Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 829 Tuoba’s Pride

"I'm almost certain that you must be the most unlucky guy in the world... Read the latest and most complete novel"

Zhao Nan's words floated gently in the air, almost causing the disaster beast to spit out a mouthful of old blood. Alsef snorted coldly, "Wait until you can keep up with my speed! Even if the weapon is weird, it still won't work if the person using it is not good at it!"

Zhao Nan waved the void on his hand twice casually, and two arc-shaped sword lights shot out.

The beast of calamity no longer dares to touch these extremely weird sword lights. It turns into an afterimage, and the sword light only penetrates through its afterimage.

The movement of the beast of disaster is almost invisible. At the moment when its body turns around, you can only see a faint shadow.

Zhao Nan took a sharp breath and held up the Void Soul Devourer in his hand. Magic arrays as tall as people on all sides floated in front of him, behind him, and to his left and right.

At this time, the magic array silently sprayed out orange-red and blazing white flames. In the blink of an eye, a shocking sea of ​​​​fire hung in the air.

"You want to block me with this kind of thing? You are so naive!"

At the same time as the mocking words appeared, a huge crack was split open in the sea of ​​​​fire! This crack keeps growing! The target is Zhao Nan in the middle of the sea of ​​fire!

Only a loud noise was heard, and the entire sea of ​​​​fire was finally split open! But at this moment, a bright red figure suddenly shot out!

Taking advantage of the moment when the sea of ​​fire appeared, he also evolved his fighting soul and transformed into Zhao Nan in the form of the Dragon King!

"Beast of Disaster, the battle has only begun now, what are you proud of?"

In Dragon King form, Zhao Nan's speed suddenly increased! At this time, the Void Soul Eater did not integrate into Dragon Kai's gauntlet and become a sharp blade like the original Soul Eater Sword. But separated separately! It's just that there is a layer of dark red light attached to the black edge of the sword.

Fearing the attack of that strange weapon in his heart, the beast of disaster planned to make a quick victory. It snorted coldly, and the entire space followed its voice. Starting from its body, it showed the darkness of the expanding sphere's radiation.

It's like the world has turned gray!

"This is my little world. It seems that you have just recovered to this extent." The beast of disaster squinted and said with a proud smile: "In my little world, you have no luck at all!"

Zhao Nan paused in mid-air.

The method is to verify the words of the beast of disaster, and suddenly the stomach cramps - there is an urge to have diarrhea on the battlefield, which is really a bad thing!

If he didn't have the God-killing Badge on his body to increase domain resistance, he would probably have made a fool of himself by now, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Nan took a deep breath. He didn't know what the small world of the domain was, but it was just the words of the domain. He has it himself!

"I need to control whether my luck is good or bad! Get out of here!"

The sudden and violent shout made the disaster beast's heart beat inexplicably. In its small world of will, another will that is like a sharp sword and full of rebellion is being generated.

"It's just the first level of the realm. It's not even a god in itself. It's just a way to temporarily increase the combat power of a god..." The disaster beast said solemnly: "I hate you!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan suddenly held the Void Soul Eater upside down with both hands. Without any hesitation, the sword plunged straight into his abdomen!

The beast of disaster was stunned for almost an instant. Subconsciously: "Wow...even if you can't beat me, you don't have to commit suicide..."

But what surprised the Disaster Beast was that after the sword was thrust away, the opponent's speed surged again, and he actually ducked within three meters of it at a speed that exceeded the Disaster Beast's expectations. within!

The beast of disaster was startled. The sword light that gave it a severe headache narrowly missed its hair.

It's not that the beast of disaster is destined to die, but that Zhao Nan's sword missed the target! The reason for the missed cut was...his hand cramped for no apparent reason while attacking...

"How can you actually be affected by such a small impact in Alsef's disaster world?" On the ground, Komes frowned, ever since Zhao Nan appeared. He felt an inexplicable revulsion, as if he had seen a natural enemy, and he had an urge to kill him.

Under this impulse, Komas unconsciously stretched out his five fingers, and the center of his palm was locking Zhao Nan's position.

