So the 339th Corps, knowing that there were big and small fights in Tiandu City, never took the initiative to intervene.

Until Chu Qian almost destroyed the 339th Corps!

Fortunately, the appearance of Chen Hao helped the 339th Corps to stabilize the people's hearts and return to a state of recuperation! ——But now, the Sea God Cult is about to sweep Tiandu City. What will the 339th Corps do in the storm?

"What should we do? Should we directly prevent the Sea God Cult from entering Tiandu City? Or wait for the order from the Jiang Province District?"

Meng Mei fell into deep thought-until this moment, she realized the difficulty of being in a high position! One choice can determine the fate of thousands of people. It is indeed not that easy!

"Commander! There is a high priest outside who claims to be the Sea God Cult, and she asked to see you by name!"

"She asked to see me by name? She knows my name?"


The messenger said nervously-only Chen Hao, the 339th Corps, and some people in the Jiang Province region knew that Meng Mei was the acting commander!

But the other party actually said this right away!

This means! Either there is a traitor in the 339th Corps! Or there is a traitor in the Jiang Province region!

"No wonder the Jiang Province region is so troubled by this Sea God Cult! It seems that they really have some tricks!"

So Meng Mei made a decision without thinking.

"Drive her away! Don't let her stay in our 339th Corps' territory for even one second!"


The soldiers who received the order looked at the high priestess who was still waiting with a smile, and waved their hands expressionlessly.

"Go back! Our commander won't see you!"

The high priest who was rejected was not angry, but still smiled and said to the soldiers in front of him.

"I think Commander Meng Mei must be too busy to listen to the greatness of the Sea God! Why don't I tell you about the greatness of the Sea God first, and then you can convey it to Commander Meng Mei!"

It's a pity! The soldiers of the 339th Corps are well-trained! - Unlike the fishermen of the Haichao Gang, they lower their bottom line when they see women!

So the soldiers raised their guns directly.

"Sorry! The order we received is that you can't stay for more than 1 second! So please leave immediately!"

Looking at the soldiers' cold and ruthless expressions, the high priestess also understood that these people are different from the fishermen of the Haichao Gang! They have a higher level of faith than low-level desires!

My dear, there is more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, it's more exciting later!

So the high priestess smiled slightly - and changed her face! No holiness, no solemnity, only a hint of impatience!

"Really! It's like this in Jiang Province, and it's still like this here! These soldiers are so annoying!"

"What are you mumbling about?"

The soldiers who didn't hear clearly frowned slightly and pulled the bolt at the same time-this is a deterrent action! Deter the high priestess from complaining and leaving this place quickly!

But the high priestess just raised her eyes coldly.

"You have faith, but I also have faith. For faith, you can do anything, and so can I!"

"What do you mean!"

The soldiers' guns were immediately pointed at the high priestess! ——In the end times, anyone can be an awakener! So you must never measure unarmed civilians from the perspective before the end of the world!

And the high priestess just smiled coldly.

"You pagans with other beliefs, all die! Even if the sea god is tolerant and can accept you! But I will never accept it!"

The next moment! The high priestess waved her hand! A terrifying airflow suddenly rushed in front of the soldiers! The soldiers could only fight back instinctively!

"Fire! Fire!"

"Da da da da da da!"

Intense gunfire rang out! It rang out in the empty valley!

Other teams that heard the sound passed on the order one after another! Finally, the order reached Meng Mei's ears!


Meng Mei rushed to the scene as soon as possible - and saw four soldiers lying on the ground full of fallen leaves with their heads and bodies separated! And their magazines were empty! Obviously they encountered a powerful enemy!

This scene! Meng Mei clenched her fists in anger!

Not only because of the death of the soldiers! But also because this was the territory of their 339th Corps! - Killing the soldiers of the 339th Corps in the territory of the 339th Corps!

It was equivalent to declaring war!

So Meng Mei was no longer hesitant! He immediately issued a military order!

"Pass on my military order! Search for the members of the Poseidon Cult with all your strength and drive the Poseidon Cult out of Tiandu City!"

