Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 850 The most treasured memory

It seems that no method can dispel the effect that Kaojinis has had on everyone.

But after Finina had a blissful time, her body gradually recovered. Because it was a state of actively seeking sexual pleasure that was extremely embarrassing, Zhao Nan was inexplicably kicked out of the room by the Gaoling Sword Princess who covered her whole body with a quilt.

Solving one does not mean that you can use this method to solve the second one.

Even if there is a reason to solve the second one like this, it is no longer possible to solve the third one like this.

However, it seems that Zhao Nan is a little too worried. It seems that as time goes by, that strange state will slowly weaken. It would take quite a bit of mental torture.

So there was a solution soon.

"If I had known this could happen... I wouldn't have had to suffer that kind of crime..."

In the xl world, in the bamboo forest, Finina sighed and glanced at Xu Yang. Xu Yang, who was being targeted, turned his head away and acted as if he hadn't seen him.

There were only women present, and a certain guy who knew the truth was also prevented from appearing here... because it was too embarrassing.

"I'm always ready to relieve your pain, hahahaha." Tuoba Xiaocao's unscrupulous laughter rang out, "How about it, who is interested?"

"Sister Xiaocao, I am always ready to relieve the pain in your life."

"It's my birthday..."

Although it is possible to avoid the physical abnormalities by separating the mind and body, it will be fine after a while. But after all, there are still people who cannot log into the xl world.

For example, the senior brothers and sisters who directly announced the retreat, such as His Royal Highness the Prince who also announced the retreat, such as Gui Sisi who stayed in seclusion.

The Jingshi Battleship suddenly became quiet, and even Olga no longer appeared to spend time with Orises. In an eerily quiet situation. Zhao Nan simply sat up in shocking silence and played with the white clouds in the sky and the red mist on the ground. This was actually a method he had discovered by himself to exercise his will field.

The astonishing battleship is the largest. If it is not destroyed and there is no map or other guidance, it will probably be a maze that cannot be exited. therefore. If there is something hidden in this maze, that's okay.

For example, an ordinary alchemist was thrown onto a stunning battleship and put under house arrest.

"Little... miss, are you serious?"

Alchemist Rollo Luo's workshop was now cleared of a smooth space. On this open space, a refining formation unique to the alchemy clan was carved out of some bright red material.

Yuni Zhao, known as the little lady, was currently suspended above the formation. After hearing this, he looked at Luo Luoluo outside the formation with great dissatisfaction, and said with a smile: "Teacher Luo Luoluo, are you trying to persuade me not to do it?"

"Little miss... this is only theoretically feasible. I suggest you do a few more experiments, right?" Luo Luoluo swallowed: "And most of the materials needed for this are substitutes, although The effect is the same, but it is still not the original and genuine product..."

Do not know why. Facing this baby girl, who was only over a year old at most, he would always feel an indescribable feeling of panic in his heart. I really can't figure out where this feeling comes from. But the panic at this moment was extremely real.

"Haven't you already conducted several experiments before?"

"But they are just small animals after all, and the structure of the human body is somewhat different... Besides, my area of ​​expertise is not human body refining. Alchemy is rigorous, so don't be too aggressive." Luo Luoluo almost begged. : "Little miss, if you really want to continue, I will just stop you!"

This is an amazing battleship. One of the four great treasures of the Sony clan, if something happens to the little ancestor in front of him, I estimate that his life will be decided here.

"Hey, go to bed!" Xiao Youni snorted coldly, her delicate nature made Luo Luoluo panic.

The alchemist's eyes gradually became heavy. At the end, he fell to the ground with a plop. At this time, Xiao Youni used the control authority obtained by acting coquettishly and said: "Send this person out for me, and then lock him up. Don't let him out without my order!"

"As you command!"

A few senior engineering and maintenance soldiers were seen lifting Luo Luoluo up and sent him out soon after.

At this time, Xiao Yuni slowly stood on the formation, "I came to the Abandoned Land just for this reason... It happened that they were all locked up, and he also entered the state of cultivating his will... Alice If you are busy analyzing, you won’t care about me anymore. This is the best time!”

"It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous. With this body, it's too dangerous..." Xiao Youni snorted: "When my body returns to its original state, let's see what excuses you have... I won't let anyone else do it..." The woman is approaching you."

Princess Black smiled slyly, "Dear father, hee hee."

It seems that because Aikosbon successfully gave birth to an alchemist, the technology of the alchemist family was able to reappear in the eighth era. Therefore, many materials from the paradise world can be used as alchemy raw materials to replace the materials needed to refine the human body.

