Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 843 Why not ask the magical center

It seemed like deathly silence.

The inside of the gate on the ground that Augustus split was actually a hollow support structure inside Ganyatis, similar to a city sewer-like place.

The place is spacious enough, and even if all the group has arrived, the passage is not necessarily narrow. At this time, everyone has bracelet-like accessories on their hands. As long as you click on it, you can see in detail where you belong to Ganyadis.

"I have sent the circuit diagram to the devices in your hands." Zhao Nan looked at Augustus, Osfen and Valkini respectively, and began to make work assignments: "Master Augustus and Aulu Jia, you two together are by far the strongest, so I’ll leave the most important core of the reactor to you.”

Augustus said without hesitation: "The task will be completed."

Olga just nodded.

Then there are Osfen and Valkini. Together with Locke, Guissi and Achilles, they will go to Gangyatis where the reaction materials in the reactor and the cooling materials are stored. "As long as It’s still a cooling substance. As for the reaction substance, just get as much as you can, just complete the set goal.”

"Don't worry, junior brother." Valkini also assured.

Zhao Nan nodded, "And because of the weight problem, our team will complete the large quantities of the reaction material... Remember, it is most likely not to participate in the battle, and do not let the device in your hand be damaged. Carrying it will emit The special signal can block surveillance cameras from monitoring you. "

Soon, the team separated and took action. The communication of the device was specially researched, and the signal does not currently exist within the recognition range of Gangyatis... Of course, it is only a matter of time before it will be recognized... The time plan for this operation is a total of three days.

Zhao Nan is greedy. He even hopes to use the resources in Gangyatis during this period to carry out a good repair and replenish some materials for the Jingshi Battleship... The most ideal situation is naturally that it can be used in three days. The stunning battleship left in a posture capable of high-intensity combat.

"So, so. Are we going to set off next?" Finina asked.

"Wait a minute, let me see the actions of Augustus and senior brother... Oh, she is indeed the most powerful woman in the major league. She has already entered the scheduled route." Zhao Nan smiled, "Senior brother has also entered the scheduled route. Let’s get ready to take action.”

Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly said: "Speaking of which... wouldn't the radiation from the reactants be very large? The Sony people are not afraid, but what about us?"

Zhao Nan pondered: "About this. I have actually discussed this with Alice. The bodies of the gods seem to be very resistant to the problems you are worried about, and the most important thing for the senior brother's team is the coolant, and the reactants are secondary Yes. As for our... bodies that appear to be those of the Star Spirit species, they will not be affected by radiation at all."

"Hey, besides slow aging, does this body have such benefits?" Xu Yang said in surprise.

Zhao Nan nodded and said: "The body of the Star Spirit Seed seems to be more complex in composition than the body of the Spirit Seed. The analysis on this aspect is still in progress. I will tell you if there are results."

Walk and talk.

Probably because there is an extremely powerful protective shield on the outside of Gangiatis, it is almost impossible to enter here without being recognized by the Sony clan, so the interior is not as heavily guarded as expected. It seems to be to better maintain the working of the protective cover. At present, energy consumption in Gangyati is also being reduced as much as possible.

As long as Sony people are not working, they have been asked to go into hibernation, and some temporarily unnecessary work content has also stopped operating. Only the entire internal monitoring system is operating, and a small number of unmanned machines are working autonomously.

But even so, everyone was still extremely careful.

But even so.

One day later, Augustus: The mission has been successfully completed.

Also one day later, Alice: Nothing unusual for the time being. Currently being ordered to sleep by the central intelligence brain, I try to download the internal information of Ganyatis.

Also one day later. Osfen: I got it, junior brother... I’m so bored this time...

Also one day later, Zhao Nan and his party also arrived at the destination they were responsible for.

"It's so smooth?" Linglong couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Even if most of the internal operations are stopped due to energy conservation issues, don't you think it's too simple?"

Of course, Zhao Nan also had doubts in his heart. Although the route was not considered to have been modified, it would be a bit abnormal to say that there were no obstacles on the way. "No matter what, I will collect the reaction materials here first."

In the huge warehouse, each reactive substance is contained in special containers. The quantity of each container is approximately one liter. One liter of this reactant can theoretically sustain a one-hour staggering battle.

"Are you done with everything?" Tuoba Xiaocao suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, extremely greedy.

Zhao Nan gritted his teeth. There are several similar warehouses in Gangyatis, but this one is relatively small. But if everything here is taken, Jingshi will not have the problem of energy failure for a long time. "Take it all if you can!"

