Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 828 The Unlucky Little Wild Boar

The gray-body man who fled in terror did not even look at the stunning battleship that was entangled in the roots of the God-devouring World Tree and flew directly past.

However, the ground was covered with many transparent silk threads, which radiated and spread out, weaving a huge network.

Linglong looked quite charming in the red mist.

"They are all good children. Don't leave. Come down and act as my guard."

The Spider Queen controls living things like a puppet master controls a puppet. It's just that although this kind of spider web is vast, the gray body people who can control it don't live more than fifty.

Ability is limited after all.

But it does a lot of good.

At this time, the two huge cannon bodies that Tuoba Xiaocao was carrying on his shoulders flew out and formed into a ferocious firearm similar to a rifle in mid-air. Following his gaze, a huge beam of light instantly It was released against the shell of the stunning battleship.

The roots of the World Tree were shattered one after another. Taking advantage of this world, the gates on the Jingshi Battleship suddenly opened, and the unmanned fighter jets that had been prepared began to fly out in a row to clear obstacles.

Similar to the work that helps open blocked floodgates, there are several others.

Before the arrival of the disaster beast, everyone only regarded this kind of homework as warm-up preparation before the war.

In front of the bridge of the stunning battleship, Finina, dressed in white, waved the famous sword in her hand. Cold air was released, and the thick tree roots immediately froze into ice cubes and shattered into pieces of ice crystals along the street.

At this time, a sword light passed through her body and rushed out, cutting off more than a few pieces. Finina looked back and said in a daze: "Senior Sister Valkini? Why don't you have a good rest?"

Valkini chuckled lightly and took two steps to get to Finina's side. "Don't worry, we are not as fragile as we thought. Although we have not fully recovered, we still have the strength to kill."

She smiled beautifully, looked at a certain figure above the stunning battleship and said, "And that guy has never been someone who can live idle ever since he was born."

"Hahahaha, sir, I'm half-resurrected on the spot!!!"

"...Half state, what the hell is this?" Xu Yang, who rarely complained for once, sighed and moved his hands. Continuously flicking the dots of black light that dispersed in the air.

They serve as coordinates, which greatly saves everyone from clearing the tree roots blocking the door and the battleship's gun port.

The situation was relatively smooth.

However, at this time, Ye Ruofeng looked ahead as if facing a formidable enemy, calling to everyone: "Here we come!"


The beast of disaster, Komas and a strange Styx demon, such a strange combination, finally emerged from the red mist. Alsef closed the extremely long chain on his hand and pulled the demon back a little bit, roaring like a vicious dog.

"What the hell is this big guy..." Alsef raised his hand and looked up, amazed.

Komas frowned. "It seems to be one of the Sony clan's most precious treasures. Did you not expect that it would fall here?"

Alsef suddenly exclaimed, "Comes, the two guys who left last time are here too. I can smell their will... There are also several acquaintances here. It's really lively!" The guy Xiao Youn was afraid of was not found, but he encountered something quite interesting!”

Komas didn't speak, he just looked up and down at his surroundings.

One after another, figures shot out from all directions.

"Hey, little devil with three eyes. Long time no see." The first one to speak was the Black Spear King.

But the disaster beast didn't know who this guy was, and the eye that no longer bled on his forehead narrowed slightly. He scanned the people blocking the road one by one and asked curiously: "It seems there is one person missing?"

"Your life is missing!"

The Black Spear King sneered, holding the ferocious huge gun with both hands, and fired at the beast of disaster without saying a word. At this time, the Styx demon that was lying tamely next to Alsef suddenly burst out and opened its bloody mouth. He actually swallowed Tuoba Xiaocao's attack in one mouthful!

Its belly suddenly expanded, then contracted, spitting out a mouthful of gray mist, without any damage.

lv? ? ? Ewan Hutchison


Everyone's eyes widened because they were close enough to observe you. Only then did we really see some information about this Styx demon.

"Where have you heard this name before?"

"You are not alone, Xiaocao." Linglong said thoughtfully.

"It seems that the person who gave the Crimson Queen gem to Nan before was named Youn?" Finina has a good memory and quickly reacted.

At this time, Alsef smiled slyly and said: "Yes, this guy is the human being you know! He has pretty good blood. He was originally devoured by demons, but because of his blood, his spirit is immortal. The body was absorbed by the devil, but the spirit was swallowed up by the devil. Now in this guy’s body is a rare species of human soul! Isn’t my pet very powerful?”

