Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 822: Half-demon’s reminder

Finina held Valkini's hand and asked, "Why are you here, Senior Sister and Senior Brother?" Valkini said without hiding anything, "If you want crystal fragments, the fastest way to collect them is naturally to find these gray-bodied people. However, this red fog suddenly appeared half a month ago, and those strange roots, Osfen and I almost got into trouble." Valkini shook her head, with an extremely tired expression, "Basically, we walk in the sky, and we only hold our breath and go down to the ground for a while when we need supplies. Originally, these gray-bodied people we met this time were not too difficult to deal with. It's just that two days ago, your senior brother and I were injured when facing a powerful enemy." "Powerful enemy?" Zhao Nan frowned. Valkini nodded and said, "It was the three-eyed boy who was the incarnation of the beast of disaster that we encountered before. In addition, there was a huge strong man beside him, and there was a monster. It seemed to be kept." "Monster?" Finina also frowned. Valkini recalled, "It's probably right to say it's a monster. It looks a bit like the blue demon in the abandoned land, but it's much bigger and uglier. It will devour any living creature, whether it's abnormal or normal. I guess it might be one of the blue demons. After all, we don't know much about blue demons, and we went to war directly when we met them before." Zhao Nan nodded, his face slightly gloomy, "Aersef is not dead. The strong man should be Komais, who seems to be a sub-level god. He was resurrected not long ago, and his strength is not clear for the time being. As for the monster you mentioned... If you are not afraid of devouring abnormal creatures, it means that it will not be affected by the flower of confusion. It may be the Styx demon that appears in the form of a demon beast. But you said that the beast of disaster raised a Styx demon, and I really don't understand what its purpose is." Valkini looked puzzled. Zhao Nan smiled. He quickly analyzed some things... even the current situation of the amazing battleship. "Lord of Truth!"

After hearing this name, Valkini immediately took a breath of cold air. Even hearing that Augustus was currently teaching in the Jingshi warship was not as exciting as this. Valkini worriedly said: "Little Junior Brother, you must be careful when you come into contact with the Lord of Truth. The minds of gods are unpredictable. They may have been gone for too long, and no one knows whether they still have any remnants of humanity..."

"Sister, you can rest assured about this for the time being." Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "From the current situation, it is still safe. And the Lord of Truth and I have the same goal for the time being, that is, to destroy the Swallowing World Tree in the Abandoned Land."

Valkini sighed and said: "I can't believe that you will encounter such a terrible thing after we left... Swallowing World Tree, in this case, let me and Osfen stay here and help you."

These are two fierce generals. It would be best if they could stay in Jingshi.

Alice's examination showed that even if they were injured, their energy level was still between one million and two million. After missing for more than half a year, Osfin and Valkini's improvement was almost beyond Zhao Nan's expectation.

Perhaps in the abandoned land, the two of them also found their own adventures.

"Junior brother, there is one more thing." Valkini said a little embarrassedly: "The crystals that I originally said to give you were very inconvenient to carry. Osfin and I found a few places to bury them. If you don't know, you probably still remember them."

Zhao Nan smiled and said: "Since it seems that the senior brother and sister have worked hard, I will naturally not give it up casually. I understand your intentions. But I can't take it. I will find them all back. It is your property, so it is naturally yours... No one can touch it."

Valkini was not hypocritical, and smiled indifferently: "I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Junior brother has matured a lot."

Zhao Nan waved his hand, and Alice appeared in front of people in the blink of an eye.

"Alice, according to my sister's description, you can arrange some armed spacecraft to bring back the things after you have determined the location... In addition, arrange some unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. I want to search for the whereabouts of those people my sister mentioned." Zhao Nan stood up and said softly: "Some things can be concluded if they can be concluded." This is the first time I use the dividing line. Hello everyone, we meet for the first time =. =——————————————"Mr. Zhao Mu, we have been here for quite some time... Have you found what you need to find?" Behind the Khaki Temple, there is a huge mountain platform in the sky that towers into the clouds, and the wind blows. Zhao Mu looked at the ever-changing sea of ​​clouds calmly, shook his head and sighed in distress: "It seems that there is no one..." "Teacher, we have searched here inside and out, let alone people, we can't even see a living thing..." Xiaoyou sighed and said: "Is there really a passage leading to the abandoned land here?" Zhao Mu shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, after all, this is just a guess." The connection between Zhao Nan and Zhao Mu was not interrupted by the partition of the abandoned land. Although it was not convenient, it was not impossible to exchange information.

Later, Zhao Nan discovered a lot of people from the Palace of Truth. They were not the ones who risked their lives to pass through the passage. This made Zhao Nan curious. Based on Zero's strange actions that day, he even speculated that it was very likely that the Lord of Truth was still there. In addition, a channel is opened.

Either it's still on, or it's off. But Zhao Nan feels that it would be more reasonable to leave it on all the time. The reason was some strange particles he discovered existing in the body of the God's Chosen One.

