Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 796: Multiple Variations (6)

"Notify all crew members that Jingshi has restored its navigation capabilities and will begin taking off in thirty minutes. Please gather in the control room immediately."

Alice's voice sounded toneless.

Not long after, the door to the control room opened, and the first person to appear in front of Zhao Nan was the Black Spear King.

Tuoba Xiaocao, who had a towel hanging around his neck and was only wearing a small vest, scratched his head and said, "Yo."

Since the discussion about the XL world system, this can be regarded as the first official meeting between Zhao Nan and Tuoba Xiaocao. The rest of the time, the Black Gun King was quite crazy going back and forth between the training room and the XL world.

"That's the artillery control on the upper level of the battleship. If you're interested, just sit on it and take a look." Zhao Nan pointed with a wave of his hand.

Tuoba Xiaocao nodded, surprisingly without too many words. He just sat down and silently looked at the situation in each training room on the screen, frowning slightly, "As expected, have you been peeping all this time?"

"I turned off the screen when I was changing clothes."

"Tch!" She moved her eyes to the left and saw a girl sitting on a circular base next to the battleship seat. She looked at her curiously: "Is this Alice?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Tuoba Xiaocao shrugged and narrowed his eyes: "Well... I like pretty girls the most. If you have time, how about you come to my room and play?"

Alice's face remained unchanged and she said: "Sorry, even if you want to play, there is no way you can touch me. If you like to stare, I don't care."

"The skill of poisonous tongue seems to be the true inheritance of someone, right, Captain..."


"What's wrong?"

"You..." Zhao Nan hesitated for a moment: "There are flies on your head. How long has it been since you took a shower?"

"Do it!" Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly raised his middle finger and rushed out of the control room.

In a certain training room. Finina gently swung down the famous sword in her hand and wrapped around her. There were already 360 metal shooting balls. In an instant, they all broke in half from the middle and fell to the ground.

The Gaoling Sword Princess exhaled slowly, closed her eyes and took back the sheath. Smiling slightly, he walked out of the control room.

"Energy level 1.7 million, shooting in all directions!"

In the training room, more than twenty gun barrels were firing fiercely at the girl standing in the center. However, this beam of light, which was enough to penetrate the body of a high-level gray body with extremely blue light, was ruthlessly rejected by a thin cyan light curtain.

Ye Ruofeng wiped the sweat from his forehead and hummed: "Finally completed in time...Absolute defense."

"Little master, have a drink of water."

Gulu gulu gulu gulu...

"Yeyue, have I grown taller?"

"Well, it should be about a centimeter."

Anya Ye rubbed her white hair that had been cut short to her ears at some point. His fingers casually moved across the upright guqin, and dozens of simulated figures in front of him, comparable to the transformed Ice and Snow Valkyries, exploded one after another.

Anya Ye chuckled lightly and said, "Let's go, let me see if I'm on my brother's shoulders now!"

"The Holy Glory Game Maze of the Saint... This is the last ability of the Saint before the twelve-star level."

"...I'll name you, 'The Devil's Coming'." Linglong stretched her body and walked out of the training room. Behind her were countless vicious and devil-like things. Gradually disappeared.

"Let's go Locke, don't keep sir waiting too long."


"Amazing. Preparation for liftoff, countdown, 10...9...8..."

"Navigation target, seventeen degrees north-northeast... Let's go!"

The crusade against the Styx Demon in the Abandoned Land has been going on for more than seven months.

This evil-doing race seems to have been abandoned by fate, and several huge territories have been completely conquered. The demons fled in all directions, with almost no place to stay. In the end, they could only huddle in a place named "Blood River Hell".

The 'Blood River Hell' was the first territory that demons entered into the abandoned land, and now they have returned to this starting place again. They threaten the people of various ethnic groups who came from the plunder.

Now that the face has been completely torn apart, and the race is still at the point of life and death. The demons don't mind that this approach will further anger the crusade forces from all sides.

Anyway, as long as there is a crusade team that dares to attack, the demon will be killed directly on the battlefield by the hostage.

Over the years, a lot of people have been robbed by demons. Among the six races, except for the Sony tribe, which is not welcomed by the demons and can stay out of trouble, the other five races can be said to be quite passive.

Among these five races, the burden of the Warcraft family is the easiest... There are many kinds of Warcraft, each of which has its own affairs. There is no unified political power. Even the so-called crusade troops are extremely fragmented, and some even have a single Warcraft to carry out the crusade on its own. As for those robbed Warcraft cubs...if they die, let them die. Anyway, the strong will survive and the weak will be eliminated.

