In fact, in the last life, Chen Hao also saw several guys who "proclaimed themselves emperors" in the end times - after all, in the hearts of many Chinese people, especially Chinese men, there is a dream of becoming an emperor! One person rules the world! Command the universe!

Unfortunately, the police officers in the prosperous times deterred these people, so that they could only have the heart of a thief! No courage to thieve!

But now in the end times, some people's "emperor dream" is no longer under control! ——As long as they can take over a piece of land, they want to become emperor and ascend the throne! And require everyone to call him emperor! Be his subject! Otherwise, they will be beheaded!

So between "beheading" and "role playing".

Most people will choose the latter!

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there was an emperor on Wutong Mountain! Haha! By the way, which company's boss is he? Maybe I know him!"

Chen Hao directed the drone with interest, drilled into the small hole on the side, and entered the interior of Luoxia Cave.

Then he saw two stone chairs in the cave, with two people sitting on them, the emperor and the queen!

"Huh? Who is that?"

Chen Hao never expected that he thought he knew the emperor! But he knew the queen!

Chapter 135 A good show

"Your humble servant Lu Haihao, I pay my respects to His Majesty the Emperor! May our emperor live long! Long live! Long live!"

"Your humble servant Lu Haihao, I pay my respects to the Queen! May the Queen live a thousand years! A thousand years! A thousand thousand years!"

Hearing these two calls, Chen Hao immediately got goose bumps all over his body! ——Although he usually likes to watch historical dramas, the background setting is in ancient times! So it's not out of place at all! ——But what era is this? Still reversing history? ——It really makes people feel uncomfortable both psychologically and physically!

But the two people sitting on the "throne" expressed that they were very happy with this blessing, and even slightly raised the corners of their mouths-because others were humble, and they were high above!

So the emperor waved his hand.

"My dear minister, please stand up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The kneeling Lu Haihao stood up - but before he stood up, a trace of resentment flowed from his eyes!

Chen Hao caught it keenly!

"Haha! Interesting!"

Chen Hao smiled playfully - looking at Lu Haihao's appearance, it was obvious that he was also a big brother in the underworld! So now he is forced to play this boring "role-playing" and must be very unhappy in his heart!

So this is a time bomb! It may explode at any time!

But Chen Hao knew that Lu Haihao would explode, but he didn't expect it to explode so quickly!

"Your Majesty, I... No! It was Lu Haihao who checked. There was indeed a large group that invaded our territory, but..."

"But what?"

"But most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled! So they are just a bunch of vulnerable rabble!"


"So I think with your majesty's divine power, plus the bravery of the imperial guards, we can definitely defeat the other side in one blow! Make the other side surrender to Daliang!"

After hearing Lu Haihao's report, Liang Tianci, the emperor of Daliang, nodded arrogantly-before the end of the world, he was just a small security guard, without any social status! ——So his lifelong dream is to become a person with a very high social status!

And God! Also gave him this opportunity!

After the end of the world! He awakened his superpowers! And it is a very powerful superpower!

So he occupied Wutong Mountain, cleared all enemies, and founded a country here with his own surname! He became the person with the highest social status!

So when Lu Haihao complimented him on his "divine power" like a god, Liang Tianci couldn't help but feel a little flattered!

So Liang Tianci looked at the queen beside him.

"Queen, what do you think?"

It was not until this time that Chen Hao noticed this queen, and then he unexpectedly discovered that he actually knew this queen - it was Zhang Meili! It was the Zhang Meili who failed to seduce him and was humiliated by him!

"It turned out to be her!"

Chen Hao didn't expect that Zhang Meili, who only knew how to show off her charm, would live so comfortably in the end times and even become the queen! - But think about it, a woman who knows how to show off her charm will never do too badly!

It depends on what Liang Tianci asked Zhang Meili for her opinion.

Zhang Meili is also very smart - when a man asks a woman for her opinion, it is really just asking!

So don't refute! You must flatter!

"I think General Lu Haihao is right! With your majesty's divine power, no matter how many enemies come, they are all a mob!"

"Yes! That's right! Because I am invincible!"