The original inference was that the particles were able to reproduce themselves, which was why the communication distance of the Chosen Ones in the Abandoned Land gradually became longer. Later, Alice made a lot of observations. This kind of particles will not multiply automatically... Then the concentration of particles in the air gradually increases, and there is only one possibility. Such particles are constantly pouring into the abandoned place.

The Abandoned Land was originally sealed, so the question arises, how could other things pour into the sealed place?

Therefore, the speculation that there is a very possible entrance that is always open occupies the center point of almost all arguments. If this entrance and exit really exists, then Zhao Nan in the Abandoned Land can return to the paradise world through it.

If he had entered the Abandoned Land just to hunt for soul crystals. So Zhao Nan's achievements have far exceeded expectations on several occasions, so there is no need to stay.

Moreover, the changes in the paradise world were somewhat beyond Zhao Nan's guess. Tingfeng City couldn't just leave it alone, and naturally he couldn't continue to be the shopkeeper.

"There has been no communication for more than half a month. Is there still no news?" Zhao Mu turned around and asked.

Xiaoyou shook his head.

"Um...Mr. Zhao Mu, Miss Xiaoyou. Did you hear me again?"

A weak voice came, and Zhao Mu and Xiao You were startled. After hearing this, they looked at Lin Banyao behind them. Zhao Mu smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, I was thinking about something, and I really didn't pay attention to what you said, Banyao. "

Lin Banyao's cheeks twitched twice in embarrassment, and he quickly waved his hands and said: "Don't mind, don't mind, my sense of existence is very low to begin with. You said business is more important, haha, ha..."

Xiao You smiled and said, "Brother Lin, you should be more confident. As long as you speak a little louder, you can be heard, right?"

Lin Banyao smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Zhao Mu glanced at Xiaoyou, his eyes filled with helplessness. The time from outside the Xiangmo Icefield to the Khaki Temple. Lin Banyao's state of not communicating with others is really rare.

Basically, as long as Lin Banyao doesn't take the initiative to talk, he can stay silent for a day. Follow silently. But from his eyes, you can tell that he has many thoughts in his heart, but he refuses to speak.

"I'll go get some food." Xiaoyou shook his head and said, "By the way, I'll check out the area."

Zhao Mu said: "Be careful, this is the territory of the Sea Clan after all. Although they continued to penetrate deeper after destroying the Khaki Temple and the main site overseas, there are still some Sea Clan people there."

Although he would hear the same words every time he went out, Xiaoyou seemed to never tire of hearing them and turned around with a smile. Just left.

"Half-demon, actually you don't need to follow us." Zhao Mu suddenly said: "Thank you for your job of leading the way."

Lin Banyao quickly waved his hands and said: "Don't mind, don't mind. In fact, I don't have anything else to do. On the contrary, I will feel more at ease following you."

"An Xin?" Zhao Mu was stunned.

Lin Banyao shook his head and said: "I'm not afraid of jokes when I say it. In fact, I don't know why, but since I followed you, I feel a sense of peace of mind. I used to have nightmares and the like. But I haven't had it this time. ”

He walked to the edge of the cliff, looked at the ever-changing sea of ​​clouds with fear, held his heart in his hands and said: "I often dream that I have killed people, killed many people, and I always feel as if I am not myself. . It always feels like there is a beast living here...very scary."

Zhao Mu said softly: "You may be just too stressed. Relax. The world is actually a beautiful place."

Lin Banyao looked back at Zhao Mu and said, "But being able to stay by your side seems to have an incredible power that can always make people feel at ease."

He mustered up the courage he had in his life, "Um...Mr. Zhao, can you let me follow you all the time? Although I'm not good at fighting, I'm still somewhat confident when it comes to doing chores!"

Zhao Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid this won't work. If you follow us, you may encounter many dangerous... life-threatening dangers."

"Then...then I'm not afraid either." Lin Banyao took a deep breath and said, "I don't want to hide behind others anymore. I want to make some changes...real changes."

Lin Banyao said nervously: "If, if possible, can I call you teacher like Xiaoyou?"

Zhao Mu was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "I am actually not qualified to teach anyone. Xiaoyou calls me teacher because of some special reasons... However, companionship between people does not necessarily require Isn’t it the same with a teacher-student relationship?”

"Really, really!!"


Lin Banyao let out a big breath, and his expression became slightly excited, "Then, can I call you Brother Zhao?"

"Call me Ah Mu," Zhao Mu said with a smile.

Lin Banyao giggled for a moment, and then said: "Well, Brother Zhao, you have been looking for something for a while. Since you can't find it, why don't you try to search underground, or under the sea? Dig the ground. If it’s three feet, let’s try another direction..."

Zhao Mu was stunned for a moment, watching Lin Banyao disturb his head, and said with a wry smile: "You really... got yourself in."

Underground, under the sea... places that I really haven't noticed. (To be continued...)

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