There is also a special system of common property among the chosen ones. General and between plural persons or more. In this case, the personal storage spaces of both parties are connected.

The personal space between Zhao Nan and Finina is connected.

Later, I couldn't stand Xiao Youni's entanglement, and they also connected by the way. Xiao Youni looked at the various items placed in the formation, and she really wiped away bitter tears.

She used various excuses to take this out of someone's collection bit by bit.

Xiao Youni pressed both hands on the center of the refining array at the same time. At this time, the entire refining array became brighter little by little, and the materials placed as media throughout the refining array also looked like this at this moment. Under the strange power, it gradually melted.

After melting, it turned into a liquid-like material and slowly merged within the refining formation, producing even more wonderful changes. now. These melted materials seemed to be given life and continued to flow into Xiao Yuni's body.

This is an important raw material that forms the body after the fusion of various materials.

It can almost be called bone building and flesh building!

Little Youni's eyes glowed with blazing eyes. At this moment, with the help of these materials integrated into her body. She only felt that her whole body was beginning to be filled with exuberant vitality... This was definitely not comparable to the body of a young child.

The short, white and tender arms are slowly becoming slender at this time, and the equally slender legs are also evolving. Long jet black hair, and towering chest...

It's like time has fast forwarded, from a toddler, to a girl, to a young girl... a girl...

Her long hair, as black as ink, flew automatically without any wind. The formation has been shining for a long time, but the person standing inside has completely changed.

With a perfect ketone body and a unique noble temperament, everything will be fascinated by it. Little Yuni... Princess Black was stroking her cheeks with her hands, showing a smile that charmed all living beings.

If there is a mirror.

This will undoubtedly be Finina who transformed into long black hair.

A mirror appeared in front of the Black Princess out of thin air, and she looked at her body. Just now he smiled slightly and said: "It still looks pleasing to the eye like this... you can't escape now."

"Dad, Dad. You haven't hugged me today, but you promised to hold me for an hour every day?"

It was gathered together, transformed into various forms of clouds, and dispersed with a snap. The reminder about the email made Zhao Nan suddenly wake up from the practice of will.

He shook his head helplessly because he needed to separate mentally and physically. Finina also entered the XL world along with others. This little guy has become much more aggressive in the past two days.

"If you don't satisfy her, something out of control will probably happen again." Zhao Nan smiled bitterly.

It didn't take long for him to return to his dormitory.

I didn't see Little Youni here. What's even more strange is that Finina, who was supposed to be lying on the bed and logging into the xl world, was also missing at this time.

"Have you taken a shower?" Zhao Nan shook his head. The sound of rushing water could be heard from the bathroom.

The sound of water suddenly stopped. Finina, wrapped in a bath towel, walked out barefoot under the spread of water vapor. Her golden hair was casually spread over her shoulders, and a fresh breath hit her face. Come.

Zhao Nan sat casually on the bed and asked curiously: "You woke up so soon? Where is little Youni?"

"It's not like you don't know that Sister Xu Yang and I are in a better situation." Feinina smiled, walked in and sat down next to Zhao Nan, and wiped her long hair with a towel: "If you want to cook or something like that, let's go first Wake up."

"There's no need to remember that kind of thing." Zhao Nan shook his head.

"When I just woke up, the little one was restless. I just wanted to take a bath, so I asked Sister Yangyang to take care of me for a while."

"In this way..." Zhao Nan nodded.

Looks like he dodged a bullet. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, stretched and lay directly on the bed.

At this time, Finina also lay down and clung to Zhao Nan's chest. Zhao Nan was immediately immersed in the extremely soft texture.

Zhao Nan smiled, stretched out his hand to pull up the wet and messy long hair, and asked softly: "Are you tired? The login time shouldn't be very long?"

Finina shook her head and said softly: "It always feels like she has experienced a lot of things."

Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment and said gently: "Yes, I have indeed experienced a lot of things."

Finina raised her head at this time, stretched her neck slightly against Zhao Nan's chest, stared at him and said: "Nan, do you still remember what happened in the thick fog that day?"

"You said that time when little Saya broke in?" Zhao Nan's eyes gradually softened and said: "That shouldn't be a pleasant memory, right?"

"But that is my most cherished memory..."

As he spoke, his fiery thin cherry-colored lips pressed against her gently.

ps: Oops... I can't control it. I'll calm down and fight again tomorrow... (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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