Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 795: Multiple Variations (5)

It was as if he had woken up with a start. . . Read the latest and most complete novels

Lin Banyao looked at the many people lying on the ground in horror, and shivered. He faced the eyes from Dusk and said subconsciously: "No...not me."

ah! ! !

Screaming in terror, Lin Banyao rushed directly into the air and fled in panic.

Huang Huang, who was so taciturn that he hardly spoke, couldn't help but say: "Fuck!"

However, if the fight continues, it is really unclear who will live and who will die.

Huang Huang took out a breath, took out a bottle of instant blood recovery potion from his personal space, drank it, and then sat directly on the ground. Injuries can be recovered instantly, but physical exertion can only be achieved through rest.

"A living reply."

"Survival..." The person closest to dusk was Sun Zhigang.

"Survival +1"

"It seems I can't die..."


"It hurts me so much..."

A moment later, everyone staggered toward the dusk. The special attack team of more than a hundred people now only had less than fifteen people left... As for the team on the other side, it was completely wiped out!

"That guy...who is he?" Sun Zhigang's face turned pale. Looking at the disappeared figure, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

It’s not that this group of people are greedy for life and afraid of death. On the contrary, it should be said that these people are all thugs, and they are not afraid of death. Otherwise, they would not respond to the call of this special strategy group, give up their comfortable life in Tingfeng City, and plunge into various dangerous places in the world.

They also kill people on sight without any reason, and they have already earned enough blood on their hands to be sent to the eighteenth level of hell. But now that I have sunk on this road of no return, I have no intention of turning back and I am sinking deeper and deeper. The final result is probably that I don’t know where I died in battle, and I understand the sin of my life all at once.

However, the scene a few minutes ago was faced with that overwhelming power. But it still gave the thugs a profound sense of powerlessness.

"They shouldn't have left anything behind."

Not long after, Huang Huang stood up and said indifferently: "Erect a tomb and write down the name."

No one mentioned whether they wanted revenge, and no one mentioned deliberately looking for Lin Banyao. All they have to do is continue living this way.

If they meet again in the future, they will fight again. It doesn't matter whether they smash their bodies to pieces and bury their bodies in the wilderness, or it doesn't matter if they kill people and continue to cause harm to them for thousands of years, that's all. .

"Cross the cordon and go to the area controlled by the Sea Clan. There are more experience points there." Dusk put the sword on his shoulder and moved forward silently.

Panting heavily, this is next to an unknown lake.

Because it is close to the Xiangwu Icefield, the surrounding temperature is low and there are many barren trees. Lin Banyao stared at the reflection in the water and shivered. He slapped his face with water crazily.

For some unknown reason, he has been having some pretty bloody dreams lately.

In the almost blood-colored world in his dream, he could see twisted and ferocious faces, as well as countless curse words that were the most vicious in the world... This kind of language could be heard even after waking up.

All of this started when his own wings as a member of the Protoss were dyed black... However, he had no idea when it was dyed or what he did to dye it.

in the body. It's as if there is another self.

"It's not's not me..." He just sat blankly by the lake, with no intention of treating the wounds on his body.

But as a chosen one. As long as the health points are not directly cleared, and as long as the wound does not exceed the self-recovery speed, even if you ignore it, the wound will slowly recover... As long as you don't feel pain and hardship.

"Hey...Teacher, there is someone over there..."

"Well...the injuries on my body are a bit serious..."

Suddenly, the voices of a man and a woman broke into Lin Banyao's ears. He looked up subconsciously. All he saw was a pair of men and women with rather ordinary faces walking towards him.

The man's name was displayed on his head, lv70 Zhao Mu.

As for that woman, she should be young, but there is no name to show it... is she also the Chosen One? Did the girl just call the aboriginal Zhao Mu her teacher?

Do the Chosen Ones worship Aboriginal people as teachers? Although not common, it is in Paradise World. There are similar rumors. Or it could be a mission or something like that, or it could be the inheritance relationship between the aborigines and the chosen ones of the same profession.

"Hello... Excuse me, do you need help?" The girl smiled at this time: "You are also the Chosen One, right? You are injured like this... Have you used up the recovery potion on your body?"

"Oh... no, no." Lin Banyao was stunned, and quickly took out an instant blood recovery potion from his personal space and drank it, "I was just thinking about something."

The injuries on his body instantly returned to their original state. Lin Banyao quickly stood up and said in a panic: "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

The girl was obviously taken aback, then smiled slightly and said, "It's okay."

At this time, Zhao Mu looked at Lin Banyao for a moment, and said warmly: "Hello, I am Zhao Mu. I passed by here on business. I don't know what to call him?"