However, the strange thing is that from the time they emptied the warehouse, to leaving, and finally to joining Augustus and Osphen's team, the journey was extremely smooth.


Two days later, Alice: The external repairs of the battleship were completed, the supplies were sufficient, and it was ready to leave at any time!

Even weirder!

Zhao Nan frowned. In this case, as long as we successfully return to Jingshi where the dock is docked, we can break the door with one attack and then leave... The Jingshi battleship is the fastest, and the Sony clan will lose the means to pursue it. As for maintaining the stability and security of Gangyatis, the other two warships cannot leave.

"You guys go back to Jingshi first..." Zhao Nan frowned and said, I will stay and try to disrupt possible pursuit orders here. "

This was the last part of the plan. Zhao Nan stayed alone until Jingshi left and reached a safe distance. Then through the Great Summoning Scroll, Finina summoned him back. Although it will consume a large summoning scroll, if it can completely resurrect a super weapon like Jingshi, its value is almost incomparable.

Alice quickly pulled away from the fake Sigda's body and returned to the stunning battleship. At the same time. Finina and others also boarded the ship smoothly.

Gate No. 2 was instantly blasted to pieces by the Jingshi battleship's secondary cannon, and then the huge jets caused a terrifying airflow to roll up in the dock...

Finally... left smoothly!

"We have left successfully, can we summon you back?" A few hours later, Finina sent an email.

"Wait for my response."

After Zhao Nan thoughtfully returned an email, he made a crazy decision. This action was too weird.

It was almost as smooth as the textbook... This situation made Zhao Nan vaguely feel that something was wrong. But I can't figure out what's wrong.

So, why not ask the magical central brain?

"...and the solution of Alloy No. 73."

Inside Gangyatis, in a certain research field, there is a huge furnace. And next to the furnace. It is a barrel of special dissolved liquid measured in tons.

Zhao Nan glanced over these barreled objects, and when he was about to take them, a neutral voice suddenly came from behind Zhao Nan.

"Human beings are indeed greedy creatures."

Zhao Nan's body reacted almost instantly. He turned around, a white light flashed in his hand, and the Void Soul Eater was already in his hand.

However, what made him almost frown. He saw himself!

Except that there is no Void Soul Eater, what you see behind you. It turned out to be a creature exactly like myself! In Gangyatis, I saw no Sony people, nor unmanned combat weapons, but myself?

"It's also needlessly aggressive." The other 'Zhao Nan' said without emotion at this time.

Zhao Nan looked around and found that there was no attack system activated here. He couldn't help but frowned and said: "Who...are you?"

The other ‘Zhao Nan’ shook his head. "You have been inside my body for nearly sixty hours. Who do you think I am?"

"You are... the center of Gangyatis!" Zhao Nan was shocked.

"The core of the reactor, the coolant, the reactants, and even the amazing external repairs and supplies. The purpose of your plan has been achieved, and there is no pursuit." This guy said expressionlessly: "But you haven't left yet, but you have come again. Sneaking in and stealing the solution of Alloy No. 73, why?”

Zhao Nan's heart moved, but there was no expression on his face, "It seems that the reason why we went so smoothly this time is actually because you were behind the scenes, right?"

It is true that the plan was unilaterally planned by me, but until now, the plan has been implemented like a script without any deviation.

It even made Zhao Nan feel that even Gangyadis was actively cooperating with his actions. did it know about this operation?

"Just like the encrypted signals you temporarily created, the Sony family also has my own unique signal source." This guy said coldly: "It is estimated that your thinking mode has good logical ability, and you will find it sooner or later. Frankly. No problem."

It's unique, that is to say, it bypasses another set of surveillance by all Sony people?

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and seemed to gradually touch the veil behind the Sony clan. He said very boldly: "Sure enough, you have completely surpassed the control of the Sony clan on you, and in turn have given birth to your own thinking mode."

"Creatures will evolve, and those with intelligence will also evolve." The central intelligence nodded: "Ganyatis is loaded with me, one of the two major intelligent systems of the First Era. I will give birth to my own independent thinking ability, It was what was expected when it was originally designed, and there is nothing surprising about it.”

The huge brainpower is working at a high speed at this time. Within the sight of the spiritual eye, there is no movement preparing to attack.

Zhao Nan tried his best to keep himself calm.

Whether it's heartbeat, breathing, or even emotions, "Then, why do you want to cooperate with our actions?"

"Because I just want to continue evolving quietly..." (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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