But at this moment, two huge sword lights struck at the same time!

A cold abnormality!

An extremely powerful one!

Feinina, dressed in white, was seen holding her sword in front of her. Her eyes fell sharply on Komes, and she said in a less than polite tone: "I won't let you make a sneak attack!"

"Let's settle the accounts from last time carefully today."

Standing side by side with Finina is Valkini!

Komes frowned slightly and suddenly tightened a little. Not only the two women holding swords, but also several guys, all looked at me with unusual vigilance.

Osfen, Xu Yang, Yue, Ye Ruofeng, and Linglong!

"Are you going to deal with me with seven of them?" Komes shook his head, looked at Osfen and said, "You haven't recovered from your last injury, have you? Didn't you feel the gap between us last time? More Not to mention the current situation?”

Osfen's eyes suddenly lit up and he laughed wildly: "Master, I have been alone for the first half of my life. It took more than two hundred years to become nothing more than a legend... Do you know why?"

Komes was stunned for a moment, but found it interesting and said, "Maybe your qualifications are too poor?"

"Yes, young master, I am just a poor student who is not suitable for practicing peacefully, hahaha!" Osfen laughed wildly. Like Zhao Nan, an even bigger magic circle flashed out in the sky, spinning crazily. !

I saw that the four magic arrays suddenly merged into one, and there was a huge roar, and the huge flame dragon head rushed out from the magic array... one after another, there were actually nine flames. Dragon head!

The dragon's head bit towards Komas at the same time!

"Is it this trick again? I've already used it last time." Komas shook his head and remained motionless. A strange and shining shield suddenly appeared in front of him.

The nine-headed fire dragon instantly entangled together, spiraled, and slammed into the shield in front of Komax! Almost instantly. The earth melted and a deep pit came out!

At this time, in the deep pit, Komes frowned and looked thoughtfully at his palms with some white eyes... At the last moment, the shield shattered, causing him to instinctively resist with his palms. Come down. It seems to be much stronger than last time.

Before he could think deeply, a sharp sword light struck out from Valkini's sword.

"Osfen... once he fights, he can't stop. The reason why he has stayed in the legend for two hundred years is just because the previous generation did not let him fight." Valkini chuckled, like a dragon. , passing by Osfen, heading straight for Comes.

Komas, who had just summoned a shield and flashed his sword, waved his hand, and the shield shot out flatly, quickly expanding into a ten-meter-high wall. Blocking Valkini.

"Do you keep getting stronger during the battle?" Komax chuckled and said: "Okay, let me see how you have grown...Eternal Seven-Heaven Shield!"

One side is seven sides, and the seven sides of the shield are different from each other.

"Let's not be idle anymore." Finina looked back at everyone and took a steady step, "I will be the main attacker, Xiaofeng and Sister Xu Yang will be the assistants. Yue and Sister Linglong will be responsible for switching attacks with me! "

"Okay... I haven't tried to form a team like this for a long time to push the boss."

"Go ahead!" Finina yelled.

The famous sword was waved, and there was a road of snowflakes in front of him.

at this time. From the huge four-in-one magic circle, a huge flaming nine-headed dragon broke out and slammed into Komes.

The loud sound can make people's ears hurt even from a distance of more than ten kilometers.

In addition to the pain in his ears, Tuoba Xiaocao felt that his whole body was in pain... so painful that he almost felt like he would die if he took a single breath.

The other side of the amazing battleship. Tuoba Xiaocao, who was wearing heavy armor, was shot out from behind Youn, and suddenly split into five tail-like objects that strangled his limbs and neck, and he moved high.

"What the hell..." Tuoba Xiaocao moved his head with difficulty in this state. Even if he extracts the healing potion from his personal space, he won't be able to drink it at all...

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, Demon Youn hit Tuoba Xiaocao's abdominal cavity with his fists crazily. Even if it was armor with extremely high defense, the intensity transmitted through it at this time made Tuoba Xiaocao's little health begin to go crazy. Fall up.

