Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 803: Unlimited anger, domination and control

Upgrading weapons or armor is a matter of clanging and banging, and making potions is a matter of whizzing. The convenience for players under the global system is that it is quite fast to synthesize or create items.

The real God Killer Badge is being generated at a speed that Zhao Nan cannot imagine.

It's half the size of a palm, and is more unpretentious than expected. At this time, His Royal Highness has not yet woken up, and the surroundings are filled with the stench of demon blood.

It was indeed genuine, and the Lord of Truth did not deceive Him with a counterfeit.

——Godslayer Badge.

-The only thing that exists.

——The great sin of killing gods cannot be washed away.

Zhao Nan frowned and fumbled for this strange badge in his hands - the global system has always given very few badges to players. It's like he has only had a certificate of honesty, a hero's badge, and this God-killer badge for such a long time.

God Killer Badge: Grants the user the power to kill gods, and increases the damage dealt to gods by 1% (note, each kill of a god will permanently add 1% of damage, with no upper limit.). The power of the will field is increased by 80%, and the resistance to the will field is increased by 20%. No side effects.

"It's good that there are no side effects, but the curse of using fake badges has not been lifted..." Zhao Nan held the genuine one, almost feeling like he loved it with his hands, "Although it's not as direct as the fake one, it's ten times the price." The improvement is doubled... But there is no usage time limit, and if you don't kill a god species, the damage to the god species will be increased by 1%, as well as the improvement of the will field and the increase in resistance, it is really..."

It is not an exaggeration to call it a secret treasure among secret treasures!

This badge is basically for the late game. As the number of gods killed by Zhao Nan increases... will his improvement be almost unlimited?

However, one hundred people only doubled the damage. To return to the improvement level of the previous shoddy badges, a considerable number of gods would be needed.

"No wonder it is said to be a great sin that cannot be washed away."

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief and silently equipped the badge on himself. To unleash the power of the God-Slayer Badge, there is no doubt that a heinous act of killing would be required.

"However, since my hands are already stained with blood, why should I be afraid of this heinous killing?"

His Highness the Prince woke up soon after. After waking up, Achilles' hand was immediately placed on his sword.

Bounce to your feet.

"Where are the people?"

"Probably, he's gone far away."

When he was responding, Zhao Nan was refining the crystallized fragments of the Styx Demon from the ground - there were quite a few here, and the quality was quite high.

He became increasingly confused about what the Lord of Truth wanted to do. Is it just like he said, a person who prefers to support the younger generations?

But it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a great gift for Zhao Nan to collect enough badges and refine the real God-Slayer Badge.

Achilles jumped down at this time and frowned. The memory he had before his consciousness cleared was that both of them were being imprisoned by the masked guy in black... The man was as terrifying as an abyss. Even more terrifying than his teacher Augustus.

"Why did you leave... do you know each other?"

"Actually..." Zhao Nan turned around and threw a few refined soul crystals in front of Achilles, "I just met them for the first time today."

"You destroyed the Palace of Truth's actions at the Khaki Temple and killed many of their members."

"The strange thing is that they clearly have the strength to crush us to death, but they didn't take action and walked away instead, right?" Zhao Nan looked directly at Achilles, "I said there is nothing in you that is worth my time. Zhang came to perform this drama. And I’m not interested in knowing the secrets about you. Of course, if you feel the need to explain it, it’s okay for me to tell you.”

"Didn't you say anything?" His Royal Highness asked.

Zhao Nan pointed to the front and said: "There is probably a powerful demon guarding this hostage in front. I heard that it is between three-star and four-star levels. Their goal before we came here seemed to be to eliminate the hostages inside. Then When we arrived, we changed our focus... It seems that if someone takes action, they will not take action. On the contrary, they will complete the action without anyone knowing. "

The two looked at each other, and His Royal Highness frowned and said, "Do they want the expedition troops from all parties to directly fight the devil?"

"Probably..." Zhao Nan nodded: "Or the stalemate will continue like this. They will feel troubled. However, we have no way of knowing what the ultimate purpose is. But one thing is certain, no matter what The war is not what they expected, but it must be what the expedition team expected. "

"Then let's go." Achilles said simply and neatly: "The task is the first thing that needs to be completed."

His Royal Highness raised his sword and ran away quickly. Didn't ask anything more.

Zhao Nan followed closely.


Not long after, a harsh sound came. Under the criss-crossing stone bridges and in a rock wall, there was a Styx Demon with three black crystals growing out of his forehead.

Its body sank into the wall, and its hands and feet were fixed by four strange light nails.

