Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 851 It’s a long time to die...

Occasionally, I would like to whisper like this, and then fall into those precious memories, so the feelings will become hot, like the feeling of water and rain blending together.

After a passionate kiss, Finina raised her head again, holding Zhao Nan's cheeks with both hands, and the emotion of great anticipation flashed in her eyes.

When getting intimate, Zhao Nan would wave his hand and flick Finina on the forehead.

Now he also jumped and said funnyly: "What's wrong? You seem to be more proactive today?"

Feinina paled like Zhao Nan, and said shyly in a low voice: "It seems...that the body has not recovered yet. If I had known that this would be the case, I would not have listened to you and participated in the capture operation."

Zhao Nan said innocently: "I can't predict these things..."

"So, you, a guy who often gets into trouble, how are you going to compensate me?" Finina said with watery eyes.

There were waves of warmth coming from the fair skin, which made Zhao Nan feel excited. Previously, I was a little worried about Finina's ability to cultivate her will, so I thought of using sex to awaken her female instinct. This time, there was an extra capture operation, and the effect was amazing.

"Then how do you want me to compensate you?" Zhao Nan laughed.

Finina suddenly untied the towel wrapped around her body, sat on Zhao Nan's body, reached out to grab his palm, and put it on her chest, "This way..."

Is the strangeness of the body still so strong?

Zhao Nan was stunned, but didn't pay too much attention to it. There are times when couples have to leave room for each other in boudoir affairs, and it's not about having special interests. Under normal circumstances, Zhao Nan still likes this natural feeling of things coming naturally.

Zhao Nan turned the beauty around and put it on. Without saying anything, Zhao Nan asked for a kiss and left. The passionate kiss almost made both of them melt.

Time passes by second by second, heaven and earth.

gradually. Become incredible.

The reason why it became unbelievable was that this kiss seemed a little different from the usual ones, and the size of the chest that had been familiar for a long time seemed to be something wrong.

When Zhao Nan came to his senses, he immediately held up his hands and looked down at the person below him. The golden hair slowly transformed into jet black color at this moment, and the perfect figure also shrunk incredibly at the same time.

It got smaller bit by bit, until it turned into someone who was about ten years old, and then it stopped.

The little girl opened her eyes in confusion at this time. Her beautiful black eyes were very lively. She said shyly: "Nan, what's wrong?"

Zhao Nan's face instantly became extremely embarrassed. He sat up as quickly as possible, rubbing his brows and patting his face on the edge of the bed. His face was pale and he was sweating.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Why didn't you speak? Did I do something wrong?"

Zhao Nan sighed and said: "What evil have I done..."

"What are you saying?"

Zhao Nan didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, a mirror flew over from the table on the side and stood between him and the person behind him. He gritted his teeth and said, "What are you talking about!!!!"


A scream rang out instantly, as harsh as the death scream among Zhao Nan's skills...

"Don't be angry, okay, okay?"

Zhao Nan, with his eyes closed, said coldly: "Get your clothes on first!"

"But I don't have clothes of the right size right now. Let's talk about it later..."

"Armor can be transformed. If you don't find something that fits you, equip it!" Zhao Nan said in a unchanged tone: "And don't get on my back... I don't have a daughter like you!"

"Then don't be a daughter, just be a lover!" A certain princess giggled at this time: "Isn't it true that a daughter is her father's lover by nature?"

"Youni." Zhao Nan's face suddenly darkened: "I'm going to be angry."

"Ahahaha, what kind of clothes do you think I should transform into? Ahahaha..."

"So you secretly conducted experiments on human body refining while none of us were paying attention?"


"And the result of this experiment is actually a failure?"


"Then you used your special soul power to simulate all the scents of your mother and dyed your hair to deceive me?"

"It's not a lie! I'm really willing! Oh!"

The nerves on Zhao Nan's face suddenly twitched... Yuni's ability as a soul clan is really incredible. Even the connection between him and Finina can be deceived. Fortunately, Yuni showed her weakness before she could do anything irreparable with her gun.

If I think that that kind of thing really happened... I almost can't believe it!

An evil fire suddenly came to his mind, and Zhao Nan subconsciously waved his hand, about to slap the black princess on the cheek.

The black princess neither dodges nor dodges. Eyes filled with tears.


With a very soft sound, just putting his palms on his face, Zhao Nan sighed and said: "I solemnly tell you once, you are not allowed to do such a thing in the future. Do you hear me? Do you want to get married in the future? "

However, Princess Black narrowed her eyes and reached out to grab Zhao Nan's palm as if she was enjoying it, keeping it from leaving her cheek, "I didn't fall asleep when I exchanged souls with my sister... I can also do the things you did to your sister. I feel it. And just now, did you see it? Who do you want me to marry? Who is the person you want to marry, body and soul? You can only have one partner in your life..."

Zhao Nan's face changed slightly.

This should be the reality he least wanted to face, and his body suddenly became stiff.

