Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 804 What are you afraid of!

Occasionally there will be a slight cry. . .

It was no different from the cages used by demons to imprison creatures that we had seen a few times before. The dead silence, resentment and extremely depressive atmosphere here make people resist from the bottom of their hearts no matter how many times they watch it.

This is probably the first time for His Royal Highness to see this scene.

Whether they were people from the major alliance or people from other ethnic groups, they all had expressions of collapse. Their eyes were open, as if they were ashen, and they didn't know whether they were looking at the world or rejecting it.


Unexpectedly, he heard a curse word from His Highness the Prince, but Zhao Nan was not in a teasing mood, but started to draw his sword on the ground, "The bottom here is also magma, and the top is also magma. I guess the entire blood river The Hell Basin is actually a three-layered structure. The surface layer we see is the second layer here, and the third layer surrounding it. "

Achilles used the scabbard to draw a line on the pattern formed by Zhao Nan, "The only passage is Alcatraz Island..."

He frowned. It was obvious that it was not possible for him to take the extremely terrifying number of hostages in front of him. "If you want to break out from here, you will have to pass through Alcatraz Island again. Obviously they no longer have the consciousness to fight. Even if they encounter demons, they will only be reduced to food at most... As for the direct way to the ground from here... I'm afraid there is no way. No matter how many people are taken away, the people here will be completely melted by the lava. "

He shook his head, feeling powerless.

"Didn't you say that your teacher would lead the troops to respond?"

His Royal Highness shook his head and said: "How to locate it through here?"

"Actually, this place is not far from where the crusade troops camped... In terms of straight line distance, it is actually shorter than Alcatraz Island." As he spoke, Zhao Nan flew to the top of the huge cage.

His body was level with the rock wall above. Four magic circles behind him shone with light. Achilles asked in shock: "What do you want to do?"

"Make a way up!"

"You're crazy, the magma will pour directly into here!"

"Then just don't let it pour in." Zhao Nan took a deep breath and said: "The demons stationed here have been killed. But they are only a very small number of the number of demons on Alcatraz Island. Do you think the demons will not find out that this place has been destroyed? Is it being invaded? Or a terrifying number of powerful demons are coming here."

Zhao Nan looked back at Achilles, and then said: "I will break this rock wall, and then use my domain to open a path for you in the magma. And what you have to do is to directly break the path to On the other floor, send a signal to your teacher... Since the two of you can't take away the hostages here, let your colleagues in the crusade do their homework!"

boom! !

There was a loud noise, and gravel and dust shot up into the air, like a tyrannosaurus breaking out of the ground.

In the distance, on the back of a giant dragon with two heads and silver wings bathed in silver starlight, a figure standing upright holding a giant sword with both hands focused on the area that suddenly exploded, and suddenly chuckled, "Achilles, you really did not disappoint me."

"Lord Augustus?"

A strong man flying in the sky, wearing silver armor and holding a giant ax, called out in a deep voice.

I saw the supreme woman of the major alliance suddenly brandishing the huge blunt sword in her hand. Pointing forward, he said loudly: "Attack!"

It was as red as blood, and the heat around it was enough to dry out a person's body in an instant. His Royal Highness looked down, and below was a circular passage that was now five meters long.

Surrounding the passage is unobstructed hot magma. However, at this time, the magma seemed to be isolated by something, flowing slowly and turning into the natural surface of the channel.

"Entering so much magma at one time... what is the nature of this realm." His Royal Highness silently pondered.

At this moment, at the lower end of the underground cage. Zhao Nan spread his hands slightly in front of him, closed his eyes and raised his head. The length of the passage was somewhat beyond his expectation. With the control domain controlling the flow of magma, it was much more difficult for the magma to separate and jump out of the passage than he expected.

Even if he hadn't obtained the God Killer Badge beforehand and gained its function of strengthening the field of will. Just based on the level before entering the Blood River Hell, I am afraid that I will not be able to complete this task.

"The Styx Demon just now had three black crystals, but after killing it, the stack of badges did not increase... so the objects to be killed can only be creatures from the eighth era, or creatures of the same level that have been recognized by the system. ……"

To fully unleash the power of the badge, Zhao Nan might really have to kill millions. The thing about becoming a hero among heroes... millions of gods?

Where in the paradise world are there so many aborigines of the divine race? And the monsters that will spawn outside the City of God’s Choice will probably come to an end after they reach level 80, right?

Therefore, the ultimate destination of the God Killer Badge...will be those gods whose levels have been raised repeatedly due to continuous catalysis, until they are finally successfully upgraded to gods...gods! select! By!

