Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 883 That person is back!

"Sixty-seven thousand, nine hundred and forty-three applications were made to leave the city. One hundred and ninety-three thousand and sixty-six applications were automatically accepted if they were not processed after a timeout..."

"One thousand, six hundred and three applications for house purchase..."

"Five hundred and ninety-nine applications for promotion to the City Defense Force..."

A large amount of data flew past the city master's panel interface. In the dim space between the falling stars, because there was no sunlight, Zhao Nan took off his clothes. Only the soft light from the dim crystal ball scattered on his calm face. Above the cheek.

When people go to higher places, water flows to the bottom. This has always been the case.

Although Tingfeng City was the first level six city, in the past year, six divinely chosen cities have reached level six. Compared with Tingfeng City, where the city lord has disappeared and no action has been taken, the other cities chosen by the Gods can be said to be thriving.

Moreover, now that the upgrade of God's Chosen City has been made public, in the future there will either be more sixth-level cities, or the God's Chosen City that has become a sixth-level city will be promoted to a seventh-level God's Chosen City, right?

During the invasion of the Sea Tribe, many players in Tingfeng City joined the Pan-Continent Divine Chosen Legion on their own initiative. Some people soared rapidly during the war, while others lost their lives in the hands of the Sea Tribe warriors.

After a little statistics, including the players who voluntarily left Tingfeng City, Tingfeng City has lost nearly one-third of its players in this year, and most of them are relatively high-end players, warriors and mages.

Among the more than 67,000 people who are still waiting to be processed, they are also a group with relatively high strength. As players from the great Dragon Kingdom, there is no need to ask where these people want to join after they leave.

"The players in the academy are pretty settled. The same goes for those in the weapons workshop... Most of the players who left are probably players who used to own guilds."

After checking the data, Zhao Nan closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair: "City development has almost caught up. Tingfeng City only has more guardians than other sixth-level cities. Some. But..."

Zhao Nan opened his eyes duskly and said to himself: "...the journey to the Abandoned Land made me understand that the power of the gods is far beyond that of a sixth-level city. Whether there will be a God-killing battleship after a seventh-level city is entirely up to us. The unknown... It is hard to say whether the God-Slaying Battleship is as good as Jingshi... Without the magic technology of scholars, it will never be developed. Even if you have a God-Slaying Battleship, there are many limitations. "

Suddenly there was light among the stars, and the door opened.

"The Eighth Era. Ultimately it is the world of will."

Outside the door, several rings criss-crossed, and the slowly rotating strange device began to glow. Zhao Nan walked into the device. Waiting for it to connect with the ships on the distant sea.

A flash of white light passed by.

Zhao Nan left Tingfeng City again.

The moment he left, more than 60,000 players in Tingfeng City or elsewhere received an email from the system at the same time.

"Approved to leave the city."

The city lord of Tingfeng City has disappeared for a year. Almost all of these waiting players just want their applications to time out. However, when the sudden approval appeared. Almost all the applicants had a thought in their minds.

That person is back...

However, one year later, what else can the Dragon Cavalry Mage do? On the sea battlefield, many heroic figures have been born in this year.

They roamed the Sea Clan battlefield and killed countless Sea Clan warriors. Nowadays, even the once unattainable legendary level, those heroes no longer look at it with disdain.

However, he is the city lord of the first level six city in the world. The news of the Dragon Knight Mage's reappearance spread among the players in the Dragon Kingdom camp at an extremely fast speed.

At the eastern end of the Dragon Kingdom's territory, there is a mountain range separated by it. On both sides of the mountain range are the Dragon Kingdom's divinely chosen legions and the garrison troops of the Sea Clan's ruling area on the road.

The world is currently in a tense but calm situation. As if waiting for an opportunity.

In the camp where the God's Chosen Legion is stationed, in the leadership tent.

Ximenyu is wearing a dark blue armor suit. This suit is called 'The Gift of the Deep Sea Overlord'. By shooting down the Sea Clan, one can obtain different types of weapons, armor and even secret treasures, and this set of 'Gifts of the Deep Sea Overlord' can definitely be ranked in the top ten among the many armor sets that appear on the Sea Clan battlefield.

Snap, snap, crackle.

Between Ximenyu's hands, there were several weak lightnings shining brightly at this moment. The lightning seemed to be alive, constantly changing, and finally turned into a lightning rose.

The curtain of the tent suddenly opened, and a man with a serious face walked in like a tiger. The lightning rose between Ximenyu's hands disappeared with a snap.

Only a little flash of light remained for a moment.

"This... is the power of will?" A glint flashed in the man's eyes.