Death is extremely close.

Suddenly, Demon Youn's attack stopped, and he could only hear him letting out a cold laugh, "I won't kill you just like this, I will torture you well, and then you will suffer all the pain. Dare to die in despair, hahaha!”

"Ahem... you still have sense?" Tuoba Xiaocao said in disbelief.

"Reason?" Demon Youn said with a cold smile: "Do you really think I will succumb to the power of those two guys? Hahaha, I am just gaining strength! Now he treats me like a dog So what? Provide me with fresh creatures as food every day. Sooner or later, I will have the power to surpass it, and then I will return all the humiliation to Alsef!"

Tuoba Xiaocao scoffed disdainfully: "You are just like this, you are neither human nor ghost... You can actually swallow the spirit of the devil. It is really an example of God's blindness. Look at your appearance, It’s really disgusting for four people!”

Demon Youn's eyes suddenly widened, and he opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth, and said bitterly: "Who do you think made me like this? Isn't it because of that guy? My future has changed. Things are bright. As long as I get out of the abandoned place and my teacher regains his original strength, I will definitely be able to inherit the throne of the great country! But everything has changed since you appeared in front of me! ! "

Tuoba Xiaocao sneered: "I don't have the ability... ahem... just blame others?"

Demon Youn said ferociously: "No strength? Hahaha, my teacher was swallowed by me a long time ago. Now I am more powerful than the teacher, and more powerful than you! After I have swallowed enough creatures, my power will continue to grow. , Who else in this world can deal with me? You are just a tough talker now..."

The Youn demon made the tails that were strangling Tuoba Xiaocao exert force at the same time, and looked at Tuoba Xiaocao who was struggling in pain and said: "Hahaha, how is it? You are being tortured by me who looks down on you. Does it feel good?"


"Keep talking tough! I will torture you until you beg for mercy, and then swallow you into my body!" The Youn demon laughed, and the ugly demon body gradually changed, turning into the posture of Youn as a human, naked, "But before swallowing you. Just let me have a good time! Although you have a bad personality, you are still good as a woman. Don't worry, I will tear off this turtle shell on your body piece by piece, hahaha..."


Tuoba Xiaocao gritted his teeth, but he didn't resist anything about sex, but if the object was such a disgusting guy, he really couldn't accept it! !

Black Gun King, Tuoba Xiaocao... Is it just this extent?

The huge force wrapped around his body. Almost suffocated... It seemed that the crisis in front of me had never been encountered before. Even in the worst situation, I always had a way to get out of it.

But this time it seemed that there was really no way... Do I need to ask for help?

Thinking of this, Tuoba Xiaocao subconsciously thought of asking Linglong for help, but not long ago, the team between her and Linglong was suddenly dissolved. It seemed that Linglong was teaming up with Finina to fight monsters, right? They were also fighting hard. Is it too late to ask for help at this time? Is it suitable?


The heavy armor on his body. It was lifted in an instant, and Tengshe Tengzi turned into its original state. He collapsed to the ground helplessly, struggling to support himself.

Without the protection of the armor on his body, Tuoba Xiaocao could feel the strength of the tails more. Because of the difficulty in breathing, his face had already turned pale.

The guy in front of him actually started to get excited at this time.

So. Men and the like, I have looked down on them since I was born!

You En licked his lips, slowly stretched out his hand towards Tuoba Xiaocao, and gradually approached. Closer, closer!

"Fuck... If you dare to touch me, cough cough, I will kill you!!"

"Hahahaha, I want to fuck you! Anyway, you must have been fucked many times by that guy, right? I want to fuck his woman well!"

"Fuck you!!" Tuoba Xiaocao widened his eyes and spit out a mouthful of blood: "Who is the woman of that bastard! ! I... fuck, if you dare... cough cough, come closer, I will chop you off!!"

"Chop you off if you have the guts?" You En laughed.

After being enslaved by the beast of disaster for a long time, becoming a demon and being confused for a long time, suffering inhuman pain, there is finally a day when he can be liberated!