"It really fulfills the so-called concept of creating the strongest individual." Zhao Nan was a little more angry and thought more.

He felt that the paradise world covered by the global system was like a voodoo farm, where the poisonous insects were allowed to continue to fight until the most powerful insect was born.

Suddenly, a shocking dragon roar came, and Zhao Nan's thoughts were interrupted. He looked up and saw a ray of silver light falling vertically from the passage and landing in front of Zhao Nan in the blink of an eye.

The obvious female silver armor and red cloak.

This is... Augustus!

She took off the helmet from her face, and her blond hair spread out. However, unlike the one Zhao Nan saw half a day ago, the one in front of him was obviously much more mature... His height was also completely asymmetrical, right?

Loli turns into a royal sister in one second or something...?

"Nice field."

Augustus suddenly reached out and patted Zhao Nan on the shoulder, looked at the imprisoned hostages below, and said calmly: "Thank you for your hard work. I will reward you well when I go back."

This shot almost made Zhao Nan's will become unstable. It's not that there was anything coming from this powerful woman that disturbed him, but it was purely because of this shot!

This shot.

Zhao Nan said in her heart that I am neither your subordinate nor your student, bastard, why are you pretending to be mature...etc. Probably a calm person will have a point where he has to complain when he is poked.

"Have a heart..." Zhao Nan, who could only respond with words, looked at Augustus and said, "Is there only one of you?"

Augustus said bluntly: "There are my troops above, but the passage is too narrow, and it is inconvenient to rescue people. I will come down and make it bigger."

As she spoke, right in front of Zhao Nan, the female Holy Dragon Knight held the huge unsheathed blunt sword in front of her.

A sudden wave.

The left hand passes over the right hand and waves again.

The third time, he clenched his hands, but it was a chaotic dance without any structure!

Countless sword rays of light were scattered wildly in front of Zhao Nan, just like the most powerful high-level magic skill 'Blast Blade' in terms of scattering degree and quantity.

Zhao Nan was shocked. This woman must be crazy. With such an attack, the entire rock formation holding the lava would shatter. The lava with a depth of more than 100 meters was poured in at the same time. It would be surprising if all the hostages below survived!

However, those broken rock layers rolled back inward layer by layer in a way that Zhao Nan could not understand, as if they were soil pushed away by a bulldozer!

Gradually rolling around...these sword lights are not for cutting, but for huge impact!

The rock rolled from the inside out, and finally the passage that Zhao Nan and His Royal Highness had reasonably made was forced open. This spectacular sight of violently digging holes was unforgettable in my life.

The most powerful women in the major leagues are indeed incredibly powerful!

After a moment, the roaring and loud noises all around stopped, and only traces of magma could be seen spreading out from the flat rocks, but it was indeed blocked! In the infinitely expanded exit, countless figures crazily poured in. The joint forces, wearing major alliance uniforms and bearing various temple symbols, broke open the cage without saying a word and took out the hostages one by one. .

"Do you still have the strength?"

Augustus looked at Zhao Nan and asked suddenly.


"The devil is coming." Augustus nodded and said as if there was no resistance: "Follow me, and don't stay still if you still have the strength. A warrior's destiny is to fight!"

"It's not easy for your Royal Highness..." Zhao Nan twisted his neck a few times, feeling an urge in his heart to see how powerful this woman who is said to be closest to the power of the gods is... compared to What about Link under the Lord of Truth?

"Ah, isn't that your friend? Sister Yangyang!"

Ye Anya's curious voice came.

Wandering around the Grand Alliance camp, there were Finina and the others who were divided into several groups. At this time, Anya Yeyue and Xu Yang happened to be in a group.

Drawing lots.

"Krus?" Xu Yang looked at the figures outside the tents with slight surprise and paused.

Ahead, Cruz was walking slowly, talking and laughing with a male believer from a certain temple in the Grand Alliance, then looked left and right, and ducked in while no one was around.

"Sneaky, are you discussing some secret matter..." Ye Anya looked at it suspiciously, and then slowly walked towards the tent.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yang put his hands on Ye Anya's shoulders and turned her body, "Okay, there's nothing to see here, let's go somewhere else!"

"Scared? It's obvious over there..."

"Ah, little master, your shoelaces are loose, let me tie them for you!"

"Do my boots have laces?" Ye Anya squinted and said with a wooden face: "At most, they are mating inside. It's not like I haven't seen them before. What are you afraid of? What a fuss."

I'm not afraid of anything, I'm afraid of your brother! ! (To be continued...)

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