Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 882 Come if you are interested


Zhao Nan also slashed a huge arc of sword light towards Link.

The fist of the four-layered black light demon king and Zhao Nan's sword light almost collided with each other, but they missed each other by a hair, and each rushed straight towards the other's back!

There was a loud noise, followed by another scream.

Behind Zhao Nan, half of his body was appearing in the shaking air. The man's upper body had completely disappeared, and his lower body fell instantly.

At the same time, there was a person behind Link. His body was also displayed in mid-air, but there was a tiny bloodstain from the top of his head to the bottom of his body. The man's hand stretched out a little, but his body split into two halves, each falling down.

"These two are twins. They are relatively special professionals. They can use the same field to make themselves transparent."

Looking at the two fallen bodies, Link retracted his arm. Zhao Nan also slowly lowered the Void Soul Eater. The two looked at each other in mid-air for a moment, and Link suddenly said: "The Palace of Truth has only one master. Even if he is gone, he is still the master. Even if you inherit something from the master, you can become more powerful in the future. I am stronger."

That’s all.

Link turned and walked away.

But Zhao Nan already understood the meaning. For Link, his master is and is only the Lord of Truth. Even if Zhao Nan has power that far exceeds him in the future, this status will not change.

"You do have a very good subordinate..."

The red light faded, and Zhao Nan made a self-deprecating voice: "That's right. The Palace of Truth is yours... not mine."

The reason why Zhao Nan is Zhao Nan is that everything is developed with his own hands, even if it is a different place. Zhao Nan would not give the Palace of Truth to another person.

Because he understood that no matter which one it was, he would reject it after careful consideration.

The Lord of Truth is willing to return to his true nature. On the one hand, his body seems to be too serious to support him, and on the other hand, it is naturally because he cannot let go of certain things. And since he has returned, it proves that the whole world is within his reach. There is no such thing as the Lord of Truth anymore.

This is his resignation from twenty-seven thousand years.

In the distance, Link's will came, and the dark clouds rolled back in the sky. There was lightning and thunder, and the battle in the castle seemed to have stopped because of this. No one can predict what the Palace of Truth will look like in the future.

at the same time. This is not something Zhao Nan should be involved in at the moment. Link's attitude is considered good. But Okanes is different. And from Qian's words, there should be a third influential person in the Palace of Truth.

The Lord of Truth has collected so many perverts over the years. This battle seems to be dominated by Zhao Nan, Link, and Okanes, but there are many guys scattered around the world in the Palace of Truth... looking for something interesting.

Having said that, there is one person who might be able to be taken away.

Zhao Nan found the direction and was now close to the level of the forest. Keep heading towards the outskirts of the Fairy Forest.

About half a day later, Zhao Nan's spiritual eye discovered the mark left by Sherf. And following the prompts, he finally found the old man with twisted beard and braids in a tree house hidden on a big tree.

When they met, Sherf's hands were pressed against a branch and leaves extending from the crown of the tree. The leaves on the branches were slowly swaying as if they were alive.

"It seems that you can not only promote the growth of plants, but also have the ability to communicate with plants?"

The sudden question made Sherf's eyes jump away. With a shake of his hand, the branches quickly retreated from the window like a frightened child. Sherf looked over with dissatisfaction, "Gisanda, it is very impolite to disturb others, don't you know?"

"Call me Zhao Nan."

Sherf was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhao Nan carefully for a moment, his brows filled with more confusion than surprise, "I'm already here, where are the mutant seeds we promised?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and chuckled: "Don't worry. Before that, let me ask you first, if I have almost countless plant seeds on hand that you have never touched before, would you be interested?"

Sherf frowned and sneered: "I have been dealing with plants all my life. I know not only 10% of the plants in the paradise world, but also 99%. Countless? Do you dare to say it once?"

Zhao Nan opened his palm, and a black seed the size of a finger was immediately revealed, and then naturally floated in front of Sherf, "In this case, do you know what kind of seed this is?"

Sherf took a large amount seriously for a moment, "Looking at the appearance, it should be the seeds of the flying tree... but the color is completely wrong... Hey, this kind of seeds has a smell similar to the Hasa flower, but it is also a little different..."

