Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 831 The only direction of everything

Similar to the situation when Alice was holding Zhao Nan, a certain gray bristle pig with two small tusks was also held by the Lord of Truth. . .

In another separate room like a reception room.

"Speaking of which... what's going on with these clothes and hair?" The Lord of Truth looked at Zhao Nan in surprise and said, "So you still have this hobby?"

The perm hair that is parted in the middle on the head is attached with a hairspray called "hairspray that cannot be washed off within a day." ’

The black and white clothes he wears, and the ones that cover his hands and feet, are a kind of "penguin suit" that cannot be taken off for six hours once it is put on. It has extremely high frost resistance.

Zhao Nan, who had a dark face and dull eyes, did not listen to the words of the Lord of Truth at all, and did not answer the question. It's just that there is already countless anger brewing in my heart, and it will only explode when it can explode.

A sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Anyway, you will definitely die miserably after committing suicide, so you must make yourself feel good before you die miserably!!" Such sighs... were spoken by Tuoba Xiaocao an hour ago.

Because the overall effect seemed to be very good, they did not receive any objections. Instead, they became temporary child models. Each one used at least three photo crystals...

Since the beast of disaster was brought back to the battleship by the Lord of Truth, it has become what it is now. It can't even speak. When it opens, it can only say "moo" and "moo", so it simply doesn't speak.

I heard that the power is completely sealed. If you want, you can just wash it and put spices on it and roast it on the fire.

The two people who had a big fight not long ago seemed to be experiencing the same situation now. They were staring at each other with big eyes, cold and sharp.

Zhao Nan rubbed his troubled eyes. He asked expressionlessly: "You can start talking about...the details of the Hundred Clans War."

Although there is a calm expression on his face, it would be a lie to say that he is not expecting anything in his heart... After all, the time he has been tracing is almost equal to the time since the catastrophe until now.

The Lord of Truth nodded and suddenly lost all integrity: "Can it be summarized in twenty words?"

Zhao Nan didn't have the exposed expression expected by the Lord of Truth. He just nodded and said: "Okay. But the twenty characters must contain the identity of 'Dilna', the protagonist of the Hundred Clans War, her results after the war, and What is the so-called technology stolen from the One God, and the whereabouts of all the sub-level gods who disappeared after the Hundred Clans War."

The Lord of Truth smiled awkwardly and said, "...let's start from the beginning."


The Lord of Truth cleared his throat, and his voice suddenly became serious, "Well... Let's talk about it from the 'technical' level first? Let's put it this way, you should know that it is the eighth era now, and understand that every Are the civilizations of this era different?"

Zhao Nan nodded.

The Lord of Truth said: "Every civilization is different. But in fact, every clear text has some connections with each other. It is a bit vague to live like this, so I will use examples. For example, the beast-controlling demon you know A civilization is actually a blend of some of the essence extracted from the two civilizations of the Warcraft Clan and the Gray Body Human Clan. For example, the civilization of the Styx Demon, or creatures like the Styx Demon, is the result of the alchemy civilization and the civilization of the Gray Body. The crystallization of the Warcraft civilization. As for the superhuman race, it is a combination of the development of human potential in the world of the Sony race and the physical ability of the gray body race. As for the Warcraft clan, it is relatively simple. It appeared automatically through the natural selection of the paradise world after the destruction of the Sony clan's civilization. It seems to be caused by the large amount of waste materials produced by the Sony clan's rapid development of technology. , after the destruction of Mingwen, these waste materials caused the bodies of some extremely tenacious creatures to mutate. Then there is the Alchemy Tribe. The purpose of the Alchemy Tribe in exploring the truth of matter is the same as that of the Sony Tribe. The themes are different. The Sony clan is about greed for knowledge, while the Alchemy clan is about the pursuit of creation.”

The Lord of Truth paused, took a sip of water and said: "So the order of the first seven civilizations is like this; the Sony clan, the Warcraft clan, the gray-body human clan, the beast-controlling demon clan, the alchemy clan, the supernatural clan, and the Styx demon clan. ”

Zhao Nan frowned slightly. Subconsciously: "What about the civilization of the eighth era?"