As for the gray-bodied people, this race's reproductive ability is comparable to that of the Styx Devils, and unlike the Styx Devils, which require cruel methods to reproduce, they can become the number one in the Abandoned Land. Although there are many gray-bodied people who have been robbed, they are just a drop in the bucket for the entire gray-bodied people race.

Therefore, the only ones who really care about the hostages are the relatively small number of superpowers, the alchemist clan, the beast-controlling demon clan, and the subjugation troops of all major alliances in the name of justice.

"Although the devil is now trapped by all parties' subjugation teams, if hostages are used as threats, there will inevitably be conflicts between those who do not value the hostages and those who value them..."

In front of us is the so-called 'blood river hell'.

The so-called Blood River actually refers to a huge basin filled with lava. There is a legend that when the devil was first born, it was in magma. They were able to survive by feeding on magma at first, and then gradually mastered the ability to devour living creatures during the process of evolution. However, the ability to survive by swallowing magma has not been eliminated.

Therefore, even after losing a large amount of living food rations, they will not starve to death if they return here, and they will still have fighting power.

"Achilles. You have been standing here for a long time. What are you looking at?"

His Royal Highness did not look back and said calmly: "I am thinking about the possibility of getting through this magma area."

Behind him was a woman. She said curiously: "So you are the main attacker, right? I couldn't tell it all the time."

His Royal Highness the Prince shook his head and said: "There is no such thing as a main attack or not. In my opinion, even if the devil uses the hostage as a shield, there is still a solution."

The woman smiled bitterly. Pointing to the front, he said: "Look, there are many giant pillars erected here, and there are hostages from various races tied to the giant pillars. Among them are not only those from the alchemy clan, the superpower clan, but also those from our major alliance. People. Once we cross the line, they will die! And not only will they die, but they will be replaced by another group after they die. How many demons have they robbed in the abandoned land for an entire era? The living beings are simply unknown.”

"They are already unconscious. Life is worse than death. Even if they can be saved, they will only be left with sorrow in the end."

"Even if you say so..." the woman sighed: "If your relatives are the ones who are tied up against you, even if they are just a disabled person after being rescued, will you still refuse to save them?"

"If this is really the case, what I can do is to end this pain, rather than leaving this pain behind." His Royal Highness murmured in a low voice.

The woman's face changed slightly, thinking that this man was colder than she thought.

But... what he said was indeed correct, and his tone was filled with sadness. It would be better to end it as soon as possible rather than both parties being tortured by grief. It is better to let one party get the solution and bear all the rest.

"Achilles...please don't do this, okay?"

The woman suddenly hugged His Royal Highness from behind. This is purely instinctive action. However, when she reacted and felt slightly panicked, she pressed harder.

His Highness the Prince frowned at this moment, and without any hesitation, he reached out and unclasped his hands on his chest. He said calmly: "Tifa, I'm sorry. I have things I want to do, and I won't consider other things besides that."

"Is this considered a rejection?" Tifa lowered her head, her voice filled with infinite disappointment.

"Just take it as such." Achilles nodded.

"I can wait until you finish what you want to accomplish!"

"Whatever you want." His Royal Highness flew away from the cliff calmly, even though Tifa beside him was saying something loudly. He just pretended not to hear.

Achilles wandered around the edge of the magma zone, almost leaving the unknown area where all the forces of the Grand Alliance gathered.

Not far away is the territory where the beast-taming demon clan is gathering this time.

Before today, an impromptu cooperation meeting had been held. The initiator was the Sony tribe, and the place where the meeting was held was within the territory of the Grand Alliance.

"No results yet... It's been a day and a night."

Achilles fell to the ground thoughtfully.

Suddenly he raised his eyebrows, and a sword light shot out from his fingertips as he waved his hand!

Only a bang was heard, and a figure fled out from behind the boulder in embarrassment, and looked at Achilles in horror, "No, kill me... I, I am from the Cold Wind Ice Castle, I have no intention of hiding in this place." here."

What appeared in front of His Royal Highness was a woman who looked quite weak and had a pale face. She could probably be described as pure and beautiful.

"Cold Wind Ice Castle? It seems that there are no believers from the Ice and Snow Temple in this gathering." His Royal Highness ignored the beauty and stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes sharp.

"Our expeditionary force was killed. I went through many areas and found this place after a lot of hard work." The woman said with a sad expression.

Achilles wrinkled his head and asked abruptly: "What's your name?"

"Krus!" (To be continued...)

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