But Chen Hao just interrupted Sun Dabin coldly.

"I'm not interested in hearing these false words. I only want to hear the practical ones! For example, what kind of demons did it get rid of?"


"How many believers are there?"


"How many thugs are there? Oh, how many heroic defenders are there? That is, warriors?"


Seeing that Sun Dabin couldn't answer a word, Chen Hao couldn't help but snort from his nose.

"Ha! There's no record at all. What's there to follow about this kind of god?"

"Mr. Chen, you can't say that!"

Sun Dabin is anxious! Sun Dabin's men are also anxious! Everyone wanted to refute Chen Hao's words anxiously! In other words, this is not a problem of Sun Dabin alone, but the entire Haichao Gang is following the Poseidon Sect!

And Chen Hao watched all this silently - there was more than one betrayal! So there is more than one person dying!

"Poseidon is a great god! He is the only hope to save the end of the world! So we don't have to understand everything about Poseidon, as long as we follow Poseidon's will! We will die to fulfill Poseidon's instructions! We can escape from the sea of ​​suffering!"

Sun Dabin and his subordinates were talking enthusiastically! ——From their fiery eyes! Chen Hao could tell that they were trying to convince him to join the Poseidon Sect together!

"How ridiculous! I was the only one who survived to the end in my previous life!"

"Poseidon? Ha! I didn't know I would have died in the belly of that fish!"

Chen Hao was sneering when suddenly he heard the sound of an engine coming over.

Chen Hao turned around and looked - it was Gao Xiaoping from the Phoenix Gang, leading a group of men towards the Haichao Gang's fishing boat.

So Chen Hao raised his hand and interrupted Sun Dabin.

"Cut your nonsense first! That's not what I want to hear!"


Although Sun Dabin was a little unhappy, he didn't dare to show it - after all, Chen Hao's strength still made him very afraid!

Three minutes later, Gao Xiaoping led a group of gorgeous women onto the Haichao Gang's fishing boat - but Chen Hao faintly noticed that these women were a little different! ——In the past, these women were a bit frivolous like those in the world! But now, there is a hint of dignity! A trace of solemnity! A trace of calmness with faith!

"Could it be..."

Chen Hao immediately had a strange thought - he felt that the Phoenix Gang might have been infiltrated by the Poseidon Sect!

Sure enough, Gao Xiaoping verified Chen Hao's idea as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Mr. Chen, I found that the Poseidon Religion is worth believing in and following! As long as you devoutly believe in Poseidon, you can end the suffering! End this absurd apocalypse!"

Exactly the same as what Sun Dabin said!

So Sun Dabin walked over excitedly.

"Miss Gao, it turns out that you are also a believer of Poseidon!"

"Poseidon is so great! It is my honor to be her disciple!"


Seeing the Hai Chao Gang and the Phoenix Gang happily gathering together because of the Poseidon Cult, Chen Hao sneered, "I understand!" ——This is the Poseidon Religion demonstrating to him! It was telling Chen Hao that the Poseidon Sect could easily overthrow Chen Hao's rule over Tiandu City!

So today, the Tide Gang and the Phoenix Gang came here, not to restore life, but to force the palace! ——Join the Poseidon Cult together with Chen Hao! Become a dog of the so-called "Lord Poseidon"!

So Chen Hao looked at the Haichao Gang and the Phoenix Gang, and they were chatting happily. Chen Hao was also very sensible, so he chose to leave voluntarily, and even gave them a gift enthusiastically.

"These people are chattering too noisily, silly girl, please help me quiet down!"

"Understood Master!"

next moment! A missile passed through the sky! Accurately projected on the fishing boat of the Tide Gang! In the frightened eyes of the Haichao Gang and the Phoenix Gang, they were sent away from the apocalypse!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"Boom! Rumble, rumble!"

A moment! The sea is calm! Chen Hao’s ears are also quiet!

So Chen Hao can start thinking about the Poseidon Sect with concentration!

"The Poseidon Sect's methods are not simple! They can actually instigate rebellion from the Tide Gang and the Phoenix Gang, a total of more than 100 people, in one night!"

"At this rate, it will probably take them a few days to capture a city...as long as they don't encounter any decent resistance!"

Chen Hao sat on the sofa, thinking about the terrifying expansion speed of the Poseidon Sect, and couldn't help but feel that it was a bit troublesome - at the current speed, the number of Poseidon Sect's followers was at least hundreds of thousands!