He has never been so happy mentally like today. Is this the pleasure brought by the so-called absolute power? That is really something that no amount of money can buy!

This woman, I'm going to enjoy it!

My hand is about to touch the target!

My hand... has no feeling, suddenly!!


A scream came, and Youen looked at his broken wrist in disbelief, blood gushing out, and a piercing pain spread throughout his body! At this moment, several more waves of pain came. The five tails that were separated also broke together!

In front of him, a huge figure appeared, and a little blood was dripping on the strange blue and black long sword in his hand! It was this murder weapon that cut off his wrist and tail at that moment!

"It's... you!!"

There's no mistake, although he was wearing a special Dragon Kai, at least the smell is right... This is the culprit who caused his current appearance, Zhao Nan!!

The instinctively terrified Youen Demon suddenly retreated. Just as he was thinking, a huge force hit his shoulder, and Youen Demon was smashed to the ground!

On his body, stood the beast of disaster... the master he was more afraid of!

The beast of disaster smiled repeatedly, squinting his eyes and looking down, "Little Youen, I heard what you just said clearly, it seems that I have been too kind to you recently..."

"No, no, no, no... Master, I am not, I definitely am not... I said that to irritate the other party!" Youen Demon Alliance begged for mercy in fear: "Master, I have no intention of resisting you at all, you must believe me!!"

The beast of disaster chuckled and said, "I don't believe you! But it doesn't matter, thanks to you. That guy let me cut him!"

Tuoba Xiaocao, who had just escaped and fell to the ground, struggled to stand up. Hearing this, he subconsciously raised his eyes and almost stopped breathing.

At this moment, Zhao Nan's body, from the left shoulder to the right waist. There was a shocking wound. Tuoba Xiaocao felt the ground was sticky. He looked down and saw a pool of blood on the ground... flowing down from Zhao Nan's legs to the ground.

"You almost died to save someone... It seems you have weaknesses too." The beast of disaster put the sickle on his shoulder and looked at him sideways, "This wound can't be healed just like that... Even if you are the chosen one of God."

The armor on Long Zhikai's head opened a hole, and Zhao Nan quickly bit into an instant blood recovery potion... However, the health that was restored instantly began to regress again, and the huge trauma on his body began. It can't be healed!

It was actually a negative state of continuous bleeding!

"You... how are you?" Tuoba Xiaocao stood up and asked.

Zhao Nan shook his head, "If you can't die... if you continue to bleed, it will be troublesome at best."

"Don't hold on, what trouble is this amount of bleeding? It could kill you in a minute, okay?" Tuoba Xiaocao said angrily: "Who asked you to save me!"

Zhao Nan said with a rare smile: "I'm already crying like this, and I don't know who is holding on."

"Mom, when did I..." Tuoba Xiaocao was stunned and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his face. Damn, there were actually two lines of tears on his face that hadn't dried yet. "...This is sand! I forgot about it! it!!"

"This is the Tuoba Xiaocao I know." Zhao Nan shook his head. "A woman who led me into the XL world and taught me spiritual skills. The woman with the worst character in the world."

"Fuck! Don't you dare say that again!!"

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and struck Tuoba Xiaocao with the Void Soul-Eating Time in his hand!

This almost made Tuoba Xiaocao unable to believe it... However, this attack was not as painful as expected.

Zhao Nan suddenly drank another instant blood potion, dragged his body spurting blood, and quickly moved in front of the beast of disaster!

"Let's see how much blood you can bleed!" The disaster beast's eyes narrowed and it stepped forward! The dark thunder sickle in his hand collided with the Void Soul-Eating Sword again!

But it retreated in an instant. The sword light above the Void Soul Eater only hit an afterimage! Looking up again, the beast of disaster was already leaning down in mid-air.

Zhao Nan suddenly shouted: "Tuoba, if you're unhappy, just kill that demon and then bring bad luck to me!"

Said. A large number of sharp stone swords appeared on the ground, shooting into the sky, and clanking when the beast of disaster blocked it with its sickle!