"A blend of the Superpower Tribe, the Sony Tribe, the Alchemist Tribe, and the Warcraft Tribe." The Lord of Truth said calmly: "For example, the magic technology you know can actually see the shadow of 'technology' and 'alchemy'. It should be said that it is the middle zone between the two. The multi-racial creatures that exist in the paradise world now are based on the concepts of 'gene' and 'species' of the Sony clan and the Warcraft clan, and the abilities of professionals are supernatural powers. Yours evolved from the 'superpowers' of the clan... As for the field of will, you can say it is the fusion of the particularly powerful 'spiritual powers' of the superpower clan and the 'material composition' of the alchemical civilization. Well, there are many examples. If you think about it for a while, you should be able to identify most of them. Of course, it won’t be of much use if you don’t identify them. After all, even if you can see other shadows, this civilization’s Existence is already independent."

Zhao Nan seemed to have thought of something wrong and thought: "The paradise of the eighth era... is the only one within the will? Isn't there a conflict between the previous civilizations?"

The Lord of Truth said seriously: "Let's put it this way, the so-called uniqueness should really be understood as 'the only direction of everything'. For example, if you want to go from one city to another, there will not be only one road. Okay. It is ever-changing, but there is only one thing that will not change, that is, no matter what the path, its ultimate goal is to reach the concept of another city. The only existence is in this concept, so its ability. , in the eighth era, it is the ability of will that all beings in the eighth era pursue... If you say this, you should be able to understand it, right? "

Zhao Nan closed his eyes, opened them after a moment, nodded and said, "You can continue."

"Because the only thing is in the concept of 'the only direction of everything', it itself possesses 'everything'. The technology that lady stole was actually stolen from this 'concept'. Some previous era civilizations Possessed, but failed to appear in this era, or the 'only' felt that there was no need to appear, or it might even appear that it would only produce something that even he had not expected, beyond the concept of 'pointing'. "The Lord of Truth. He said softly: "But to reach that level, which lady is also the most outstanding... She was even once considered to be the real son of God-killer and was supported by the world."

"What is the technology she stole?"

"Well, it's almost like huge combat weapons similar to the amazing battleship we are in now, as well as some of the alchemy clan's 'material replacement' technology." The Lord of Truth smiled and said: "Because I understand that magic Technology contains the shadow of 'technology', so magic technology is used to reproduce this overlord galloping in the sky...the God-Slaying Battleship."

"That lady used the technology of 'material replacement' to greatly transform the resources in the paradise world. Under her leadership, hundreds of tribes frantically created the God-Slaying Battleship and built the Tower of Babel... It's a pity that in the end God-killing still failed. Only when civilization has reached its peak can we become qualified to kill gods. However, the development of the Eighth Age was indeed abnormal, and there was no longer a concept of "direction", so the only remaining anger must be eliminated. Once this deformed existence was destroyed, even the original progress of civilization was set back a lot. And with the lie of "I will not destroy this era", Dilna was left in a powerful position. Among the powerful people, comments such as "Oh, this era could have existed forever, but this woman caused the destruction of living beings for her own selfish desires" are actually just to prevent those. A guy with great strength will do things that will continue to bring this civilization to its abnormal peak.”

"So this is the origin of world heroes and traitors?" Zhao Nan let out a long breath and suddenly frowned: "But how do you know that is a lie?"

"I just know..." The Lord of Truth smiled.

Obviously there will be no answer to this, Zhao Nan shook his head: "Where are the sub-gods? Since they are killing gods, what happened to the temple alliance? After the war between the hundreds of tribes, all the sub-gods... well, they almost disappeared. They were the only ones left. Cleared?"

When he heard that the guy in front of him was still jumping around, Zhao Nan had no choice but to make all the changes tactful.

The Lord of Truth said: "Well, a small part was maimed and sealed in many places in the world. As for most of them, they died and were reincarnated in various parts of the world. In some reincarnations, they did not have the ability to re-consolidate their godhead. Some of them really died before they even reached the level of divine beings. Some of them have been cultivating all the way, but they haven't been able to re-condensate their divine personality, so they haven't awakened yet... Or there are still some guys who are hiding quietly because they are thinking about something. What, so I never show up."

Are you starting to feel sleepy?

A strong feeling of sleep came over, and Zhao Nanqiang opened his eyes, "Tell me, who is Dilna?"

The Lord of Truth pinched the flesh of the beast of disaster, squinted and said, "It seems to be the ancestor of your current wife... Her Highness the Empress of a certain period in the history of the Empire of Night."

Between gasps.

The Sandman was raging, and Zhao Nan lay down directly.

Alice frowned, but the Lord of Truth smiled and said: "It's hard for this guy. The child has to go to bed. What are you doing staying up so late?"

At this time, the Lord of Truth suddenly stood up, stretched and said, "Miss Alice, can you send me an armed spaceship?"

"Huh?" (To be continued...)

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