However, when Zhao Nan and Achilles arrived, the light nails nailing the demon shattered at the same time. The demon triumphantly broke out of the trap and roared towards the two of them.

Energy value: 3.99 million.

"It feels like it was left specially for us." His Royal Highness the Prince held his sword across his body.

"So you're going to thank me?" Zhao Nan lowered his hands and his body naturally floated off the ground.


Achilles didn't reply, and rays of sword light were released from the sword in his hand, which was extremely fierce! Boom, boom, boom! The huge tail on the back of the Styx Demon was swaying repeatedly, but it was causing the sword light to snap away.

Zhao Nan was too lazy to talk to this Styx demon. At this time, he was very conscious of being a master. He waved his hand to bless a halo of defense on the prince's body, and called the sky dragon to enter the dragon king form.

This is the second time His Royal Highness has seen Zhao Nan's Dragon King form. The first time was when he rescued everyone from the high-level gray-body man. "Three black crystals, if Your Highness keeps them, I have nothing to do with you."

Achilles snorted coldly, and the golden air currents around his body coiled around him like snakes, vibrating the air.

At this time, the Styx Demon probably sensed the threat and charged towards His Royal Highness. How could Zhao Nan make it happen? The blade of the Soul-Eating Sword in his hand suddenly slashed in front of it, and at the same time, the other hand released four death screams, temporarily forcing the demon back, leaving His Royal Highness the time to accumulate power.

It seems that the power of the God of War in him cannot be used skillfully, or it may be said that just like the characteristics of the field of will, his anger is unlimited, and he needs to continuously increase the anger in his heart to stimulate the increase in power.

His Royal Highness is a cold and rational person... I wonder what kind of psychological suggestion he needs to use to make himself angry?

Boom, boom boom!

Tornadoes, wind blades and fire dragons roared all over the sky. Unlike ordinary magicians, if the ancient arcanist attacks with all his strength, he will not give his opponent any chance to counterattack unless the difference in strength is so great that there is no solution.

There are no blind spots and uninterrupted attacks. Even if the damage is not high, it is enough to make this demon unable to use all its strength... It is the instinct of living things to avoid danger. Obviously, even if it has evolved to three black crystals, and is about to give birth to the third Even a demon with four black crystals cannot violate this physical instinct.

Hey! !

In the dusk, His Royal Highness, who was roaring like a dragon, with his hair flowing upward like water, was bathed in bursts of golden light, holding a sword, and the man and the sword became one, and moved towards the back of the Styx Demon. Shoot at the tail position!

Facing the danger of his weak point being stabbed, the Styx Demon roared loudly, and the muscles on his body instantly began to change patterns. It has to hide its weaknesses through transformation.

Zhao Nan took a deep breath, rebelled against his will, and the domain of control instantly covered the body of this Styx demon! At the same time, four wind king shackles shot out in front and behind the demon, wrapping its body around and fixing it in mid-air!

"Definitely!" With a soft shout, the body of the trapped Styx Demon suddenly froze!

From its limbs to its eyes to its tail, everything here seems to be petrified! After Zhao Nan's will field was equipped with the God Killer Badge, its power instantly increased greatly, and the effect was surprisingly good.

At this time, His Highness the Prince's body erupted with even more dazzling golden light. Behind him, a shadowy figure of a warrior wearing golden armor, holding a golden sword and a golden shield seemed to appear!


With a cold snort, the long sword had already penetrated the demon from behind!

The demon screamed, and its limbs instantly became weak. The Wind King's shackles were lifted at this moment, and it fell to the ground.

This time without energy detection, the combat power index that can be seen in the Dragon King form is actually about the same. The power of that sword has exceeded three million levels.

It seemed that he was defeated by the Lord of Truth and could not even resist the evil before he lost consciousness and fainted, which filled the heart of the prince with powerless anger.

His anger is boundless, his strength is boundless, and what he said is true!

At this time, Zhao Nan waved his hand and pointed, and the body of the demon lying on the ground suddenly trembled violently, and a strange piece of flesh shot out from its wound and was still beating.

He glanced at His Royal Highness and said, "You missed the shot."


His Highness the Prince didn't say a word, and held the sword back, the golden light on his body disappeared, and his face turned slightly pale - he had used power far beyond his own strength twice in a short period of time, which was obviously too much for him.

Zhao Nan frowned as he looked at the demon on the ground that was completely lifeless.

This demon... is not as powerful as imagined, and the energy level value is obviously not wrong.

Well, before they arrived, this demon had already been weakened! The movements became extremely slow! (To be continued...)

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