Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 873 The Existence of the Palace of Truth

The reason why Yuluo recognized the identity of this person with only one pair of eyes at a glance was that in addition to the request that came through the transmission device, there was also a request made directly through the system after the other party appeared.

——The player Zhao Nan has asked you to form a team.

Zhao Nan slowly landed on the ground at this time, briefly looked at the frightened Luo Luoya brother and sister in the circle of light, then looked at Princess Youluo, and whispered: "Sorry, after teleporting back to Listening to the Wind City, I still... There’s a cooling off period.”

The complete form of the Glory Holy Sword split apart at this moment, and the scabbard once again transformed into Zhao Mu's appearance, with a slightly bad breath: "We finally arrived in time, didn't we?"

Zhao Nan nodded.

There are three clones, number one and number three... probably only number two is the most normal. Standing in front of Zhao Nan at this time, he shouldn't be some guy who traveled through time and space, right?

Zhao Mu is a teacher, and Zhao Nan is also a teacher. Speaking of which, they are still the same person. Princess Youluo was a little confused at this time, so she didn't speak.

At this time, Zhao Mu suddenly closed his eyes. Without anyone knowing, he and Zhao Nan had actually begun to share memories.

Everything in the Abandoned Land, as well as what happened to Zhao Mu, and everything in the Paradise World were being communicated at an extremely fast speed.

"Unexpectedly..." Zhao Mu suddenly opened his eyes and took a breath: "...Is that so?"

"Nightmare Lord... what the hell is that?" Zhao Nan also glared at Zhao Mu for an instant. Extremely dissatisfied.

"Various situations are beyond my control." Zhao Mu shook his head, "This situation is a bit complicated. I want to sort it out and leave the rest to you."

Saying that he had seen a ghost, he transformed into a glorious scabbard and automatically put it on the blade of the holy sword in Princess Yuluo's hand.

On the other hand... Zhao Mu is almost in a subordinate relationship in front of this deity, even if his mind has been liberated from the jade clone of the world and has become a glorious scabbard. The strength of this person and the weakness of Zhao Mu's character have almost determined the asymmetry between the two parties.

He is more aware of my attitude towards the enemy...even if he can change the minds of the people in the world. In the end, my philosophy will not be shaken. Precisely because he and he have the same origin.

If the situation cannot be changed or undone, then you have no choice but to escape.

"If possible, it's better not to kill evildoers." Even if it turns into a scabbard. Zhao Mu's voice still appeared in Zhao Nan's ears.

"What are you talking about? Countless creatures die every day in the paradise world because of me... us." Zhao Nan responded silently in his heart.

As long as the system exists for one day, the killings inflicted on Zhao Nan by the two worlds will not stop.

There was just a sigh, and there was no response from the glorious scabbard... not even the call of Princess Yuluo appeared. Her Royal Highness the Princess looked at Zhao Nan with some awe.

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "Just let it go, he will figure it out."

Princess Youluo nodded in acquiescence and became a little cautious when facing the teacher. After all, the relationship between the two is actually quite complicated... Such complicated thoughts cannot be sorted out even under control.

"Let's deal with the current situation first." Zhao Nan shook his head.

He traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers from the sea and returned to Tingfeng City without even disturbing anyone. I just waited for the cooling time to stay between the falling stars, and then I quickly crossed the space again and came to the Valley of Two Moons.

At this moment, in the process of their communication. The fifteen Jidi apostles were unable to move or speak.

It wasn't until Zhao Nan laid his eyes on Jisanda that he realized that he could speak. Unexpectedly, before Jisanda could collect his emotions and say something, Zhao Nan asked: "The ancient elf has finished completing Plan, does the Lord of Truth mean?”

" do you know the palace master!" Jisanda's voice trembled slightly.

"Tell me whether you want to tell me or not." Zhao Nan walked up to Jisanda. He spread his fingers and said, "Forget it. Let's just ask your heart directly."

A ball of gray-white light shot into Jisanda's body.

Ask all about the House of Truth.

The Lord of Truth has actually disappeared, so the restriction imposed on all members of the Palace of Truth, prohibiting them from saying anything about the internal situation of the Palace of Truth, can be considered lifted.

It is obvious that the instigator still has thoughts in his body and his soul has been fused, but Zhao Nan still has to use this method to understand all the pranks that guy has done before. It is simply the worst.

Even this Jisanda does not know how long the Palace of Truth has existed. He was only snagged into the Palace of Truth after the Hundred Clans War, and then became a member of the Apostles of the Kidi.

In fact, the organization in the Palace of Truth is quite chaotic. As the sole owner of the Palace, the Lord of Truth almost always accepts the fate of various people who join in the form of personal preferences.

You are not required to be very powerful, as long as you can make people find it interesting... This is an unspoken rule circulated within the Palace of Truth.

