Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 821 Reunion of old friends

When they returned to the ground, many people still looked up in confusion at the huge thing in the sky.

Amazing battleship.

Those who landed were all the remnants of the crusade team that had escaped and boarded the ship during the red mist disaster. After being placed in the lower cabin of the Jingshi battleship for nearly two days, they were inexplicably expelled from Jingshi without receiving any response!

There was no response, let alone any contact from Sony people on the stunning battleship.

Just like cargo.

"What are those Sony people thinking..."

This is almost the thought in the minds of the people from all sides who are attacking the troops.

At this time, after landing, the rest of the troops left one after another. Looking at the original Blood River Hell Basin that was completely reduced to a red mist area, a feeling of horror followed... The scope of the red mist is constantly expanding! Wise people soon realized that this would be an unprecedented disaster in the abandoned land. They need to each occupy their own territory and prepare early.

"The CEO is missing, and our major league has lost more than 60% of its manpower in this battle..."

"After a big defeat this time, I don't know what will happen next..."

"Go back first. If Augustus can survive, she will be able to return naturally with her ability... If she has mutated, then we have to consider how to deal with her!"

Many Grand Alliance soldiers, who felt sad, retreated dejectedly.

Letting go of the creatures of all races in the crusade team is actually the intention of the Lord of Truth. Considering that the entire Abandoned Land might need to work together to defeat the God-devouring World Tree, Zhao Nan agreed without much thought.

The God-Eating World Tree has swallowed up all the Styx demons on Devil's Island, and its horror is unimaginable.

It is necessary to break into the interior of the God-devouring World Tree and pull out its core to make it wither, but under the shocking sketch. Around the main body of the swallowing world tree, there are many powerful energy reaction bodies, turning into a human wall... It is not easy to break in!

They need to wait for all races to react and gather again before they have a chance to break through.

But at this moment. Achilles and Holy Dragon Olga have not yet awakened.

Zhao Nan withdrew his thoughts from his memories and found that nearly half of the coffee in the cup of the Lord of Truth in front of him had been drunk. Time passed quietly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye after the disaster. In the past half month, the extent of the God-Eating World Tree has exceeded almost everyone's expectations.

Not only the original territories of the Styx Demon Clan have been completely lost, but even the areas of other races are now being eroded by the Sound-Swallowing World Tree!

"If the amazing main cannon can be fired, can it destroy the God-Eating World Tree with one blow?"

Abruptly. Zhao Nan's words made the Lord of Truth spit out a sip of coffee on the screen. The Lord of Truth wiped away his crime in embarrassment and shook his head repeatedly: "Theoretically, it is possible. However, the energy level of 10 million is already the limit of this space. Once it exceeds this level, the space will be distorted. Even if this main gun can When launched, I'm afraid the trajectory will be distorted before it hits the target. It's okay if it misses, but if it shoots somewhere else due to space distortion... think about it yourself. "

Zhao Nan didn't think about it, but temporarily shelved this idea in his heart.

originally. It's so shocking that it can't afford to fire its main gun once.

The Lord of Truth said: "Originally, demons' bodies have innate antibodies that can resist the control of the God-Confused Flower. Their best choice is to fight against the God-devouring World Tree. So now the demons are almost extinct, and the only ones left are probably the Sony tribe. There are a group of guys without respiratory systems. Well, those who can use secret treasures to purify the air are exceptions. Of course, you can also use your own power to get rid of the God of Confusion, but this method cannot last long. If I don’t have anything to add…haha.”

Zhao Nan frowned. Dissatisfied: "Instead of doing this, it would be better not to let go of the crusade troops and directly attack. Maybe the situation will be infinitely better than now!"

The Lord of Truth chuckled and said: "I gave you the opportunity to practice the power of killing gods in a legitimate way... It is difficult to kill the normal gods of the major alliance, and it is even harder to kill them openly. So after the mutation and madness, It doesn’t matter, right?”

Zhao Nan took a deep breath.

He looked deeply at the Lord of Truth.

The Lord of Truth slowly drank the rest of the ordinary coffee, "Right."

"Combat units were found below, the energy level is... one million... two million." Alice's voice suddenly sounded in the command room.

"Open the screen."

I saw a man and a woman below, being surrounded by a large number of gray-bodied people. The bodies of the two of them were entangled with a strange metal chain. The chains ended in sharp barbs that dug deeply into the man's body, making them difficult to pull out.

This is the way a gray body fights against an opponent with the ability to fly... If I can't fly into the sky, can't I pull you down?

With the terrifying strength of a high-level gray-body man, not to mention a single person, even the armed spaceship of the Sony tribe can be overturned if he fights hard.

"This is……"

But seeing the situation between a man and a woman on the screen, I'm afraid they have been fighting hard for a long time. Zhao Nan's face turned slightly ugly, "Alice, mobilize the secondary artillery and kill those gray-bodied people for me."