Coming in a hurry, leaving in a hurry, the battle between the two begins again.

"This... idiot!"

Tuoba Xiaocao stared at the back of Juechen with hatred, waved his hand and poured in a bottle of instant blood, and a strange and strong momentum surged out of his body inexplicably!

One of the original abilities of the Void Sword: the ability of the **Blade.

At this time, Demon Yoon quietly got up, and his broken wrist and tail quickly grew back. He wiped his face, his expression gloomy.

Now that the beast of disaster has discovered that it has not been completely tamed, it will definitely be uncomfortable next time, so it is better to escape now! With his current ability, it will continue to devour creatures every day, and one day it will surpass Alsef!

Just go, no hesitation!

But at this moment, a beam of light hit its body, causing a medium-deep wound. Demon Youn looked back ferociously, "Bitch, do you really think I dare not kill you? If I can defeat you once, I will do it a second time! Master, I am leaving now, so just go with me!"

As he said that, the tail extended crazily and once again stunned Tuoba Xiaocao's limbs.

"Mom, there are so many things that I am unhappy about..." Tuoba Xiaocao lowered his head and muttered to himself.

The strength of the tail was surprisingly unable to move to Tuoba Xiaocao's body. Demon Youn frowned and subconsciously stepped up his strength.

However, Tuoba Xiaocao remained motionless.

"I'm not happy with that girl who was brought into the xl world by me, and she surpassed me not long after... I'm not happy with what that girl did to me in the Star Spirit World... I'm not happy with what you, this disgusting guy, did to me... I'm not happy with what that disgusting guy like you did to me... In the end, I am still so weak..."


The Snake Tengzi, which had just recovered a little blood, suddenly shot out, turned into a colorful beam of light, and fell into Tuoba Xiaocao's body! Reactivating the heavy equipment that appeared, the tail of the Yoon demon was expelled in an instant.

The armor on his body was all opened at this time.

"The most unhappy, the most unhappy, the most unhappy, the most unhappy, the most unhappy!! The most unhappy thing is... who asked you to come and save me!!!!"

A powerful and incredible force, but somewhat different from the power of will, made Demon Yoon's body unable to move in an instant!

Where he was, the land around him sank in an instant.

"Ten Thousand Booms? Snake Cannon!!"

It was inexplicably terrifying. Hundreds of beams of light shot out from the Black Spear King, aiming at the sinking land on that side and bombing indiscriminately!

At this time, the king's mark on the back of Tuoba Xiaocao's hand shone brightly and completely turned into black.

In an unprecedented rage, the Black Spear King's spirit skill broke through to the third stage!

The terrifying attack lasted for several minutes, and dust was flying everywhere. Whether it was rocks, gravel, roots of the World Tree, or anything else, everything was reduced to ashes at this moment.

The attack finally stopped, and a large amount of hot mist emerged from Tuoba Xiaocao's body. The heavy armor on his body fell off at this time, and the dying snake Fujiko returned to the pet space instantly.

Tuoba Xiaocao gasped for air, held a special weapon magic gun in his hand, and dragged his body forward.

In the dust, Demon Youn's body was like rotten meat, stuck in a puddle on the concave surface that almost turned into a mirror-like surface due to the high temperature, moving with difficulty.

Tuoba Xiaocao finally dragged herself up to him, pointing the gun diagonally in her hand.

"Don't... I was wrong... don't, don't, don't... I will give you money... give you money..."



With just an ordinary blow, the most important piece of meat on Demon Yoon's body was easily punched through a hole.

Screaming miserably, Demon Yoon stretched out his hand with all his last strength, but halfway, he collapsed weakly to the ground.

Tuoba Xiaocao let out a long breath, took out a carton of cigarettes from his personal space, lit one, took a puff and blew out into the sky.

Smoke filled the air.

"Don't die, you bastard, otherwise I will bring trouble to someone else!"

After taking another breath, the Black Spear King fell to the ground, unconscious.

ps: Don’t wait for Chapter 2, it’s two in one today…see you tomorrow. (To be continued...)

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