Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 872 Across thousands of mountains and rivers, I meet you

"Sir, the whereabouts of the two experimental subjects have been tracked."

In the Valley of Two Moons, a group of guys in black clothes and white-on-white black star masks were advancing rapidly. One of the men, a medium-sized man wearing a black moon mask, nodded.

"Those two experimental subjects are very complete and will most likely bring crucial sample information to the superiors. They must be captured alive."

Suddenly, a guy with a mask marked with three black stars walked up quickly and whispered: "Sir... When Lord Link returned half a month ago, didn't he say that he wanted to terminate this cooperation? But why..."

"Don't worry so much about the things above. We just need to do things according to our master's wishes. Stop talking nonsense and move forward quickly."


Zhao Mu suddenly stopped somewhere in the Valley of Two Moons. Yuluo beside him couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Teacher? Why did you stop?"

"There is a tree in front of you... the sad wind wisteria tree." Zhao Mu shook his head and said helplessly: "I just remembered this place."

"Wisteria tree?"

"A carnivorous plant will cause a lot of trouble once it gets entangled." Zhao Mu thought for a moment and said, "Let's go around here."

"It's up to you." Yuluo was not dissatisfied at all.

However, at this time, due to the rush of the past few days, Luo Luoya and Luo Luoli's physical strength could no longer support them. The two little guys fell to the ground before taking a few steps. In desperation, Zhao Mu could only suggest taking a short rest.

There are vacant tree houses nearby where the elves once lived. There are many places to rest. After moving the two little guys to the bed to rest, Yuluo breathed a sigh of relief. The strength of the Palace of Truth is unfathomable, even for her and her teacher. It's just to save people.

As for those men in black wearing white masks, some were able to defeat them, while others were only able to ensure safe escape and were not easy to fight.

"Actually, I don't understand how the masked men in the Palace of Truth are distributed. They are also white-faced and black-moon guys. Some are frighteningly powerful, and some are not as good as those with white-faced and black stars." He walked to the window sill. Zhao Mu is always observing. Yuluo said with a weird look on her face: "This way of appointing people is simply random. And it feels more like..."

"What's it like?" Zhao Mu turned around curiously.

"It's like a stupid monarch who appoints people not according to their talents, but only according to his own preferences." Youluo said cheerfully.

Zhao Mu was stunned at this moment. Yuluo suddenly let out a low cry.

"Teacher...has responded!"

"Huh? What should I respond to?" Zhao Mu couldn't help but be surprised, and then he reflected, as if saying: "Really, finally..."

As if he breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Mu's brows relaxed a lot at this time. Although it comes from the same source, it is not difficult to act according to the way of thinking of the deity. It's just that my behavior is almost caught in a gray area. I can save people or kill people, and I act according to my own heart. If it is No. 3 or No. 1, there is no problem. No. 1 can't save people at most. As for No. 3, besides being relatively offline. Basically, it is the closest to the original state among the three clones.

But Zhao Mu knows his own affairs, and he also has his own intentions.

"Should we tell him everything about the situation here?" Yuluo suggested after thinking about it for a moment.

Zhao Mu nodded.

The rest time suddenly became extremely long while Yuluo was writing emails.

However, during the subsequent wait, the two did not wait for a response from Zhao Nan. But we received an uninvited guest...a group of men in black from the Palace of Truth, chasing everyone.

This one wears a black cloak. The masked man in black is uniformly called the ‘Jidi Apostle’ in the Palace of Truth!

Fully fifteen Jidi apostles appeared in front of Zhao Mu and Youluo.

The levels range from sixty-five to seventy-five, and one of them even wears a black moon mask with a white background. He is directly ‘lv? ? ? Jisanda’.

Nine epic levels, five negligible legendary levels, and a god species!

"Finally I found you two sneaky kittens." Jisanda's figure appeared directly in front of the window sill of the tree house, and said in a cold voice: "It was really easy to find. Do you two know? Knowing that you abducted our important experimental subject really gave us a headache."

"Since that's the case, why don't we have a good talk?" Zhao Mu said, "There's no need to use a knife or a gun, right?"

"It's a pity that the superiors just want to capture the two experimental subjects alive... As for you two, you know too many things. If you want to talk, just pray that your dead souls still have the ability to speak!"

I didn't see what Jisanda did. He just stretched out his hand and pinched his fingers. The tree house in front of him seemed to be held by an invisible big hand... As soon as he held it, it began to collapse!


There was a loud noise, and the entire tree house and the big tree were crushed in an instant. At this time, a white light shot out from the debris of the exploded tree. After landing, Zhao Mu and the others were safe and sound.

However, Luo Luoya and Luo Luoli in their arms turned pale with horror, obviously frightened.

Zhao Mu couldn't help but said angrily: "You just don't care about their lives like this?"

Jisanda took his time and said: "Aren't they alive and well? Thanks to your rescue."

Youluo took out the Glory Holy Sword, pointed at Jisanda, and said angrily: "Shameless!"

Jisanda landed on the ground, shrugged and said: "I just want the it!"

With an order, several powerful attacks had already hit, and five epic-level Jidi apostles took action at the same time! The epic level, more than a year ago, was already the highest power that could sweep a small human country!