Everyone looked at each other. It was already common sense that demons devoured living beings, but humans turned around and devoured demons... This was really unheard of.

"Little Yoon, dinner is ready..." Alsef licked the corners of his mouth and untied the chains on his hands, "Kill these guys to death!"

A huge roar sounded, and it rushed straight in.

The huge rifle in her hand split instantly and returned to Tuoba Xiaocao's back. She laughed evilly and said, "I've taken a liking to this evil bitch. Don't take action from any of you!"

Finina was stunned, and it was too late to stop her with words.

Although Tuoba Xiaocao has been frantically improving his strength since Torrent Iron Castle, after the war spirit evolved, the energy level under normal circumstances only just exceeded the value of 1.2 million.

Of course, it remains to be calculated how much the attack power level achieved by the combined use of spirit skills and skills can be achieved.

"Let Xiaocao handle it alone..." Linglong shook her head and said, "Compared to her, these two are more important now."

One is God's favorite, and the other is the former sub-god! Although neither of them has regained their former strength, they are opponents that cannot be underestimated.

"Ah, are you just trying to deal with the two of us?" Alsef smiled, "But you have to pay a price... huh?!"

A dark and huge arc-shaped sword light, with boiling flames rolling on it, fell from the sky without warning, instantly interrupting the words of the disaster beast.

The power of the sword light is astonishingly huge, but the most terrifying thing is the flames above the sword light. The moment he landed, a hundred-meter-long crack opened in the ground, and the flames spread even more.

The sea of ​​fire is complete.

"Beast of disaster, I am your opponent!!"

An unprecedented voice full of majestic fighting spirit came from Zhao Nan's mouth. In the mid-air, a large swath of sparks continued to rise around Zhao Nan's body, compressing large swaths of red mist around him. At this time, what he held in his hand was the source of countless sparks and fire.

The new staff after the successful fusion of the God-killing Armed Void Sword and the Soul-Eating Sword, a sword-shaped staff - the Void Soul-Eating Sword!

"It's you..."

In the sea of ​​​​fire, the beast of disaster, which could not get close to any flames, narrowed its eyes slightly. Mu Ran stretched out his hand, and a jet-black thunder struck from the sky and fell into its hand, transforming into a huge scythe!

It looks like the Scythe of Calamity, but it is actually highly compressed black thunder!

"I'll give you a good account of last time's calculations!" The beast of disaster laughed wildly, the black thunder sickle in his hand chirped, lightning shot out, and with astonishing power, it shot straight towards the sky towards Zhao Nan. Shoot!

A sharp light flashed in Zhao Nan's eyes, and he waved the Void Soul Eater on his hand suddenly.

The same dark arc-shaped sword light directly blocked the path of the disaster beast. The beast of calamity turned the thunder sickle in its hand disdainfully and laughed: "It's a joke!"

The sword light hit the rotating whirlpool of the sickle and disappeared in an instant. However, the disaster beast seemed to be deflated, and its face suddenly sank!

There was a shallow wound on its cheek!

The history is so similar!

"What the hell, what the hell is this?! Why does it hit me every time?!" The beast of disaster almost exploded with rage!

If it hadn't flashed instinctively just now, it wouldn't have been as simple as just scratching the face!

"Link, give me those things called potato chips."

In the command room, the Lord of Truth looked like he was watching an annual drama with strange expressions in his eyes. There was a smile on his face that couldn't be concealed, and he burst into laughter. "At the beginning, when this little wild boar was playing a prank, I didn't even bother to pay attention to it. Of course it's not to give its owner some face, but this little wild boar is actually a pitiful guy who is unlucky every day. The void sword's space cutting has a probability, which is the same for everyone, but it is the only hand bone after all. It's made to be a natural deterrent to the gods. Not to mention your bad luck, little wild boar. The space cutting is not 100% accurate. Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death!"

At this time, Alice stood motionless behind the Lord of Truth. Around her, screens opened one after another. After the cannon muzzles could be opened, they were mobilized one after another and aimed at the three beasts of disaster.

But suddenly she no longer knew how to command a world-shaking battleship!

"Little guy, this is a very good improvement, so don't interfere with this battle." The Lord of Truth smiled slightly, turned around and said, "You also hope that someone you care about can grow into a person who can Are you a big shot who is freed from this huge prison? Well... I'm right, the saint of the supernatural tribe... Your Excellency."


Alice took a deep breath and broke into a cold sweat. (To be continued...)

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