Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 832: Xiao Zhao Nan’s Night (Part 1)

"Master...are you planning to leave now?"

"Well, I really plan to live and eat for free. I can't afford the rent anymore... and I'm very fair. I will continue to guide and be guided by other Sons of God Slayer. Don't say I'm partial. ...But if you can get an armed spaceship, it’s still a profit.”

At a very high altitude, the Lord of Truth drove the armed spacecraft obtained from the Jingshi Battleship with great interest, and continued to create various tricks in the clouds.

Link shook his head. From following this master to now, he still couldn't figure out what the master was thinking. Moreover... they gave away two pieces of god-killing weapons, and even Augustus and Olga stayed. This is not just partiality.

But this cannot be said.

"Ah! I've always wanted to fly a Sony spaceship. Gee, this feels really good." The Lord of Truth's eyes shone.

Stirring the flowing clouds in the sky, he turned his head enthusiastically: "Link, let's take turns...ahem..."

While speaking, he coughed softly, and large mouthfuls of blood spit out from the mouth of the Lord of Truth.

Link was shocked.

The Lord of Truth shook his head, wiped away the blood on his mouth with his hand, and said with half-open eyes: "I got used to vomiting and vomiting... I have lived long enough... cough cough."

Naughty children are lethargic. At the same time, naughty children also wake up early, especially naughty children with adult thoughts, so they wake up even faster.

The moment he opened his eyes, Zhao Nan understood why little Youni always crawled into bed in the middle of the night and climbed on top of him...

"Hey, you woke up?" Alice asked in surprise.

Zhao Nan frowned, realizing that he seemed to have been being held all this time, so he tried to struggle hard. After realizing that his efforts seemed to be in vain, he said helplessly: "How long has it been?"

"Seventy-nine minutes and thirty-six seconds."

Zhao Nan was stunned. He was still in this quiet reception room, but the Lord of Truth was no longer visible.

"That guy?"

"After you fell asleep, he robbed one of our armed spaceships and left with the wild boar and the servants." Alice sighed: "You don't want to see me trying to stop him. Let the Jingshi Battleship Did it crash?"

Well... with Link's combat power, if he was about to cause trouble on the battleship, no one except Augustus would be able to really stop him. The question is whether Augustus will take action or not.

There was a letter on the coffee table in front of him.

The letter contained instructions on how to lift the curse of the 'sun'. From the sudden increase in levels of Finina and the others, the secrets of the war between hundreds of tribes, to this method to solve the curse, the Lord of Truth has really fulfilled his promise.

Zhao Nan sat blankly without saying a word.

I started to think about this battle. Needless to say, Finina and the others have improved. Now they are three or four levels higher than me. As for Tuoba Xiaocao, what is even more rare is that when dealing with the Youn Demon, the spirit skill has evolved to the third stage... I am afraid that he is the first king in the XL world to reach the third stage. As for the battle between Zhao Nan and Calamity. Although he was not able to kill this guy in the end, in the end, he used the Blade of the Evil King to improve his will field, and the small world was almost filled with disaster beasts. It seemed that in the process, Zhao Nan vaguely had some A very intuitive understanding of the small world of the domain.

He couldn't tell what it felt like.

But it seems that what was originally unchanged and ungraspable now has a vague shadow... Will is the theme of civilization in this era. Having an understanding of will is not simply comparable to increasing the experience points of several levels.

In this way...even though the beast of disaster was let go. But the benefits that Zhao Nan and his party gained were much more than directly killing the beast of disaster.

But after thinking about it carefully again, after knowing about the war between hundreds of tribes, more doubts came.

For example, what method did Dilna use to steal technology?

The Lord of Truth didn't seem to say anything about Dilna's final whereabouts. Anyway, Zhao Nan was bluffed by the large amount of truth at that time, and did not have time to miss anything in the Lord of Truth's words.

As for the final question about Dilna's true caused Zhao Nan to feel huge waves in his heart.

Her Royal Highness the Empress of a certain period in the history of the Empire of Night... The empress of a certain person in the Empire of Night, is naturally the ancestor of Finina, the current princess of the Empire of Night, and the Black Princess. No wonder I saw it in my dream. Dilna looks almost exactly like Finina.

"Alice...I want some peace and quiet."

Zhao Nan finally spoke. Alice was stunned, then nodded, and let go of her hands with some reluctance: "Then I will continue to follow up on the research on World Tree. The words of the Lord of Truth before gave me some ideas. , perhaps we can analyze it from some data on the alchemy clan."

"Please." Zhao Nan nodded.

"I will turn off most of the sensors during this period. I will use all my strength to calculate, so I have set up a voice control effect for you. If necessary, just turn on the voice, and the center will respond to your request."

Zhao Nan nodded.