Liang Tianci said proudly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, a ball of lightning formed in his palm! ——The squeaking lightning! Full of domineering breath! No wonder Liang Tianci can sweep away the enemy and establish a country and become emperor on this Wutong Mountain!

"The power of lightning? It is indeed a powerful force!"

Using a drone to take in all of this, Chen Hao also praised it slightly-the lightning ability can basically be regarded as the next level of his own space ability! It is really amazing!

At this time, Lu Haihao, who wished Liang Tianci would die sooner, gave Liang Tianci another suggestion.

"Your Majesty! I think we should take action against those people now!"


"Yes! There are three great benefits to doing this!"

"What are the three great benefits?"

"First! They must be very tired after just coming here, but we are full of energy! - Second, they just came here and don't know the surrounding environment yet, but we know it well! - Third! They don't know our existence yet, so if I launch a surprise attack, they will be caught off guard!"

"Yeah! That makes sense!"

"Of course! And the most important point!"


"That is the emperor of our Daliang country, who has unparalleled power! So under the leadership of our emperor, the soldiers of our Daliang country will surely be invincible! Invincible!"

"Well said!"

Liang Tianci slapped his chair excitedly! He stood up excitedly! - Who would have thought that Lu Haihao, as a big brother in the underworld, could be so good at praising people? He praised Liang Tianci so much that he was so happy!

So Liang Tianci immediately waved his hand.

"Pass on my order, all the imperial guards will be dispatched! I will lead my army to sweep the enemy! Maintain the peace of our country!"

"Long live the emperor! Long live! Long live!"

Inside the cave, there was a roar of cheers!

Next, the troops of "Daliang Kingdom" quickly assembled - that is, those who happened to come to Wutong Mountain for team building the day before the end of the world - together, they actually gathered nearly 200 people!

But they don't seem to worry about their failure!

Because they have all seen the unparalleled power of their "Emperor"! ——With a move of his hands, hundreds of lightning bolts will be emitted from his palms! Even a 2-meter-high rock can be shattered with just a small arc of electricity!

So with such ability, it is natural to win!

So Lu Haihao became the vanguard officer and cleared the way in front! ——And Liang Tianci himself sat firmly in the middle of the army, sitting in a sedan chair carried by 4 people, conserving his energy and preparing to sweep the opponent with lightning!

But Liang Tianci didn't notice that when he closed his eyes, Lu Haihao, who was walking in front, suddenly disappeared! - His shadow, like a stream of water, quietly flowed to a deserted place, and then turned into a black figure! - He looked exactly like Lu Haihao, but looked much darker!

And this black figure quickly rushed towards the station of the Poseidon Cult! And the speed of the sprint was far faster than the speed of the "Daliang Kingdom Army"!

Because it was going to inform on the secret! - It was going to tell the Poseidon Cult about the "Daliang Kingdom" preparing for a night attack!

"Damn it! Damn Liang Tianci! You'd better die soon!"

The black figure cursed! - It seemed that he was the dark side of Lu Haihao, venting his dissatisfaction!

Looking at this black figure, Chen Hao's mouth corners slightly raised.

"Now there's something interesting to watch!"

Chapter 136 The excitement before the war

Before the war, neither side had taken action yet, but the rebels appeared first!

I have to say!

What a good show!

However, with the drone reconnaissance, Chen Hao, who opened the God's perspective, also found an interesting thing-that is, Zhang Meili, who didn't seem to be very quiet!

In Liang Tianci's Daliang Kingdom, in addition to the "Imperial Army" composed of hundreds of young men, there is also a "song and dance troupe" composed of more than 30 young women-originally Liang Tianci planned to make it a harem, but at Zhang Meili's suggestion, it was changed to the "Daliang Kingdom Song and Dance Troupe", which was specially used to reward meritorious generals!

In this way! ——Zhang Meili's position as queen is more stable! Liang Tianci's throne is also more stable!

But now, Zhang Meili has started to attack the song and dance troupe!

Just look at Zhang Meili coming in front of this group of beautiful women, with a look of "We are all women, I will think about you."

"Sisters, now, it's time for our life and death!"


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