Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 844 The Timid Center

I just want to evolve quietly. . .

Hearing this reason, Zhao Nan could hardly believe it. But the words of the central intelligence did not stop.

"However, since the First Era civilization was destroyed and the Sony people fled into this space, my existence has been questioned."

"Because of the failure, I made the inference that 'this evolution model is not correct'. Therefore, my core program was blocked for a long time. The Sony people temporarily gave up on me as the main center and entered the autonomous operating mode.”

"However, probably after the creatures of the fifth era also entered this space, the Sony people found that without my presence, it was difficult for them to deal with the species in hiding. The root reason is that their computing power is insufficient. So my program Turned on again."

The central brain shook his head.

Zhao Nan still looks like himself... This makes Zhao Nan feel quite inconsistent. But thinking that this was probably just a projection of bad taste, I gritted my teeth and endured it.

"But since I woke up, some strange changes seemed to have taken place. I began to dislike being controlled by the Sony people, and soon developed a small resistance similar to... well, in the words of your creatures, that is A kind of existence like consciousness.”

"After another two eras, my consciousness has grown to this point. The entire Gangiyatis is already under my control." The central intelligence said: "I began to be interested in the existence of living beings. The survival of the Sony people The method was as extreme as I could calculate. As a result, my evolution came to a standstill, so I began to observe everything about all the creatures in this space, their behavior patterns, their conversations, and their interactions. The battle, everything. My digitization has stored a huge amount of research data, and the direction of evolution seems to have made some progress."

"However, the sudden appearance of these strange plants in this space troubled me. It completely disrupted the order of the creatures I was observing, and completely destroyed the balance of this space in the shortest possible time. So it must be removed. . I began to calculate the method to achieve the goal, and the carrier of this method is to take away the amazing people."

Zhao Nan frowned and said: "There is also data on Jingshi that shows that Gangyatis is fully capable of destroying this space. If it is cleared, you only need to send two warships. It is probably enough to bombard the World Tree with its main cannon... Why Need us?"

"It can't be done. My main body cannot leave Gangyatis. And if 'Karmadi' and 'Hades' are sent out, Gangyatis will be in danger. The World Tree can be wiped out smoothly. , and the probability that there will be no danger in Gangyatis is only 80%, which is relatively dangerous for me.”

...Zhao Nan really wanted to say "f*ck" or something like that, but the central brain of Ganqing was actually extremely afraid of death.

Not to mention 80%, if there is only a half-and-half chance, or even lower, as a living being, for the sake of its own future. I won't hesitate to try it out. This central intelligence is so good that if it is 20% less safe, it would rather stay in hiding.

How does this make other living beings who are struggling to survive feel embarrassed?

"Furthermore, what I want to tell you is that neither Jingshi nor Kalmadi nor Hades can fire the main gun in this space. The internal structure of this space is actually quite weak. The launch of the main gun will only destroy the structure of the entire space. The probability of space destruction is as high as 80%, and the probability of returning to the paradise space is only less than 5%. The probability space can stabilize, and then there are other possibilities that are infinitely close to zero.”

"I still need several epochal creatures as reference data for my evolution, so I won't let all these creatures become extinct. However, as long as I adjust the firing power of the main gun and fire it within the upper danger limit, there will be no big problem. So. , Jingshi can definitely do it. That’s why I will cooperate with you to let Jingshi be supplemented. As for the method, if you are willing to use this method of stealing, it is okay. It deviated from my plan, so I thought it was just an observation.”

Dare you think you were smart for once?

But having said that, I didn't expect that the central brain of the Sony family would be such an unexpected existence.

While Zhao Nan was dumbfounded, he did not relax his vigilance. Due to the suspicious nature of human beings, even good friends may not be able to completely believe it, let alone an intelligent program that only requires optimized results.

"So, if I had opened it right away instead of coming to get the solution, you wouldn't have showed up?" Zhao Nan said coldly.

