Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 797 Millions of Energy Warriors

"A large number of Sony armed spaceships were discovered ahead, and there were also a large number of biological reactions..."

Without Zhao Nan's prompting, Alice had already zoomed in on the screen. The so-called armed spaceship is a small Sony combat weapon with a physique that is less than one thousandth of the world's.

It is also loaded with a lot of Sony people, as well as some unmanned combat aircraft and so on. There are many similar armed spaceships on Jingshi.

At this time, not only the armed spacecraft of the Sony family, but also the huge magma basin, a large number of gray-bodied people, the alchemy family, the supernatural family and other six races, as well as people from the Grand Alliance, also appeared in the control room one after another. on the screen.

There were even hostages trapped on the stone pillars, all of them looking dull.

"You don't need to ask to know what the Styx Demon is doing." On the console, Tuoba Xiaocao snorted coldly, "It's a threat!"

"After being beaten like this, it's natural to do anything." Zhao Nan's face became slightly serious.

From the start of the amazing repair and sailing again, to the original place of the Styx Devil, I have eaten all the ginkgo along the way. Not to mention the Styx Devil, I can't even see anything else. It seems that all the Styx demons in the abandoned land are trapped here.

Of course, there is no denying that there will be escaped Styx demons hiding somewhere in the Abandoned Land. Even after this annihilation, the Abandoned Land will hunt down the escaped demons for a long period of time.

"Didn't the Sony clan send a warship this time?"

"No. If there is another battleship, Jingshi cannot hide it. The ability values ​​of the four battleships are almost the same. Jingshi's counter-detection cannot evade detection by warships of the same type." Alice shook her head Said: "It is precisely because of this that we can discuss the military deployment of various tribes here so easily."

Finina faced Zhao Nan at this time and said: "Isn't it difficult for us to take action? Now it's not clear how each of the crusade forces wants to act."

"Go down." Zhao Nan pondered for a moment and then said: "No matter what, we still bear the name of the God of War, right?"

"Are you...wanting to get into the big league formation?" Xu Yang asked curiously.

"Haven't His Highness the Prince been found?" Zhao Nan pointed to somewhere on the screen and chuckled: "We have to say hello anyway."

After some discussion, in addition to Locke and Gui Sisi, they were arranged to stay in the battleship. The rest of the people landed quietly on the ground and began to approach the Grand Alliance station.

As for Jingshi, it is hidden in the clouds at this time.

Although this is a very powerful super weapon, since Zhao Nan and his team can successfully capture Jingshi, it means that it will also be attacked and fell down.

For example, the holy dragon knight's magic gun, after passing through the amazing protective barrier. It can easily tear the outer splint... There will not be only one Holy Dragon Knight in the major league with such a powerful strength.

"Speaking of which, what if we meet that Holy Dragon Knight? His good deeds fall into your hands before Jingshi?" Linglong said slightly worriedly.

"After checking, we found no vital signs of Tristantin or Rizal. They probably didn't come to join in the fun this time." Zhao Nan paused and said: "Besides, we don't have to participate in all the actions of the Major League. Just understand what they and the other six tribes mean.”

There is another aspect.

That is, the time before leaving the abandoned land is getting shorter and shorter. How to obtain as many soul crystal fragments as possible before leaving is also a big problem.

"Stop, who are you?"

lv66 kakami.

A group of patrol soldiers from the Major Alliance fell from mid-air, their weapons pointed at Zhao Nan and the others.

later. Zhao Nan will find that in the Grand Alliance, although there are many separate temples and believers, they all have uniform clothing, but they only have marks on their clothing to mark their own temples.

Naturally, this group of people are still wearing their own clothes, so it is normal for them to attract the attention of the patrol soldiers of the Grand Alliance.

"Don't be nervous, we are not enemies." Zhao Nan took a step forward. In addition to clothing, which can be imitated at will, there is actually another more effective and credible method.

That is the God Refining Bracelet. There are signs of various temples on it.

"It's... from the Temple of War." Kakami was obviously startled, and his attitude immediately softened. He told his subordinates to withdraw their weapons. He said calmly: "The troops from the Temple of War shouldn't have arrived early in the morning. Why are you so late?"

"Some things are slightly delayed." Zhao Nan said softly.

Kakami nodded, "Okay then, please follow me, I will take you to the area where the Temple of War is located."

"Oh... Excuse me." Zhao Nan smiled and looked around. Following Kakami, he asked knowingly: "I heard that the devil is holding hostages, right?"

