"Okay! Commander Chu, you go first! I will catch up with you!"

Commander Wang immediately took out his pistol without saying a word - even though his job is mainly civilian! But after all, he is a commander, and his basic military qualities are still sufficient!

So Commander Wang aimed at Mengmei, bang bang bang, three shots! ——Then looking at Chu Qian who was escaping quickly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth!

"Chu Qian! My love! This is all I can do for you!"

After saying that, Commander Wang smiled happily! ——Being able to die for the one you love deeply is the happiest thing in the world!

It’s just that Commander Wang doesn’t know! At this moment! Chu Qian did not escape! He didn't shoot Mengmei either! ——Everything he saw before his eyes was just an illusion cast by Mengmei!

"You bad old man! Wake up! Wake up!"

Chu Qian desperately hit Commander Wang's arm with her fist, trying to make Commander Wang let go of the gun! ——But Commander Wang held the gun tightly! Don’t give Chu Qian a chance to take it away! ——What made Chu Qian even more angry was that when Commander Wang held the gun, there was an ambiguous smile on his lips!

This makes Chu Qian unable to tell the difference anymore! Commander Wang did this on purpose! Still having some dirty dreams!

"I never expected that the 339th Corps would be destroyed in the hands of a woman like you!"

Mengmei shook her head sadly - every soldier's dream is to die on the battlefield! To protect the country! Die to protect the people!

But in the end, the 339th Corps was destroyed at the hands of a useless and shameless woman like Chu Qian!

This is tantamount to being put on a pillar of shame!

At this time, Chu Qian finally realized that she could not take out Commander Wang's gun.

So Chu Qian made a sound and knelt in front of Mengmei.

"Sister! Sister! We are all women! We all know that it's not easy for women! Just let me go! I really don't want to die! I want to live! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Seeing that she couldn't walk away, Chu Qian directly played the emotional card and cried so hard - to be honest, it was a bit heartbreaking to cry!

But Mengmei just sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's not up to me to decide whether I can let you go or not!"

"What...what do you mean?"

"It means I'm here!"

Chen Hao was wearing a dark green raincoat and walked over slowly - but Chen Hao didn't even look at Chu Qian who was kneeling on the ground, he just walked past without a glance and hugged her tightly. She fell in love with Mengmei and gave her a deep kiss!

"Thanks a lot!"

"Only a verbal reward? Nothing else?"


"I miss you!"

Looking at Mengmei's lustful eyes, Chen Hao understood instantly! Then he pinched Mengmei’s butt quietly!

"I'll take care of you later!"

"I am waiting!"

Mengmei gently blew into Chen Hao's ear and said - making Chen Hao's ear itch! My heart is itching too!

And seeing Chen Hao and Mengmei quarreling with each other in front of her, without even considering her as a threat - Chu Qian hated them so much that she gritted her teeth! ——What she hates most is that others don’t take her seriously!

"Chen Hao! Let's see how long you can keep being proud! I want you to be a dog for me! Be a dog!"

Chu Qian secretly shouted in her heart! At the same time, it quietly releases its own pheromones! ——That’s right! Chu Qian's power is to release specific pheromones to make the opposite sex fall crazily in love with her! ——So facing Mengmei, a member of the same sex, Chu Qian was completely helpless!

But as long as it’s the opposite sex! Then this pheromone is unsolvable!

Because his physical strength is as strong as that of a night owl! The spirit and will are as strong as Commander Wang! ——They all only smelled a little bit, and they were all willing to be a good dog for Chu Qian!

So Chen Hao will not be an exception!

So Chu Qian stared at Chen Hao!

"Just a little whiff! Just a little whiff!"

"Just a little sniff! Chen Hao! You will become a good dog for me!"

Chapter 105 People’s Desire

"Chen Hao! Just sniff a little! Just sniff a little! You will become a good dog for me! Then I won't lose! I won't lose!"

"So! Smell a little faster! Smell a little faster!"

Chu Qian was so excited! Stare at Chen Hao's nose! I eagerly want Chen Hao to take a whiff!

But Chen Hao just turned around coldly.

"So this is your superpower! Like a bug, you release pheromones! That's right, you are a pathetic creature to begin with!"

One word! Like a thunder! Let Chu Qian collapse to the ground!

"He...he discovered..."