However, they didn't appear suddenly, they just appeared when the Chosen Ones were still at a very low level. Just didn't show up. As the strength of the chosen ones increases, the true face of the paradise world is slowly revealed to people!


The pure white light shield stood in front of several epic levels. Easily intercepted the opponent's attack. With the protection from the glorious scabbard, even powerful opponents like the Seven Monarchs of the Ocean can withstand for a moment, let alone these epic-level Emperor Apostles, who are both good and bad.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Jisanda took a few leisurely glances, then chuckled and said: "With a book, no wonder I can escape here... But that's the end of it! Listen to me, don't hold back. Attack with all your strength!"

The pressure suddenly increased. But it is still within the endurance range of the glorious scabbard. However, if it continues like this, the defense will still be broken.

"Teacher...let me help you!" Youluo took a deep breath and said seriously: "I am in good condition now."

Zhao Mu didn't hesitate much. Pushing forward with both hands, 360-degree light shields flew out and were knocked away by dozens of besieged Kidi apostles at the same time!

In the dazzling light, Zhao Mu's body turned into a bright scabbard, and it interacted with the glorious holy sword! Yuluo reached out and took the scabbard into her hand, and then forcefully inserted the glorious holy sword in her hand upside down into the scabbard!

The whole glorious holy sword turned into a strange sword with the same length as the blade and hilt. Yuluo held the scabbard with both hands and jumped up. Waving the weapon in his hand, he quickly drew a circle around the location of Roroa and Rololi.

"You must never step out of this circle!"

As he spoke, he held the new form of the glorious holy sword in both hands. Yuluo faced the Apostle Jidi with a strong attitude, and in an instant the blazing white sword light bloomed like a white lotus.

Under Zhao Mu's guidance, Youluo has mastered the essence of the Chosen One's battle. That is, when you are not strong enough, you will take drugs regardless of the cost and use your ultimate move to kill the opponent! Especially in this group battle mode. Don't worry about the accuracy of the attack, there are so many people anyway. You can always hit several!

The surging sword light made a shrieking figure, and Princess Yuluo, who was holding the glorious holy sword, had a layer of light white ring-shaped light outside her body.

It replaces any defensive armor, but is stronger than any armor and can withstand the attacks from the Apostles of Kidi!

"It is said that thousands of years ago, there were several extremely powerful people who did not believe in any gods. They only relied on their own unremitting efforts and became the top figures among hundreds of tribes. One of them was the King of Glory Knights... Little girl, the sword in your hand is very similar to the accessories of the Radiant Knight King, and the abilities seem to be somewhat the same. "Who are you?" Jisanda's eyes became slightly serious at this time.

"Ancestor." Princess Youluo didn't hide anything.

The knight's style is to be aboveboard, and there is nothing that cannot be told to others. Besides, it is the glory of the ancestors, and it will not be hidden.

Jisanda laughed loudly and said: "Today is really my lucky day! Are you a descendant of the Glory Knight King? Very good, very good. After I kill you, this legendary heroic sword will be regarded as mine." Take the spoils!”

Jisanda opened his hands at the same time. At this moment, everything around Youluo, including grass and stones, exploded crazily. "Feel my will! My anger can make everything explode in an instant." Explode!"

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Jisanda took action, but he ignored the surrounding Jidi apostles. Under the countless explosions, the fourteen Jidi apostles pushed away one after another, but they were not affected much. On the contrary, under the siege of Princess Youluo, she was hurt even more deeply.

The entire grove residential area has become bleak at this moment due to the full power of Princess Yuluo and the attacks of many epic-level base apostles.

There is not a single upright tree within a radius of several hundred meters!

However, Jisanda's actions turned this area into a terrifying hell!

In the midst of the powerful explosion, Princess Yuluo, who was holding the glorious holy sword, was struggling to hold herself up... The attack of one Jisanda actually exceeded the combined attacks of the previous Jidi apostles.

"If this continues, neither I nor the teacher will be able to hold on..." Princess Youluo was secretly anxious. At this moment, her body suddenly trembled slightly, and a burst of white light appeared in the palm of her hand subconsciously. middle.

A careful crystal... one of the crystals from the teleportation device patented by the Lord of Tingfeng City!

Above the sky, Jisanda had looked down and laughed loudly: "Will, domain! This is the gap between you and me! No matter how powerful your professional power is, under my will, you are just Just a kitten!"

But at this moment.

Shining golden light was bursting out in the air. It was a dazzling golden magic circle. On the flowing runes, a figure was solidifying at the fastest speed.

"You are just a half-baked person in the first level of the domain. How dare you say such a big thing?"

The space within a hundred meters seemed to solidify. Jisanda in the sky froze and fell to the ground. His eyes exuded a horrified expression, and his will was destroyed in an instant!

"Small... small world!" Jisanda trembled uncontrollably and looked up.

It was a figure wrapped in black clothes, even his appearance was protected by a mask, and there was no visible figure except for his eyes.

"Master Wang!" Princess Youluo was very surprised and revealed the identity of the person who came. (To be continued)

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