Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 833: Xiao Zhao Nan’s Night (Part 2)

The physical gap caused by becoming powerless was too huge. After a moment of loss of consciousness, Zhao Nan was pinned down.

This development was simply unexpected.

Zhao Nan's big head felt dizzy...that damn alcohol had taken effect so quickly. Even if you don't drink often and have an average alcohol capacity, the reason why you can't hold it is because of your current body.

We have to think of some solutions quickly.

Tsk... Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly raised his body with a sound of pain. It turned out that his tongue was bitten. Taking advantage of this situation, Zhao Nan quickly got out, staggeringly holding on to the seat of the speed car and getting up, feeling sleepy again, with stars in his eyes.

"What... Sure enough, a man's kiss... hiccup, hiccup... is not comfortable at all..." Tuoba Xiaocao lowered his head and touched his lips, his face was dull, and his sitting posture was a little unstable.

"Send me ten drones... come here!!"

Of course, in the period before the fighter plane arrives, in order to prevent Tuoba Xiaocao from continuing to go crazy, Zhao Nan needs to get out of the flying car. He once again crawled towards the edge of the speeding car.

Unexpectedly, he turned around and fell into the clutches of the devil again. The little guy who looked like a penguin from the back once again entered the tight embrace of a certain gun king.

Zhao Nan tried to use words to stimulate the woman's sobriety: "Tuoba, didn't you think that besides being a lesbian, you turned out to be a pervert who likes to molest young children!!"

"Hiccup...what?" Tuoba Xiaocao lowered his head, his chin resting on the hood of the 'Penguin Suit', "Isn't it a penguin?"

"...Isn't it because of the good things you did?" Zhao Nan suddenly sneered.

"Hiccup... you penguin, why do you speak... in a tone so similar to that person... Weird, weird..."

"Maximum speed of drone fighter!"

"Tell me, what are you talking about... little penguin..." Tuoba Xiaocao violently crossed Zhao Nan's body and came over. He stared at it: "Hey... I seem to have seen you somewhere..."

Zhao Nan looked blank.

Tuoba Xiaocao chuckled and said, "These dead fish eyes also look like..."

Zhao Nan did nothing.

Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly hugged him up, knocked his head and fell on the speeding car, muttering to himself: "My head hurts... Go to sleep, go to sleep, little penguin... Good night... burp..."


Fell asleep?

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting for a moment, Tuoba Xiaocao seemed to be completely motionless. He heaved an extremely painful breath and spent a lot of energy to free himself from this guy's hands. He kicked this guy's head and said angrily: "I have never seen anyone with such a bad taste in wine." , leaving you in the world is simply a disaster!”

Ten drones gathered soon after, almost crowding the entire cross-section of the passage.

"Dear Captain, please issue an order."

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes. He sneered again and again, "Hit this guy's hands and feet..."

Unexpectedly, Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly turned around, thinking that this girl's fighting instinct was so high that she could kill people even in her sleep. Zhao Nan was so frightened that he first hid behind an unmanned warship.

But there was no movement there, it was just a turn of the body. Zhao Nan shook his head, thinking that his powerlessness had made him a little fussy. He laughed at himself and was about to finish the order when his brows suddenly wrinkled.

"Mom...even...even if that person abandons I will not...will not abandon you..."

Zhao Nan frowned, and accidentally flashed in his memory a woman with an extremely bad personality who stood on the cliff and said: Mom, what I hate most in my life is people who abandon their wives!

"Is this happening..."

Zhao Nan was stunned. He reached out and pinched his eyebrows.

At this time, the drone made a voice again: "Dear Lord Battleship, please complete your order."

"... Throw this guy..." Zhao Nan paused, then sighed and said: "Throw it to the amazing outer deck and let her blow the cold wind."

"As you command!"

"Oops... I just drank some wine, and now I feel even stronger..."

After the fighter plane sent Tuoba Xiaocao away, Zhao Nan realized a rather serious problem... The crisis of almost bursting his bladder was hanging over him.

After a while. Inside the toilet.

“The suit cannot be removed!!!!!!”

One hour and thirty-six minutes remain to unblock the world...

"Spare me..." Zhao Nan took a deep breath and said angrily: "Center, change the order and hang Tuoba Xiaocao upside down on the water chestnut of the battleship!! Use No. 69 alloy chain!!!"

"Understood...the order is being executed...the order is completed...I am very happy to serve you this time, dear Lord Battleship. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Send a senior engineering maintenance soldier to my side." Zhao Nan thought for a while and said.

After another moment. Inside the toilet.

The senior engineering maintenance soldier was working hard, using the spray gun head on his body to break open the "Penguin Suit" from the back... Zhao Nan was so drunk that he could only go to the toilet.

Fortunately, Aurora is currently enjoying a hard-earned vacation because she has become powerless and even the effects of the curse have temporarily disappeared. Otherwise, this dark history is really...