The Black Princess was not satisfied with the current situation at all, and suddenly leaned into Zhao Nan's ear, "Both my chastity before and now seems to have been destroyed by you... Do you think I don't need to take responsibility? Then I have no choice but to commit suicide. Oh..."

A light bite.

My whole body suddenly felt numb.

Zhao Nan swallowed and vomited. How could he still have any dignity as a father?

"Let me think about it. There is always a solution." Zhao Nan took a deep breath, pressed her shoulders to straighten her up, and said tactfully: "Look at you, you are only ten years old, talking about those things It’s too early! No!”

" are so conscious of being a father at this time...can you be thicker-skinned?" Princess Black suddenly looked over with aggrievedness.

Zhao Nan said seriously: "Yes!"

The Black Princess immediately snorted coldly: "I don't care. If you are irresponsible, I will reveal everything! I will tell you that you are a beast and a pervert, and you will not even let your own daughter go! I also want to tell my sister. What you just did to me!"

Zhao Nan immediately darkened his face and said coldly: "Don't go too far."

Princess Black closed her eyes, stretched her neck and said, "If you can, hit me. You can kill me to silence me! I will never fight back!"

"To be honest, I will never be willing to kill you or beat you." Zhao Nan shook his head.

Princess Black snickered, then opened her eyes and said, "I know you are good to others!"

Zhao Nan shook his head. A white light flashed on his hand, and Void Soul Eater suddenly appeared, "This is also for your own good... Come, we will be a normal family soon."

"Rewriting Blade..." Princess Black's expression suddenly changed, and her body flew backwards several meters in an instant, "Dad... you can't be serious, right?"

"Seriously? Seriously, how could you not be serious?" Zhao Nan had a stern look on his face, looking crazy.

It’s completely darkened!

The black princess folded her arms. He began to tremble, but his body was completely unable to move at this time. It is the realm of will—control!

"If you have something to say, let's talk it over... At worst, I won't do that kind of thing in the future, okay..."

As if Zhao Nan couldn't hear it at all, the Void Soul Eater in his hand suddenly released a faint blue light.

The Black Princess, who looked frightened, looked at the Void Soul Devourer who was about to get close to her, and suddenly laughed slyly, "Speaking of which, dear father, have you forgotten that the Rewriting Blade has no effect on the Soul Clan? ?”

The blade stopped.

With a clang, it suddenly fell to the ground. Zhao Nan was stunned, and the evil fire suddenly went out... because he was in trouble. And forgot one of the shortcomings of Void Soul Eater.

After Daqing took out the Void Soul Eater from him, was Yuni's frightened expression completely fake?

"forgive me……"

Zhao Nan lowered his hands feebly, feeling extremely painful. It's not just a dilemma, it's simply a desperate situation!

Princess Black came close to Zhao Nan, held his face with both hands, and said softly: "Okay, okay. Even if I want to do something like this, I can't do it. But if you want to do it, others are willing... ...It’s a joke. But I’ll let you go today. When I really grow up, I won’t be able to escape.”

As he spoke, he kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Then, from now on, you have to get along well with the ten-year-old me, father!"

Zhao Nan smiled bitterly and said: "Even if you say so...but there is still a very serious problem in front of you."

"What? Are you already eager for me to grow up right away?" Youni said with an expectant look on her face: "Then I will perfect the formation right away!"

"Who wouldn't wait for that kind of thing!" Zhao Nan said angrily: "I'm talking about how to explain the fact that you suddenly grew up!"

Princess Black narrowed her eyes and said with an innocent and cute expression: "That's not easy. You killed everyone except your sister and little Anya. Then you replaced your sister's memory with rewriting. Anyway, she didn't inherit the inheritance of the Soul Clan. It shouldn’t be a problem if it’s not a real soul clan, and then you can rewrite little Anya’s memory in one month, then the problem will be solved!”

"What's going on? Are you not happy? At worst, I'll let you keep Xu Yang..."

"As expected... Would it be more straightforward for me to silence you?"

"Can you really bear it? Father?" Youni said pitifully.

"Speaking of which, where did you hide Finina?" Zhao Nan asked coldly.

"It's under the bed."

Zhao Nan glared at this guy, sighed, and finally put Finina on the bed, who was still in a state of mental and physical separation, hiding under the bed.

It turns out that the previous events were actually carried out in this thrilling state... If there is any chance that Finina suddenly wakes up.

That's a long time ago. The rhythm of the house changes every minute.

Looking at Finina's sleeping face, Zhao Nan couldn't help but frown, and was troubled by how to explain the problem later.

"Ah, I have an idea."

"If you have the idea of ​​​​killing people and silencing them, just swallow them back in my stomach." Zhao Nan said coldly.

"Not this time..." Youni flew to Zhao Nan's ear and whispered.

Zhao Nan was stunned and asked in astonishment: "Is this okay?"

"Are you going to kneel on the control panel in the command room? Or are you going to change your home?" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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