"If you encounter resistance, kill them without mercy!"


For a moment! A great war started and entered the countdown!

Chapter 122 The Eve of the War

In the 339th Corps, Meng Mei stood on the podium, facing the thousands of soldiers gathered in front of her, and angrily issued a battle declaration!

"Brothers! Just today! In the territory of our 339th Corps! An extremely bad incident occurred! - A woman who claimed to be the high priest of the Poseidon Cult brutally killed our four brothers!"

"So I ask you one question! Can you tolerate someone killing your parents and your brothers and sisters at your doorstep?"

"No! No!"

"Yes! Can't tolerate it! Me too! So what should we do!"

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

"Yes! That's it! Facing those who killed our brothers and sisters, we must make them pay the price of death!"

"So pass my order! All the reconnaissance teams in the base should be dispersed! You must find me where these rats are hiding! - Then the entire base will enter the first level of combat preparation. Once they are found, they will immediately launch a thunderous offensive. , kill them all!"

"Catch them all! Kill them all!"

"Catch them all! Kill them all!"

In the 339th Corps, the crowd was furious! We share the same hatred! ——After all, no matter which soldier in the entire regiment, they are all of the same spirit! ——So if your brother dies, you must take revenge!

But I watched the regiment enter the first level of combat preparation - everyone was distributed guns, provided with enough bullets, and had to carry guns when sleeping and going to the toilet!

As her deputy, Su Tingting frowned worriedly - she was Lin Nan's student and had assisted Lin Nan in formulating many battle plans, so she was transferred by Mengmei to act as her assistant and think tank!

So Su Tingting came to Mengmei immediately after the meeting.

"Commander, isn't it inappropriate to start a war rashly? And according to the procedure, we should ask the Jiang Province Region for permission to fight!"

"It's too late, look at this."

Mengmei handed the documents from the Jiang Province Region to Su Tingting. Su Tingting raised her glasses, glanced at them briefly, and frowned deeply.

"Now you know why I chose to go to war! If we don't stop the Poseidon Sect now, once they are allowed to gain a foothold in Tiandu City, the 339th Corps may have no future!"

"What's more, they have already taken the initiative to provoke!"

"I understand... Do you want to say hello to Mr. Chen Haochen? After all, the Poseidon Sect can develop under the control of Jiang Province, which means that their strength cannot be underestimated!"

"Need not!"


"I've already made my decision! So you don't have to say it anymore!"


Su Tingting looked at Mengmei and didn't understand what Mengmei was thinking! ——Once a war breaks out, Jiang Province will definitely not have time to rush to help! So the most powerful! Also the most suitable help! Of course it is Chen Hao who lives in Tiandu City!

"Commander, can I ask why?"

"Because our 339th Corps needs a battle! A battle that does not rely on anyone!"

"You mean..."

"Our country has been at peace for 50 years, so all military deterrence is based on top technology! Global positioning! Global missiles! As for the soldiers, as long as they hold a gun, they can deter unarmed ordinary people! Even if they are It doesn’t matter if the bullet is inaccurate!”

"So most soldiers have no actual combat experience at all, they are just soldiers."

"But now, with the end of the world, the advantage of top technology has been reduced by 90%! As for the soldiers, even if they hold guns and have the best shooting skills, they may not be the opponents of the awakened ones!"

Listening to Mengmei's analysis, Su Tingting was silent for a while - because these are all indisputable facts!

"So! I need the soldiers to fight! The most brutal fight! Only in this way can their blood be inspired! Let them become a real warrior!"

"Even if I only have one pair of fists! I only have one mouth! I dare to bite the enemy to death! I also dare to beat the enemy to death with both hands!"

"The biggest obstacle to realizing all of this is Chen Hao - as long as he is around, the soldiers will be dependent and will not fight with their own efforts!"

After listening to these words, Su Tingting agreed with Mengmei's point of view - an excellent soldier never relies on more than just weapons and equipment! But the will to fight! Indomitable fighting spirit!

And this is what the 339th Corps, which is at its lowest point, needs most!

So Su Tingting paid a military salute to Mengmei!

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