After the problem was solved, the penguin suit could no longer be put on. Zhao Nan casually took out a top from his personal space and put it on. Under the influence of alcohol and pajamas, he climbed onto the flying car in a daze. Before he could give any orders, he fell on the seat of the flying car and fell asleep.

Not far away, a dark shadow quietly came.

"Strange, I clearly heard a strange sound... Hey? This guy, why is he here? And he's drinking? He smells of alcohol, what has he been doing?"

Shaking his head, the man picked up Zhao Nan, held him in his arms, and smiled bitterly: "If you look like this, you will have a black history for the rest of your life... You are a harm to others."

With a bitter smile, the man slowly left the place holding Zhao Nan, muttering to himself: "Send him back..."

Walked past the window. With the flickering light, I could see... This is Xu Yang.

However, at the corner, Xu Yang stopped, looked at the face in front of him, and whispered: "If I send you back like this, you might be scolded." Xu Yang took Zhao Nan to his room. "Why are you wearing only one piece of clothing? Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?" Zhao Nan, who was almost drunk, naturally couldn't respond. The two lay flat on the bed. Xu Yang reached out and poked Zhao Nan's cheek, smiled mischievously, and said with a wry smile: "I don't know what evil has happened to me. I like you, a guy. It's just a bad fate." She turned her head and looked at the face that was now only left with tender curves from the side, muttering to herself: "Also... give me some response. You clearly said that you wouldn't give up so easily..." Sighing again, Xu Yang was worried and couldn't sleep. "Or do I need to leave this place?" Xu Yang whispered. But after leaving here. Where can she go? Even if there was no complicated relationship with Zhao Nan, the days spent with Finina and the others were almost like family, right?

I guess there will never be a place where I can feel so at ease.

Sometimes, Xu Yang would even ponder alone, if she had not recalled this incident and had always appeared as a silly sister, there would probably not be these troubles, right?

I can continue to stay. As time goes by, the feeling of loss of not getting a response will only deepen, right? Maybe this man also wants to respond to me. But he is worried about other things?

Although I really appreciate this kind of loyalty from the bottom of my heart, if the problem happens to me, it would be a bit of fate...

Xu Yang took a deep breath, propped himself up, and asked softly, "Don't just sleep... At least tell me what to do. I'm just an ordinary woman. There will be times when I want to give up."

Suddenly, a faint light slowly flowed on Zhao Nan's body... His body began to grow inch by inch, visible to the naked eye.

With a little headache, Zhao Nan subconsciously knocked on his forehead. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xu Yang who looked at him in doubt.

Why am I here?

Xu Yang's room... It seems?

"You... have recovered?" Xu Yang asked subconsciously after a moment of stunned.

Zhao Nan's heart moved, and he looked at his body. His body had recovered, but he still felt weak.

The effect of the side effect has lasted for most of the day, and it seems to be slowly weakening now. It turns out that recovery after that means complete recovery, and there will be a buffer period in between.

Zhao Nan, who quickly realized this, shook his head and said, "No, it's probably just physical recovery, and there are some small skills to use."

Turning his head away with a little embarrassment, Zhao Nan rarely joked, "Well, anyway, I'm a rookie now... That, why am I here?"

"I heard some strange noises, walked out to see, and then found you outside the bathroom, drunk and sleeping on the flying car. What did you do? You actually drank? Haven't you been drinking for a long time?"

Zhao Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Various reasons."

"Don't say it." Xu Yang turned his head and said.

Zhao Nan said helplessly, "That's not what I meant. Anyway, it's not a situation where I drink alone, nor is there something in my heart that I can't let go of that needs to be drunk."

"Really?" Xu Yang said insincerely, she looked into Zhao Nan's eyes, stunned, and almost didn't react.

Zhao Nan frowned, and just as he was about to speak, Xu Yang in front of him suddenly moaned softly, and his breathing became rapid.

Is there something wrong?

But in an instant, Xu Yang crawled towards Zhao Nan with seductive eyes, stretched out her hand and pressed him down on the bed... This was the second time he was pushed down by a woman that night, completing a double kill!

That delicate and charming face quickly came up to him, the hot breath, the blurred eyes, and the heat that continued to come from the skin through the thin sleepiness... At this moment, Zhao Nan finally realized what was going on.

His ability was slowly recovering.

However, after the immortal body and some skills such as small fireballs were restored, a certain inexplicable passive ability seemed to have also been restored - and without any reflection, Xu Yang was It took effect!

Charming eyes!

"At least...give me some response..."

Saying such words, lips touching lips, at this moment, the words mixed with love and desire are almost the most beautiful words of love to some extent.


Perhaps it was because of a little drunkenness, or the emotions that couldn't be let go suddenly burst out under the stimulation.


When the water arrives, it will be done.

ps1: Well... if you want to save it until the battle, I will block a sword for you, and you will block a sword for me. After shouting to the sky and calling my father and mother, I realized that I also like you very much. To me, it is really I can't write anything... So, it's probably this natural rhythm of adding a few assists and everything will be done.

ps2: Tuoba Xiaocao is such a great assist... Do you blame me? (To be continued...)

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