Then you can't be so bored that you kill all these hundreds of thousands of people, right?

But if he doesn't kill him - does the Poseidon Sect have any plans to let Chen Hao go?

But Chen Hao still doesn't know that at this moment, the Poseidon Sect is still devouring the territory of Tiandu City, so they set their sights on the largest organization in Tiandu City - the 339th Corps!

In the territory of the 339th Corps, the female high priest who had successfully converted the Tide Gang and the Phoenix Gang appeared at the foot of a mountain.

"Please inform your acting commander, Mengmei, that the high priest of Poseidon Religion wants to see you!"

"Poseidon Cult?"

The soldiers who heard this name all changed their faces - because no one knew where this new force came from? Did Mr. Chen Hao agree?

The high priestess just waited with a smile - because she got the order from the Sea God! She must subdue the 339th Corps! If she can't subdue it, it doesn't matter if she destroys it!

Because the real point is that there is a woman named "Xue Jun" hidden in the 339th Corps! - And this woman is a demon! A demon that will affect the "Salvation Plan" of the Sea God!

"Lord Sea God, don't worry, Wanwan will definitely destroy this woman!"

The high priestess smiled devoutly - so far, she has never disappointed the Sea God! So! Not before! Not in the future!

Xue Jun! She will definitely kill him!

It's just that the appearance of the Sea God Cult also caught Meng Mei, the acting commander, off guard! - Because she just received a document from the Jiang Province District! An intelligence document about the "Sea God Cult"!

And what is said in this document is not good!

Chapter 121 Declaration of War

Jiang Province Region is the superior that controls all the corps in Jiang Province - and it is also the most powerful actual combat corps in Jiang Province!

It is said that before the end of the world, the central government quietly allocated an aircraft carrier to Jiang Province Region! ——This is simply a weapon for dimensionality reduction in this apocalyptic water world!

So after the end of the world, Jiang Province Region still commands corps in various places and still has the combat command of the entire Jiang Province! ——This is why Meng Mei must obtain the consent of Jiang Province if she wants to become the acting commander!

And now, what Meng Mei is holding in her hand is the S-level file sent by Jiang Province Region! ——This is the highest level file! It represents that the situation is extremely serious!

"It's an S-level file!"

Meng Mei couldn't help but take a breath! ——The last time Jiang Province Region sent an S-level file was one month before the end of the world! It told them the fact that the end of the world is about to begin!

Now, what will the emergency document of the same level as "The End of the World" say?

So Meng Mei immediately opened the file, and just glanced at the first few lines, she felt cold all over!

"How could it be?"

The document said that in Tianjiang City, the capital city of Jiang Province, a faith church called "Sea God Church" emerged! And the expansion speed of this church has posed a major threat to Jiang Province!

There are 500,000 people who survived in Tianjiang City! ——But the Sea God Church directly absorbed 300,000! And it is still expanding further!

"No wonder the Jiang Province District has no time to investigate the affairs of the 339th Corps. It turns out that it was troubled by the Sea God Church!"

"A full 300,000 people! Take up arms, that's an army of 300,000 people!"

"Isn't it easy to capture any place?"

Thinking of this, Meng Mei was already sweating, but the more she read, the more shocking it was!

Because the following content involves Tiandu City!

And it is still a key point!

"Two weeks ago, the Tiandu City, which had grown to a population of 300,000, suddenly made a move of some size - it dispatched 20 small teams, each with 50 to 60 people, and then rode small boats and sailed downstream to various cities in Jiang Province."

"Since we don't know the purpose of the Sea God Cult, the region can only wait and see, and at the same time dispatch several reconnaissance teams to follow!"

"But yesterday!"

"The Sea God Cult suddenly made a big move! It organized a team of more than 2,000 people, rode small boats, sailed downstream, and headed directly towards the direction of Tiandu City!"


Seeing this, Meng Mei broke out in a cold sweat! ——What does it mean to head directly to Tiandu City? And it's a team of 2,000 people!

"Are they going to occupy Tiandu City? No! That's not right! If they want to occupy Tiandu City, 2,000 people are too few!"

"Then are they... the vanguard?"

"They are going to set up camp first and then welcome the arrival of the main force!"

"If that's the case, Tiandu City will be in chaos!"

Meng Mei couldn't help but have a headache - when the end of the world just began, the order given to them by the Jiang Province District was to preserve their strength and recuperate!

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