Kakami nodded and sighed: "Yes, the executives of the major temples are in trouble now. Whether it is the other six tribes or within the major alliance, the decision about whether to attack or not has not been made yet. Make a decision. No, we have held a strategic meeting among various races in the area of ​​our Grand Alliance in the past few days, but there has been no final result. "

Zhao Nan was stunned and said: "You mean, other indigenous races sent people to the camp of the Grand Alliance?"

"Yes, they are all guys with indigo on their god-refining bracelets. As for the Sony clan, they are probably about the same. I still don't understand how they survive with those iron lumps."


After comparing the data on the energy level on the Jingshi Battleship, the response of the God Refining Bracelet to individuals in the Abandoned Land, and the division of power in the Paradise World, Zhao Nan roughly figured out the relationship between them.

For example, the energy level of one million is a standard and the minimum requirement for converting the blue mark to the indigo mark on the God Refining Bracelet. If you were to reach the stage of becoming a professional, it would be beyond the epic level.

It is roughly a blue mark, equal to the professional epic level, and the energy level is below one million... As for the combat power data obtained by integrating the Eye of Truth in the form of the Dragon King, it is basically the same as the energy level of the Sony clan.

After the million energy level, it is roughly the level of the twelve-star level of the gods.

One million to two million levels are the standard range for the first star level. Of course, there are situations where the amount of energy that can be erupted to this level exceeds two million, but that is either a secret method or a weapon bonus. It is not within the calculated values ​​of this set of stages.

The remaining two million to three million are two-star level, three million to four million are three-star level, and four million to five million are four-star level. From five million to tens of millions, there is a five-star level.

Only those with an energy value that exceeds tens of millions of levels can be considered as six-star level...that is, the stage of a titled sub-god.

Currently, Zhao Nan is equipped with two badges and entering the Dragon King form. Including the strengthening effect of the spirit child skills, it can be maintained at around the third level of the gods, with a combat power of more than three million points. But after all, they are wearing badges. Under normal circumstances, they only reach the second star level.

It seems that after the God-Slayer Badge was boosted tenfold, there was some deviation in the calculation of the energy level.

Zhao Nan believes that this is just like the invincibility potion in the early stage. It is only invincible within a relative stage... and the effect of the badge will also increase with his own ability value. And giving less and less multiplied improvements...even one day, the badge will not be able to give Zhao Nan any help.

But when that time really comes, it will probably become an absolutely inhuman existence.

However, one thing that needs to be noted is that it seems that in all the years in the Abandoned Land, no biological individual has been found with a normal energy level exceeding tens of millions.

That is to say, there is no real purple mark on the God Refining Bracelet.

The indigo mark is also known as the supreme power of all races.

"I didn't expect that supreme experts from other races would also come." Zhao Nan nodded, looked at Kakami and said, "Mr. Kakami. Thank you very much for informing me."

"It's nothing, we are all brothers of the alliance." Kakami smiled and said: "Besides, Master Augustus is still the number one expert in the main force stationed in the major alliance this time! I admire him very much! How many brothers are People from the Temple of War. If you have a chance, it would be the best if you could get me an autograph or something!"


This is not the first time Zhao Nan has heard this name.

Your Excellency, the CEO of the Temple of War, another teacher of Prince Achilles, and it is said that he is the only Holy Dragon Knight who does not belong to the Dragon Temple, but can control the Holy Dragon!

Under a so-called god. The most powerful woman in the world.

"The ultimate below sub-level gods... I'm interested in seeing it." Zhao Nan silently looked at the approaching major alliance camp.

After the war between hundreds of tribes, all the sub-level gods in the world disappeared...then the five-star gods probably exist as the strongest combat power in the paradise world at this time.

In fact, most of what Zhao Nan knew about Augustus came from Alice extracting the influence of Yun Ya's brain.

In the heart of this ice and snow Valkyrie, she extremely admires this woman who makes countless proud male geniuses in the major leagues willingly bow their heads, like a queen who rules the world.

"Zhao Nan?"

Suddenly a surprised cry came.

Looking back. A figure came from a distance, who else could it be if it wasn't Prince Achilles?

At this time, His Highness the Prince appeared gracefully, and the missing arm had grown back. He was in the Great Alliance Camp. When he saw him again, Zhao Nan had the same feeling as when they first met him in Qiluo City.

Your Royal Highness, you still belong to the Temple of War.

ps1: This chapter is probably a bit watery...but it seems that no specific explanation of strength has been given, and I feel it is necessary to explain it. In the future, I will write about various characters so that everyone can have an intuitive understanding. So I said willfully that it was actually not watery at all, right? Don’t you see that the first paragraph of many novels starts with something like “such-and-such continent, such-and-such level, x saint, x god, x venerable and x apprentice”…=. =

ps2: I weakly asked for a monthly ticket...hiding my face. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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