"Lin, Lin half-demon."

"Hey, what a handsome name." Zhao Mu smiled.

Lin Banyao shook his head in embarrassment. For some reason, seeing the combination of the aborigines and the chosen ones, his heart gradually calmed down, "Well... my name can only scare people."

"It's good that the name can scare people. You don't know that sometimes it's sad if the name doesn't scare people. You said it would be so depressing if someone who is obviously handsome and beautiful has a name like Mao Ren'ai. Although you are making fun of individuals. It’s a bit awkward to get a name, but people are like this sometimes, so don’t blame me. As a human being, of course you have to be more confident, not to mention you are called a half-demon..."

I don't know when I can finish saying this, but the girl next to Zhao Mu coughed lightly, and Zhao Mu smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, sorry, I'm quite wordy sometimes."

Lin Banyao smiled and said, "To be honest, I often like to talk. I used to be disliked by others for being a chatty person."

"Really?" Zhao Mu chuckled: "It seems that we can become very good friends."


"Friend." Zhao Mu chuckled and said, "Meeting is fate. This place is desolate. Isn't it rare for you and me to meet here?"

"But...but what if I'm a bad guy?"

Zhao Mu touched his nose and said, "I don't know what kind of bad person is not bad. I just know that even the worst person in the world will sometimes smile at others."

"Yes, is that so?" Lin Banyao looked at Zhao Mu with disbelief.

"The beauty of life is that you can still breathe the air at this moment." Zhao Mu chuckled and said: "It is extremely wonderful that you are alive. If the things in the world can be solved, they will naturally be solved. If they cannot be solved, so will your worries. useless."

Lin Banyao smiled awkwardly. He understood this truth, but how many people could really do it? But I don't know why, but I always felt like I didn't feel bored when speaking from this person's mouth.

"It seems that I can calm down a little bit." Lin Banyao said softly: "Thank you."

The girl then continued, "Is Mr. Lin a resident of this area?"

"Oh, yes." Lin Banyao smiled bitterly: "But now I am homeless. My city was invaded by monsters some time ago."

"Now there is actually a God's Chosen City that has been attacked by monsters?" Zhao Mu said in surprise.

"Maybe I'm the unfortunate type." Lin Banyao laughed at himself.

"Speaking of it, we can be considered homeless people." Zhao Mu said softly: "We are both homeless people from the end of the world. I think we have found another thing in common."

Lin Banyao was noncommittal.

The girl suddenly asked: "Mr. Lin, do you know the shortest way into the Xiangwu Icefield?"

"I know this... but that place is quite dangerous. Most medium-sized guilds would not dare to enter casually. You two..."

"We have something to do. If you want to pass through it, you should regard it as our mission." The girl smiled and said: "If Mr. Lin knows, can you tell him? Of course, we will also give you a reward, and it will not be in vain. your intelligence.”

"Remuneration or's just a guide." Lin Banyao shook his head and said, "No need."

It seemed that he was becoming more and more at peace, and Lin Banyao had a feeling that he was unwilling to leave this man and woman. Subconsciously said: "If you two don't mind, why not let me lead the way. Anyway, the city has been destroyed. I don't know where to go now."

Zhao Mu and the girl looked at each other, and then said happily: "I'll trouble you, Mr. Lin."

"Call me half-demon... well, if you don't mind." Lin Ban-demon smiled shyly, looked at the girl and asked, "Miss, don't know what to call me?"

"Call me Xiaoyou."

"Can I add friends?"

Xiaoyou said apologetically: "I'm sorry. My friend list is already full."

Lin Banyao didn't mind too much. In this day and age, unless you are someone who is not very good at communicating with others, it is almost normal for your friend list to be full. "Then let's get going. This way..."

Zhao Nan let out a long breath.

It is not an easy task to piece together the life of the Ice Valkyrie from the many chaotic influences. However, after putting it together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

Probably there must be something pitiful about a hateful person.

Alice beside her had tears falling down her face. She looked back at Zhao Nan and said accusingly: "Is it true that women have a miserable life?"

Zhao Nan was speechless.

After all, there are only a few women in the world who have the ability to resist the injustice of fate.


The alarm suddenly sounded.

Zhao Nan subconsciously felt a sense of relief. What was displayed on the huge screen was a huge team of Styx demons!

There are also a large number of blue light spots displayed on the God Refining Bracelet.

"This can be regarded as a successful example of waiting for something to happen." Zhao Nan stood up and said, "Alice, stop the training room and prepare to hunt."

"Don't run away from my problems, Hundan!!!" (To be continued...)

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