Zhao Nan, who knew the truth, immediately couldn't laugh or cry, and sighed in his heart that even though he had reversed time and space for 27,000 years, the guy No. 3 still remained stubborn.

It seems that the Palace of Truth is fully capable of directly competing with the Temple Alliance, but it has not done so for a long time. It seems that apart from part of the reason for making history move forward correctly, it may also be because the clone feels that it is a bit boring to have an alliance with the temple.

In this way, in fact, the existence of the Palace of Truth is, to a large extent, just a matter of the Lord of Truth recruiting a group of talents to please himself and pass this long time, right?

Of course, if management is casual, the most basic management structure is still necessary. Probably in the Temple of Truth

They are divided into three groups. They are organized into the Apostles of Kiti who are in charge of operations. They are organized into the 'exploration group' that discovers all interesting things. And then there are those who don't know what they are used for. Anyway, it's okay to keep them for now. 'The gods are hiding in the crowd'.

The Lord of Truth is very generous to his subordinates. As long as it makes him happy, he will never be stingy in giving. The ancient elves completed the plan, saying that it was to help the elves reappear the ancient elves. In fact, it was originally initiated by someone in the "Quest Group" who planned to reproduce the ancient elves and become the playthings of the Lord of Truth, so that he could successfully gain favor.

"There has been no news from the Palace Master for a long time. However, the Palace Master has always been a dragon that sees the beginning but never the end. Master Okanes plans to successfully reappear the ancient elf before the Palace Master comes back."

"Lord Link looked back half a month ago. Although he was only the base apostle of Black Moon, he was actually the 'Fourth Level Black Light Demon King' who stood at the top of the apostles of the Emperor. As for the fact that he was always defeated by Black Moon's identity, it was actually because of the temple. The Lord said, 'It looks better this way.'"

"After returning, Master Link learned about the research on ancient elves and ordered to stop the project. However, Master Okanes said that the research would not stop without the instructions of the palace master. Now, Lord Okanes and Lord Link is currently arguing over this matter."

Zhao Nan paced in front of Jisanda with his hands behind his hands, ignoring all the bad names in the Palace of Truth. The key point was that the structure of the Palace of Truth was so chaotic that it was almost unorganized because of someone's relationship. The three factions that make up the Palace of Truth, the 'Jidi Apostles', the 'Quest Society', and the 'Shenyinzhong', do not say which one can overwhelm the other. According to Jisanda, even if the "Shenyin Sect" is lost and has no use, there are also truly powerful apostles who can rival the Ji Di apostles, and even the leader of the "Shenyin Sect". Legend has it that it is darker than the "Fourth Level" The Mang Demon King is even more powerful.

Members of the House of Truth cannot betray the House of Truth because of the will of the Lord of Truth. Under such circumstances, that guy doesn't need to care about the various relationships between the members, because he is the ultimate beneficiary, and all his members can only exist to please him.


But once the Lord of Truth dies, all the unreasonable settings will cause the entire Palace of Truth to collapse in an instant.

"Link returned half a month ago..." Zhao Nan pondered in his heart: "That means he left the abandoned land before the final battle of World Tree? But, is Link worth the death of the Lord of Truth?"

In fact, if the restrictions in the minds of all members have been lifted, so many old monsters who have lived for a long time in the Palace of Truth will probably feel it, right?

Next, the Lord of Truth will be torn apart in a way that even the Lord of Truth himself cannot imagine, right? No, no, no, that guy wouldn't imagine such a thing. Maybe even if the Palace of Truth breaks up and fights internally, he will just treat it as fun and watch the fire from the other side.

Zhao Nan breathed out slowly. At this moment, the effect of the magic words was just lifted, and Jisanda also regained his consciousness. His eyes were very sharp, and several Jidi apostles around him were looking at him with horror and disbelief.

Jisanda had an unpleasant feeling, as well as the fear that her consciousness had once been blank... "What on earth did you... do to me?"

Zhao Nan calmly said: "It seems that even though the 'Quest Club' and the 'Jidi Apostles' are nominally of the same status, there are still many people in the 'Quest Club' who have successfully reached out to the 'Jidi Apostles' Hit it."

Jisanda's eyes were fixed, and he was too frightened to speak.

The will of this man in black is really terrifying! His will was instantly defeated, and there is still no sign of reorganization.

Only those who have a small world and are in the first five stages of the divine race can be considered a truly strong person. After becoming a god, the power of the profession will become an auxiliary in the field of will. When the two are multiplied, they will gain more powerful strength.

Zhao Nan's current state is that he is in the top five ranks of the gods in the field of will, which is extremely rare, but his professional strength is still lacking. It's just that the second level of the domain was crushing the first level of the domain. Even if Jisanda's professional power reached the level of a god, he was still unable to fight back.

After all, only when the wills of the two are equal can it be the turn of the professional forces to confront each other.

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