The women in the dance troupe all looked confused - they didn't know what had happened.

"Daliang Kingdom... No! It's Wutong Mountain. Thousands of people suddenly came! Although they don't seem to be coming for us, Liang Tianci has decided to go to war with them!"

"But... What does this have to do with us? We're not going to the battlefield!"

"Sister, have you not even watched TV dramas? Once Liang Tianci loses, what if the other side wants to wipe out the roots? When they come to kill us, none of us will survive!"

"Ah! What should we do then!"

The women in the dance troupe suddenly looked ashen! ——Being willing to join the dance troupe means that they can sell their bodies without face and dignity in order to survive!

But now they may not be able to survive! Of course they are anxious!

So in a hurry, their eyes are all on Zhang Meili! ——After all! This is someone who can climb to the position of queen! So she must have her strengths!

So the girls in the dance troupe begged Zhang Meili one by one.

"Sister, then you think of a way to save us, sister!"


Under the pleading of a group of women, Zhang Meili finally spoke slowly.

"If we want to save ourselves, we must recognize the situation!"

"If Liang Tianci wins, then we must work hard and reward the excellent soldiers of Daliang Kingdom!"

"But if the enemy wins! - Then we surrender in time! Show our beauty and let them know that leaving us is definitely the right choice!"

While speaking, Zhang Meili also posed a very seductive pose, so that the girls in the dance troupe all knew what she meant - anyway, they are all selling their bodies! So just sell them to the winner!

So the girls in the dance troupe responded actively one by one.

"We all listen to sister!"

"Okay! Sisters! Then we all put on the best-looking clothes! Then go to the battlefield with me!"


For a while! The girls in the dance troupe were all dressed up! Competing for beauty! ——Then followed Zhang Meili and set off to the battlefield in a mighty manner!

Chen Hao, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but snorted.

"You are worthy of it!"

After all, it is not uncommon to surrender with a group of soldiers! ——But it is very rare to surrender with a group of women!

So this Zhang Meili is also a character!

Then, Chen Hao's vision turned to the foot of the mountain - the temporary station of the Poseidon Cult!

In the dense bonfire, Long Guangkun sat cross-legged in the middle of the crowd, and was praising the greatness of the Poseidon to the newly accepted believers!

"The Sea God is the greatest god! The supreme god!"

"She came to this filthy world just because she has an infinite kindness to save us humble people and take us away from this apocalypse! To a new world full of happiness!"

"In that world, there are no disasters! No diseases!"

"No one will lack food! So there will be no disputes over food! No one will lack clothes! Because the world over there is warm!"

Hearing Long Guangkun's vivid description of that new world - many people's eyes were filled with longing!

Because these people were not born in the apocalypse! - Instead, they grew up in a world where they could order takeout when hungry and drink beverages when thirsty! No worries about food and clothing! - So they suddenly encountered the apocalypse and became foodless! No clean water! They can only survive on tree bark and urine! Both physically and mentally, they have long been on the verge of collapse!

So these words of Long Guangkun have no power at ordinary times, but at this moment - that is a ray of hope shining into the heart! Let everyone want to grab it!

Because people are like this! When you are at the end of your rope! No matter how unrealistic the method is, you still want to give it a try!

So in such a restlessness, those poor people who were originally forced to join the Poseidon Cult actually gradually showed a trace of madness!

Then they raised their hands high! They praised loudly together!

"Ah! Great Poseidon! The almighty Poseidon!"

"Ah! Great Poseidon! The almighty Poseidon!"

"Ah! Great Poseidon! The almighty Poseidon!"

And listening to this thunderous praise, Long Guangkun smiled with satisfaction - he believed! Everything he did! The Poseidon would see it! So over time, he would definitely be able to move the Poseidon's heart!

My dear, there is more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, it will be more exciting later!

Just when Long Guangkun was intoxicated that he would one day move the Poseidon's heart and finally get the beauty back...

Someone came and interrupted his fantasy!

"High Priest! There's a man outside who said he has something urgent to report to you!"

"What urgent matter? Why do you have to come here at this time!"

Long Guangkun was a little annoyed! ——He had just imagined that he was about to take off his pants to do his business, but he was forcibly interrupted! ——What's the difference between this and holding back urine? It's just as uncomfortable!

But the person who came to report, although afraid, still had the courage to say the key points.

"He said that someone will come to launch an attack tonight! So let's prepare in advance!"


Now Long Guangkun calmed down! ——Because the number of believers is the betrothal gift that Long Guangkun can get the beauty! The more the number, the heavier the betrothal gift! ——So if some of them are killed, it means that the time for him to fight the Sea God with real swords and guns will be postponed!

Long Guangkun will never agree!

So Long Guangkun immediately said with a gloomy face.

"Bring him to see me!"


So 1 minute later, Lu Haihao's shadow clone was brought to Long Guangkun.

Long Guangkun looked at Lu Haihao with a sinister face and said.

"Give you 1 minute to explain the whole thing! Otherwise, I will kill you first!"

Seeing that Long Guangkun was so vicious, Lu Haihao's shadow clone was relieved! ——Because at least he is a normal person! Unlike Liang Tianci, the fool, playing the role of emperor and minister!

So Lu Haihao immediately explained the matter briefly.

Long Guangkun smiled immediately.

"Heh! Then I want to ask you, you are a good general, why do you come to inform on others?"

"If you are asked to serve a fool, would you be happy?"

"... I will leave the last knife to you!"

"Thank you, High Priest!"

Lu Haihao's shadow clone licked his tongue excitedly! ——Although he knew that Long Guangkun was trying to bribe him! But the temptation of this last knife was really great!

Lu Haihao couldn't refuse!

So Lu Haihao looked at the time.

"High Priest, there is not much time left!"

"Got it!"

Long Guangkun nodded, and then faced the group of believers in front of him.

"Everyone has heard it! There are bad guys who dare to attack our Poseidon Church! So what should we do!"

"Fight them! Fight them!"

"Yes! We have to fight them! So! Everyone prepare for battle!"

Long Guangkun gave an order-the 5,000 Poseidon Church believers immediately prepared intensively!

Some took up stones as weapons! Some people also picked up sticks as weapons!

They were all doing everything they could to arm themselves!

And looking at this united appearance, Long Guangkun smiled with satisfaction - with these 5,000 people, Liang Tianci's mere 200 people were just here to give themselves away!

Of course! Long Guangkun couldn't bear to kill these 200 people! - He wanted to kill only Liang Tianci, and then absorb these 200 people as well!

"Hehe! In this way, I am the biggest winner of this surprise attack! Another 200 people! Another step towards impressing the Sea God!"


But Long Guangkun never dreamed that - the biggest winner of this battle! Not him, Long Guangkun! Nor his opponent Liang Tianci! - But Chen Hao!

At the same time, Liang Tianci's army was also approaching...

Chapter 137 The Power of Thunder

"The fight is about to start!"

Chen Hao said with interest, and took out a bunch of snacks by the way - there are potato chips! There are boneless chicken feet! There is pork jerky! There are also spicy strips! ——Eat and watch!

And don’t underestimate these snacks. You have to know that this is the end of the world! So these snacks are basically non-renewable!

So in some places, such as some small trade fairs, there have been very funny scenes! ——"My spicy strips are only expired for 2 years. I want to exchange them for a cup of Coke that has been opened for 1 month. Isn’t it worthwhile?" "Oh! No! If it’s only expired for 1 year, I can still consider it!"

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