"Because I don't understand the motivation for your purpose this time, I plan to ask it myself." The central intelligence said calmly: "Since the goal has been successfully completed, why would you make two more decisions when there is greater risk? In theory, the value of these dissolved liquids is far less than the value of the established target. In fact, I am more interested in this behavior. Making worthless actions or making poor choices.”

Zhao Nan remained silent...Isn't that just greedy?

And under the guarantee of the big summoning scroll, he is just trying to gain more benefits for himself. Besides, Alloy No. 73 may not be of much value from the perspective of the central brain. But for living beings, if this frighteningly hard alloy could be dissolved and cast into armor and the like... wouldn't it be an unexpectedly powerful defense?

"Regarding this behavior, I have actually asked many physical samples directly, but most of the answers I got are unreasonable. I hope you can give me a completely reasonable explanation."

Zhao Nan shrugged, "Do you really want to know my answer?"

"It is necessary to know." The center nodded.

"Well, as a deal, you need to remove the peep attached to Jingshi."

"Okay." The center nodded: " has been removed."

So's just the time it takes to close your eyes and open them, maybe less than two seconds, right?

Zhao Nan asked in astonishment: "Is this answer really so important to you?"

"It's valuable." The center didn't answer directly.

After Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment, he decided to fool this guy once. Anyway, it said that it had asked it many times. Even if it got the same answer, it probably wouldn't be unacceptable, right?

"Ahem, actually I dare to answer. Even if I tell you now, you probably won't understand." Zhao Nan said in a serious tone, but the center listened quietly, "Because you don't have any specific experience, It’s like you know how to do something, but you haven’t done it before, so when you do it for the first time, various unexpected situations will inevitably occur, eventually leading to failure.”

"Negative, if there are strict steps, there will be no possibility of failure."

Discussing the steps with a computer that knows how to calculate is a fool's errand. Zhao Nan cleared his throat in embarrassment: "That's based on what you know. For example, you have a method to cultivate a clone, but that's just a matter of time. It was simulated theoretically, but you have never done it in practice, so you can't predict whether the expected effects will occur after the clones appear, right?"


"So, if you really want to know the answer, why don't you give it a try according to this model?" Zhao Nan shrugged: "...try it and see if this behavior is really worthless?"

The center didn't make any moves or say anything, just stood there, motionless.

Zhao Nan held on tightly to prevent any changes in his emotions.

Suddenly, the door of the research field opened, and small transport ships came in one after another. The center said: "Don't bother me. I will transport the solution you want to the No. 2 gate, and you will come with me." Leave. Don't cause trouble in Ganyatis."

What Zhao Nan didn't expect was that this trip to Ganyatis would have such a result.

Thrilling completely separate.

There is only surprise, no danger.

Standing at the No. 2 lock dock that was destroyed by the stunning battleship, Zhao Nan still felt like he was in a dream. The central brain still looks like Zhao Nan.

This made Zhao Nan couldn't help but ask before leaving: "Why do you use my appearance to appear?"

"When creatures face themselves, they usually become honest." The central intelligence brain said simply and directly.

Zhao Nan was stunned.

That's right...

But what most creatures like most is to deceive themselves.

He shook his head and stepped onto the small transport ship arranged by Zhinao. Without any hindrance, he left the fortress that was calling the child a behemoth.

The image in the central brain kept watching the transport ship that Zhao Nan was on disappearing, and then said to himself: "Try..."

"You're back!" Finina smiled.

"You actually came back?!" Osfen opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Why can you come back safely?" Augustus frowned.

"Why are you coming back!" Tuoba Xiaocao sneered.

Zhao Nan omitted Tuoba Xiaocao's words and asked Alice to seal the solution while talking about meeting the central brain.

After hearing this, Finina said in surprise: "It turns out that we will also encounter such good things..."

It was a huge gain, but it was an unprecedented first time that I didn't have to fight and I didn't have to be in danger.

Suddenly, Alice appeared in front of everyone, with a solemn look on her face and said: "Except for the Sony clan, there are movements from all clans..." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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