Ximenyu fiddled with his hands and said after hearing the words: "The will system, didn't it appear after this update? It seems that as long as the corresponding attribute requirements are met, the so-called escape can be carried out... There are probably many guys there. Try this new power."

A trace of doubt flashed in Brother Lang's eyes, "Master, what is the so-called will..."

Ximen Yu shook his head, and a flash of lightning shot out from between his fingers. The lightning bounced from his left hand to his right hand. He said in an uncertain voice: "For me, it's probably a kind of mental power. After the various attributes of our body are digitized... Isn't there an attribute item of mental power? It seems that the will system will choose according to the specialty of the innate attribute item. Before me, Guan Qingfeng seemed to have successfully escaped from the fate, and obviously his specialty is not the mental power option." "The will system varies from person to person!" Brother Wolf blurted out. "It's probably like this." Ximen Yu smiled, obviously very happy to have gained new power: "You should find time to try to escape from the fate as soon as possible. It's probably something like the environment. If you don't lose yourself, you can survive." "Okay, Master." "Speak, now is my rest time... What's the urgent matter?" Ximen Yu said seriously at this time. Brother Wolf took a breath and said, "Master, according to the latest news... that person is back."

Ximen Yu frowned and whispered, "Is the news confirmed?"

"Tingfeng City has accumulated many applications for withdrawal from the city. But today, all these applications have been approved. Unless the city lord comes back, this situation will not happen."

Ximen Yu shrugged his head, put his hands together in his stomach, and lay down with his head tilted up, silent. The tent seemed to become quiet in an instant.

After a long time, Ximen Yu slowly exhaled and whispered, "Finally... back."

Brother Wolf said, "Master, that person does not seem to have participated in the war of the sea clan. The rumor inside Tingfeng City is that the city lord is trapped in a mission... The one-year mission is scary to think about. Maybe the reward is very rich and that guy has to be tempted? But missing the sea clan war because of this is not worth the loss."

Ximen Yu smiled and looked at Brother Wolf quietly.

Brother Wolf said in his own way: "Tingfeng City is the first level 6 city. Originally, in this sea clan war, with the strength of a level 6 city, it was definitely a super strong force in the God's Chosen Legion. But now he has given up this war, and there are already God's Chosen Cities in the world that have caught up with Tingfeng City... The God's Chosen from all sides are constantly emerging, and even the closed underground world has suddenly emerged during this period."

Ximen Yu suddenly raised his hands and said calmly: "What do you want to say?"

"Dragon Rider Mage...may have been the best in the past. But after missing this year, in this era of mass gods, his advantages have been lost." Brother Wolf shook his head and said: "And you, young master, have fought in the south and the north in this year, and have accumulated terrible combat experience and made up for your own shortcomings."

"So I can kick him away without having to look at his face, right?" Ximen Yu chuckled.

Brother Wolf said seriously, "It's just that the brothers all feel that the young master's position with him was not equal in the past."

Ximen Yu raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't agree: "Unequal? ​​Wolf, you are wrong. If you insist, it's not unequal, it's just that we each get what we need. It's just that he has the benefits you can see, and what he brings to me are almost all hidden conveniences."

Ximen Yu suddenly stood up, "It's outdated... or not suitable for this era? Only people whose heads have been caught by the door will think so. Doesn't anyone remember why Tingfeng City became the first level 6 city? When other cities were only level 4? The sea clan war was a melting pot, and it was true that a large number of people who came later were trained. But if the guy I know wants to give up one thing, there must be another thing that is more attractive."

Ximen Yu suddenly had lightning flowing on his body, which made Brother Wolf's expression change drastically.

"Besides, I have a feeling... the future is no longer a city issue."

"What... is that?"

Ximen Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, "It seems that will can do a lot of things... On the battlefield of the sea clan, we have seen many powerful sea clan warriors with so-called domains, and almost all of them have won victories with human lives. Wolf, you have seen many masters in the field of the sea clan, do you have any idea?"

Brother Wolf shook his head in confusion.

Ximen Yu said faintly: "You said... Is this world we are in the domain of will of something?"



"What are you doing?"

The sudden voice startled Ye Anya suddenly. Looking back, she found that it was Zhao Nan. Ye Anya glared and pouted, "Fishing for pearls."

"Pearls?" Zhao Nan was stunned.

At this time, Ye Yue, who was opening the shells of clams with a dagger, stood up and whispered: "My lord, you are back."

Zhao Nan nodded.

Turning around, he found that everyone on the bow deck, including Augustus and Olga... seemed to be throwing things? (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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