"Mobilizing secondary artillery? This requires too much energy and is not recommended. If you really need to save people, you can discharge the drones. It may take a little longer, but these two people should be able to hold on... Wait, bastard, you You actually ordered the firing! Really, I don’t care about you!”

Like a meteor shower, bright beams of light diffused down from the sky!

A man and a woman who were fighting hard on the ground were suddenly in the middle of a horrific explosion. However, what surprised the man and woman was that they were able to survive this intensive and powerful attack.

The surrounding gray-bodied people were annihilated in an instant, the red mist became thinner, and countless roots of the God-devouring World Tree on the ground were interrupted. They were rapidly regrowing. A careful transport ship of the Sony tribe was at this moment. Descended to the ground.

The man and woman were on guard at the same time.

Unexpectedly, he heard the sound coming from the transport ship. "Relax, senior brother and sister, it's me."

"Little...little junior brother??"

The man's eyes widened, it was Madman O.

"Ah hahaha, you are indeed my junior brother, you actually got one of the Sony clan's treasures!"

The madman in the world reached out and patted Zhao Nan hard on the shoulder. After the chains on his body were released. The wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This was not the first time that Zhao Nan saw the healing speed of Madman Ao, and he was not surprised at all. I heard him say that this is the reason why he permanently solidified a healing magic in his body... This is a man with the ability to regenerate blood. In comparison, Valkini is much more serious.

At this time, Finina opened the curtain and walked out, saying softly: "It's bandaged, but there's just a lot of blood loss. It's basically no big problem if you rest more."

At this time, Valkini put on some clothes, with a white gauze wrapped around her forehead. She walked out with the support of Finina, and said in wonder: "I didn't expect you, junior sister, to have such an experience. It seems that you can have such an experience." We did the right thing by leaving without saying goodbye that day.”

Finina asked curiously: "Why did senior sister leave without saying goodbye that day?"

Valkini smiled lightly and said: "The falcon needs wings, not protection. Don't think your senior brother is crazy, but there is some truth in what he does."

"Ah hahaha, Valkini, you are wrong. Can't you see that there are so many people in my junior brother's group? How inconvenient it is to carry it! To break it into pieces, dozens of people have to share it." Madman Ou shook his head violently.

Valkini sneered: "If that's really the case, I've never seen how many fragments you used."

She shook her head and said, "Don't listen to this lunatic. During this period, the fragments he shot out have piled up like a mountain. They are all reserved for you and your junior sister. Of course, there are also many of your companions."

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, I seem to have lost too much blood. I'm going to be in a coma soon! Valkini, please watch it, I, I'm fainted..."

Zhao Nan couldn't help but feel a warmth flowing in his heart because of the lunatic Oo who fell asleep in the medical room as fast as the Lord of Truth.

He reached out and picked up Madman O and carried him to the treatment cabin. He lowered his head and said, "Alice, please get some good treatment."

Alice, who was originally unwilling to use secondary artillery to save people and disliked the waste of energy, became happy for some reason. She smiled and said, "Leave it to me. Leave it to me. I will definitely take good care of my senior brother."

Zhao Nan was so frightened that she quickly took Valkini and Finina away from the place before she could say something crazy. So as not to make yourself angry.

After leaving the medical room, Valkini began to talk about her experience with Okuanao.

After leaving Torrent Iron Castle that day, the two of them just found a random direction and headed forward. The strength of the two men was so high that within half a year, they cut off a corner of the Iron Castle under the eyes of the two executives of the Iron Castle. Naturally, this line of work was full of bloodshed.

The original purpose of entering the Abandoned Land was to increase their strength. The two of them, who had almost no worries, were quite decisive in their killing.

"When we left the Torrent Iron Castle, your senior brother snatched two God Refining Bracelets from the hands of the Lion Executive. We had a big battle with him that day outside the Torrent Iron Castle. Later, Tigret With the help of too many believer warriors, we temporarily retreated after being unable to fight. As a result, Tigret chased and fought fiercely. It was not until we finally met the Sony tribe that we had a chance to escape, and Tigret's troops were also injured. Very busy.”

Valkini looked sad.

Zhao Nan looked even more incredulous and weird... He thought that Tygret was really a pustule with a mushy head, but hadn't he made any progress after being an executive for so many years? He actually ran headlong into the joint efforts of the gray-bodied people and the Sony clan that day.

It turned out that it was not to pursue the gray-body man, but simply to expose the reason for pursuing the two senior brothers and sisters...

But having said that, if this is the real reason, it is really difficult to announce it. Having been chasing the gray-bodied man only to end up in danger and inflict damage on the army. To be judged as greedy for merit and to rush forward is still lighter than the crime of harming the entire army.

Well, Zhao Nan finally knew the origin of the hatred behind Tigret's need to frame him not long ago. (To be continued...)

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