Sherf's face became more and more solemn. He held the seed in his hands and looked up and down. "It's strange. This thing's vitality is not strong. It's definitely not a rare plant... What on earth is it?"

"Don't worry, if you find the answer, it's not too late to tell me." Zhao Nan was obviously very patient.

Sherf nodded. He had just boasted, but now he was stumped. It was too embarrassing. Then, Sherf looked for his hands. Soon, dozens of vines suddenly spread in from the window, and brought a lot of fresh soil.

The soil formed a small wet pile in the tree house. Sherf planted the seeds on his hand into the soil. This action was obviously to stimulate the germination of the seeds.

Zhao Nan watched this scene with interest. A new tender bud slowly broke through the soil and gradually grew up.

In theory, dominating the small world and ruling everything, even this kind of life control should be possible - but Zhao Nan obviously couldn't do it at this time.

He could control the body of a weaker object than him, even a cell, but he couldn't control the other party's mind, let alone the mystery of life.

The buds gradually grew into a sapling half as tall as his waist. At this moment, Zhao Nan suddenly had some kind of enlightenment. Life or death seemed to be the direction in which the small world should develop next.

The sapling finally stopped growing when it was about two meters high, and the crown began to spread out. However, what grew from the scattered branches were not emerald green leaves, but bright dark blue flowers. A strange fragrance slowly washed the air in the tree house as the flowers bloomed.

It seemed to have a certain refreshing effect.

Shelf's eyes jumped at this time, and he almost squeezed in front of these blooming flowers. After a long time, he sighed unwillingly: "Tell me, what kind of plant is this. It has flowers instead of leaves, and it looks like a flower but not a tree. I have studied it for hundreds of years, and I have never seen such a strange thing. Before it was planted, its vitality was weak and inaudible, but after it grew up, it was full of vitality... Strange, strange!"

What is this?

Zhao Nan himself didn't know what was going on. He just picked up a few tree seeds and some flower seeds from the nearby forest before entering the tree house, and then directly merged one of the new seeds.

"I can also take out more different kinds of seeds..." Zhao Nan looked at Sherf and said, "But before that, let's continue the topic at the beginning. Are you interested?"

"Isn't this nonsense!" Sherf said impatiently, "If I'm not interested, why would I talk to you for so long?"

Zhao Nan shook his head slightly, turned around and looked out of another window, "Mr. Sherf, is this the tone of negotiation?"

"It's just one sentence, be straightforward, what do you want!"

"Do things for me."

"I'm from the Temple of Truth."

"Mr. Sherf, you can come here, You probably know the current situation of the Hall of Truth, right? "

Shelf paced back and forth, gritted his teeth and said: "Although this seed is novel, it is far from knowing that I will work for you... unless you have many seeds of the quality of the mutant Sad Wind Wisteria Tree on hand."

Zhao Nan turned around and said in a cold voice: "Do you know that I can let you say goodbye to your beloved research at any time?"

Shelf did not give in and said: "I joined the Hall of Truth because the Hall Master promised me that he would not force me to do things I don't like. I just help him do things, and it doesn't count as working for him."

Zhao Nan spread his palms here.

What appeared in front of Sherf at this moment was the mutated Sad Wind Wisteria Tree seed, and this seed floated directly in front of Sherf, "I can't provide you with these things for free. If you want to get something, you must be prepared to pay something. Take this seed. If you want to think clearly, you can find me in the God's Chosen City, Tingfeng City."

A magic circle opened at Zhao Nan's feet, which was the passage leading to the Tingfengcheng Shenxing.

"In addition, the thing you just planted is not a species hidden in the dangers of the world and has not yet been discovered. It's just something I made temporarily."

"Made temporarily... Wait, what did you just say?" Sherf came forward.

Then as the magic circle opened and disappeared, he was the only one left in the tree house again.



In the dark Shenxing, a low and silent voice sounded from the moment Zhao Nan returned again.

"Welcome back, Lord City Lord."

This was emitted from the light ball in the Shenxing.

"Please check for me all the things that happened in Fengcheng in the past year." Zhao Nan sat down.

As the city lord, he had too many applications piled up in the past year since he left. (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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