Only Mengmei doesn't know why.

"What pheromones?"

"Pheromones are a common communication method used by insects. You can think of it as - just like the queen ant controls the ant colony, she uses pheromones to control other ants to complete behaviors such as mating, hunting, and migration."

"Her pheromones are similar. Judging from other people's performance, it should make people fall madly in love with her! So much that they can't help themselves!"

"So that's it!"

Mengmei couldn't help but feel sad for Commander Wang and others - they thought it was true love! In fact, it's just Chu Qian's tricks!

Then, Mengmei frowned, then raised her eyes and looked forward - looking at the black mass of heads in front, all the soldiers of the 339th Corps walked over silently, and looked silently at their respected "Commander Wang" ——Everyone’s eyes are very complicated. I don’t know whether to respect them? Or should I be sad?

A lifetime of fame was ruined by such a despicable woman!

Chu Qian couldn't accept all this.

"Impossible...impossible...my pheromones can't be useless! So...so you lied to me, right? Chen Hao? You lied to me, right?"

"Actually, you love me so much that you go crazy right now, right?"

Chu Qian looked at Chen Hao in horror, trembling with tears streaming down her face - if Chen Hao couldn't save her, these soldiers would definitely cut her into pieces!

So Chu Qian is more of a beg than a hope! ——Begging Chen Hao to say he loves her! Can save her life!

It's a pity that Chen Hao doesn't have the habit of talking nonsense with his enemies! After collecting Chu Qian's pheromones - Chen Hao took out his pistol expressionlessly in Chu Qian's pleading eyes!


Chu Qian fell to the ground convulsingly, flashing back to her glorious moments in her eyes! ——One word! Let the "richest man" Song Yulin die from exhaustion on the ugly girl! One word! Let Commander Wang of the Corps launch missiles for her! One word! Let the strongest single soldier Night Owl risk his life for her! ——What a scenery! What a sense of accomplishment!

But all of this has been ended! They were all ended by Chen Hao's bullet!

"No...no...I don't want to die yet...I still want...still want...to control everything... ..”

Chu Qian opened her eyes wide! He muttered unwillingly!

But the more she struggled! Death will be more painful! It was so painful that she couldn't even close her eyes to death!

Seeing Chu Qian's twisted death look, Chen Hao snorted coldly and released a ball of flame from his palm, completely crushing her to ashes!

The soldiers who witnessed all this applauded Chen Hao in their hearts! ——This Chu Qian! It's really damn good!

"Okay, we've dealt with one, now it's time to deal with the next one."

Chen Hao looked at Commander Wang with a smile on his face - at this time, Commander Wang was still immersed in the dreamy fantasy.

"It's time for you to wake up, Commander Wang!"

Commander Wang trembled suddenly, and his consciousness was separated from the illusion - and then when he saw Chen Hao, his first reaction was to draw a gun and shoot!

"Chen Hao!"

Seeing Commander Wang's actions, Mengmei was about to attack!

But he was stopped by Chen Hao.


Just look at Commander Wang's hand that was pulling out the gun. He was just halfway out when he suddenly froze - and a few seconds later, Commander Wang's face showed an expression of terror that he had never seen before!

No more influence of Chu Qian’s pheromones! He is no longer the "dog-licking" Commander Wang! But Commander Wang who protects his family and country! ——So the scenes from the past! One instruction after another! Now it's like needle pricks stimulating his brain! It made him howl in despair!

"Ahhhhhh! What have I done! Ahhhhh! What have I done?"

Commander Wang held his head and knelt on the ground in pain! ——His eyes are growing! The tears couldn't stop flowing down my face!

Because of his obsession! ——Most of the 339 base was destroyed!

Because of his obsession! ——Lin Nan, whom he regarded as his biological son, is dead!

Because of his obsession! ——His own life has been cast into a haze that cannot be washed away!

So he is now! Life is worse than death!

Seeing this middle-aged man kneeling in front of him, Chen Hao said nothing - because this was a confusing account! You can hardly say that Commander Wang is very clean! But it’s hard to say he’s not clean!

So Chen Hao just looked at Commander Wang calmly - no matter whether Commander Wang chose to die! Still alive! Chen Haodu respects his choice!

"Although...although...I am controlled by others, those orders and instructions were all issued by me! So, this is still my fault!"

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