of the Sony clan The central center reported the navigation information... Hey, there is another order in it!" Alice said in surprise.

Zhao Nan turned around and Alice waved her hand. A smaller moving light curtain immediately moved in front of Zhao Nan's eyes, "It seems to be about the Styx Demon Clan. A mutated and powerful individual has appeared. The main central center hopes that Si Geda can capture this individual for research."

Zhao Nan frowned.

A powerful mutated individual among the Styx Demons. Could it be that he is the terrifying demon king mentioned by the demon before?

"According to the current situation, how long will it take for Jingshi to resume operations?" Zhao Nan suddenly said.

"If you want to sail and have combat capabilities, it will take at least thirty days. But if you just sail, ten days will be enough."

"Aren't there many intact unmanned fighter jets left in the cabin?"

"I'm talking about the weapon system of the battleship itself. In addition, the reactor is destroyed. It's not like you don't know that we dismantled the energy sources of many combat units to use them. Fortunately, the energy sources in the Sony people on this battleship are The reactants are the same as the reactor, otherwise it would be impossible to repair the Jingshi. But even so, complete repair is impossible, and even if the combat capability is restored, we will still fire the Jingshi's main gun. Sorry."

Zhao Nan pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Sigeda said that its memory has been backed up in the main central center, and it can regenerate its body even if it dies... The Sony clan just asks for the restoration of the voyage records. Does that mean that Sigeda is dead? The Sony clan doesn’t know the news yet?”

"It's possible...but it's also possible that the other party already knows. Once you reply to the message, your location will be locked. Is this a trap or something?"

Zhao Nan nodded, "Then reject all replies. Just wait until the warship can restore its navigation capabilities and anti-detection system. Leave this place as soon as possible. If Jingshi has been sending signals back before, there will be no communication for a long time, Sony The tribe will send troops to investigate because of doubts."


Things don't seem to be going well.

Although the shocking acquisition is something worthy of celebration...but after all, it is one of the only four battleships of the Sony clan in the abandoned land. You can imagine how difficult it would be for the Sony family to accept the loss of a warship in this place where resources are scarce.

This is most likely the case. Zhao Nan will face the siege of the remaining three warships of the Sony clan.

"Before that, we have to beat him down no matter what."

Anyway, he is already an aggressor. Then do it thoroughly. In the seven or eight months since I came to the Abandoned Land, what I have created is probably like a small ripple, right?

"Well...the effects in the brain of Experimental Subject No. 102 have been extracted." Alice stood up and said, "Do you want to see it right away?"

Number 102 is the number given to the transformed warriors by the stunning battleship. And the identity of this number is actually Yunya.

That day, the reactor was destroyed and Yun Ya escaped. However, after waking up, the Ice and Snow Valkyrie fell into a state of madness. Even if I use magic words, I can't get any useful information from her.

But the Sony family's brain information extraction technology can do it.

"But the images are quite confusing, so you probably need to figure out the connections by yourself."

So, the life of the Ice Valkyrie. It's like a silhouette, flying past someone's eyes.


A pool of blood spat out of his mouth.

Huang Huang stood up with the broken sword in his hand. All his ribs were probably broken. The battle pets around him had fallen down, and everything in front of him was desolate.

And the culprit that caused all this. At this time, he stood on the ground with a blank look on his face, and in the center of his chest was a rather shocking wound.

On the ground, these two people are still standing... (To be continued...)

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