Alice stood up and suddenly touched Zhao Nan's forehead with her lips, and then hummed: "It's best if you stay like this for the rest of your life. You'll be much cuter than when you were an adult... Forget about it!"

It was simply incoherent.

But it disappeared.

Zhao Nan shook his head and suddenly thought that he needed to discuss the matter with Xiao Youni about Dilna. But when he was about to call, he realized that at the current time, the mother and daughter were probably already asleep, right?

After a round of fighting, although the level has been improved, I am still really tired mentally.

Suddenly a not-so-good feeling appeared, and Zhao Nan shook his head. His body had become smaller, and even his functions had completely degraded to the state of a toddler.

He climbed down from the sofa. Ever since he came back from the Star Spirit Realm, he had almost forgotten this feeling of rejuvenation.

"Open the door."

Even the ability of mental powers has disappeared, and all you have to do is control the equipment on the battleship with your voice, "Call me a small transport truck and set the destination point...the nearest toilet..."

Although since acquiring the amazing battleship. This is almost a new place for everyone to live. But as a product of the Sony family, there are very few toilets on the battleship. Even places like bathrooms, kitchens, etc. were all made by Alice later when she repaired the battleship.

In the residential area of ​​the Sony tribe itself, there are no Sony crew members. There are many vacant rooms, and this kind of renovation is also quite convenient.

Basically, an area was set aside specifically for Zhao Nan and his party to live in.

" Finina's ancestor..."

Sitting on the small transport truck, enjoying the breeze, Zhao Nan murmured to himself. This fun seems a bit too much.

Then if this is this period of history, as the real princess of the Empire of Night, how could Xiao Yuni not know this? Can we directly rule out the possibility that Xiao Yuni deceived him... In other words, this history was concealed by the Empire of Night... Even by those who knew the truth?

We don’t want the peak of deformed civilization to appear again in the eighth era of the paradise... So all this was achieved in accordance with the only expectation. Let Dilna be forgotten in the eyes of the world.

"That makes sense...the problem is...huh?" Zhao Nan's face suddenly changed slightly, and he said without any thought: "Change the channel!"

Damn, this person has become smaller. It seems that even his luck has gotten worse... Zhao Nan even wondered if the effects of the small world of disaster still remained on him after the battle with the beast of disaster!

Otherwise, how could I meet the guy with the worst personality on the entire battleship on his way to the toilet in the middle of the night! ! ! !

This unscientific! !

If this woman is not enjoying herself in her room, what is she doing walking in the passage of the cabin?

At this time, Tuoba Xiaocao was sitting on the window sill of the cabin passage, wearing cool pajamas, leaning his head and looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking. He was holding a bottle of wine in his hand that had already been drunk, and his performance on the ground was even more impressive. A dozen full bottles were empty.

As if hearing the movement, Tuoba Xiaocao looked over drunkenly.

"Requesting entry of channel destination."

"No matter what, return soon as possible."

"Yo...where are you going?"

Suddenly, the careful transport vehicle sank. That was because an adult body fell directly from above. Tuoba narrowed his eyes blindly and burped. A smell of alcohol.

"Go back to the room." Zhao Nan said calmly.


It seemed that he was really drunk. Tuoba Xiaocao responded and sat down in a daze.

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little relieved. In this situation, it was okay to get out of the car quietly and let the speeding car take Tuoba Xiaocao away.

" you want to drink?"

"Not interested." Zhao Nan shook his head.

The flying car stopped at this time. He started to crawl down. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, the back collar of the 'Penguin Suit' was kicked up. As soon as Zhao Nan's legs were free, he was hugged by Tuoba Xiaocao, a drunken pervert.

He shoved the wine bottle in his hand violently and harshly, "Drink, drink, hahahaha..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhao Nan violently pushed away the bitch's child-abuse hands, stood up unsteadily, turned around angrily, and said angrily: "The defense system is activated, the target is this female creature, the attack level... is completely eliminated! !”

"As you command!"

On the walls at a distance from the passage, decks were opened one after another, and gun barrels as thick as an arm popped out, and as quickly as possible, they locked onto Tuoba Xiaocao, who had an unknown age.

Unexpectedly, the Black Spear King suddenly sneered, as if by instinct, a white light flashed on his hand, and the skill magic gun appeared in his palm, and he activated it without thinking.

Dozens of white lights shot out, and the defensive weapons on the wall that had not had time to attack were all blown up!

Then the magic gun slowly slid down and pointed at Zhao Nan's eyebrows. Tuoba Xiaocao almost couldn't open his drunken eyes, "So... hiccup... men... are the most annoying... The dead light is gone...hiccup..."

"Speed ​​car, side..."

Zhao Nan's original intention was to let the speeding car spin around so that he could escape from danger after the guy lost his balance. Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked! ! !

The mouth was blocked by Tuoba Xiaocao! !

This shipped! god! through! Got it! ! (To be continued...)

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