Commander Wang raised his head, looked at Chen Hao in front of him, and growled and expressed his feelings - after all, such a big change occurred in the 339th Corps, and the death of just one Chu Qian was not enough to quell the turmoil! He, the "Commander Wang," also needs to die in order to stabilize people's hearts!

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

So Commander Wang will not pick himself off completely!

He must do what he should do!

"Chen Hao, thank you, thank you for waking me up from that sweet dream! Although it is beautiful there, it is false!"

"So now, I have to pay a real-world price for my greed!"

Commander Wang did not hesitate. He stood up, straightened his uniform, and then roared.

"Where's my hat!"

Someone on the side immediately brought Commander Wang's military cap.



Commander Wang didn't say anything. He just picked up his military cap, put it on properly, then turned to the north, looked at the north, and saluted the last military salute in his life with tears in his eyes!

"Wang Shouwang is ashamed of his country! He is not worthy of this military uniform!"

So Commander Wang put down his right hand, took off his military uniform, took off his military cap, then folded them neatly and placed them in the hands of the soldier who had just given him the hat.


"Hold it! This is my second last military order!"

Commander Wang said with tears in his eyes - countless soldiers also had tears in their eyes! They already know what Commander Wang is going to do next!

But they didn't stop it!

Because that is Commander Wang, the last dignity of a soldier!

"As I said just now, those were my last two military orders, so this last military order is - after I die, no one of you is allowed to seek revenge on Mr. Chen! He is not my enemy, he is My benefactor!”

"Do you understand everything?"

"I understand!"

Hundreds of soldiers stood up straight and responded!

Neat military posture! Loud response!

Commander Wang is still a little relieved - he has brought out a group of good soldiers! This is finally a contribution to the country!

"Then what follows is my personal request. Next, I will pay the price for what I have done."

"If you want to see it, just open your eyes and watch it carefully. Use me as a negative example. In the future, you must be strong-willed and don't make the same mistakes as me!"

"It's okay if you don't want to see it, just remember it, it'll be fine..."

"The last sentence, as commander, as your elder, I love you all!"

Commander Wang smiled with tears in his eyes. At this moment, he did not hesitate, but firmly and forcefully picked up the pistol and put it against his temple.

"Chinese soldiers can take it and let it go! In my next life, I will be a soldier of China!"


The whole audience was in tears! No one is jealous!

Chen Hao also closed his eyes and expressed his condolences for Commander Wang - this ending may be a good thing for Commander Wang! ——Because he set an example to the remaining soldiers!

Don't escape! Dare to take responsibility! That’s why he has a backbone! Stand up straight!

It was just at this time that all the soldiers looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds and made some decision!

Then there was a thud!

Chen Hao saw hundreds of soldiers kneeling in front of him and made a request to him!

"Please, Mr. Chen, lead us and continue to defend our country!"

"Please, Mr. Chen, lead us and continue to defend our country!"

"Please, Mr. Chen, lead us and continue to defend our country!"

Mountains roar and tsunami roars! What people want!

Chapter 106 The Secret of Project “x”

"Please, Mr. Chen, lead us and continue to defend our country!"

"Please, Mr. Chen, lead us and continue to defend our country!"

"Please, Mr. Chen, lead us and continue to defend our country!"

Three times in a row! Mountains roar and tsunami roars! The soldiers explained their thoughts in the simplest way of expression!

It proves that Chen Hao is what people want!

But for this honor, Chen Hao is really a little embarrassed - he is used to being loose, and managing a few women is already the limit of his ability, let alone managing such a large corps!

So Chen Hao smiled slightly and pushed Mengmei in front of him.

"Everyone, when it comes to defending our home and country, I, Chen Hao, absolutely have the duty to do so!"

"But I know better than anyone how much I, Chen Hao, am worth! I am not suitable to be a manager, so the management of the corps needs to be left to more suitable people!"

"So, in my own name, I recommend Mengmei to be the acting commander! As for why I am the acting commander, I think everyone understands!"

After listening to Chen Hao's words, all the soldiers felt a little unwilling, but they still accepted it more or less.

First of all, do the right thing for the right person! Even Chu Qian knows that she is not good at managing the corps, so she can only leave it to Commander Wang to manage - secondly! It is also the most important! They have no say in who will be the commander of the Corps! It has to be decided by the above!

However, the soldiers still refused to give up.

"Mr. Chen, we..."

"I know what you mean! But since we are all here to defend our country, it doesn't matter where we are or who we are under! What matters is whether we can do our best!"

"Mr. Chen, we understand! We will continue to contribute our own strength in the 339th Corps!"

"I, Chen Hao, salute you!"

Chen Hao saluted all the soldiers with a standard military salute! ——This is what Zhou Ting taught him! ——And considering the time, Zhou Ting is almost resurrected! ——It's just that the brothers' meeting is still a bit far away, and there is a lack of opportunities!

"Okay, you lead everyone to repair the gap first! It's still raining heavily now. If the heavy rain continues to pour, it will become a big trouble!"


So Meng Mei looked at the soldiers, and the soldiers also looked at Meng Mei.

Meng Mei took a step forward.

"Although Mr. Chen recommended me, if I am not competent, you are welcome to recommend a better person to replace me at any time! - As for whether I can do it, I think I need a chance to prove myself!"

"Everyone! Salute the acting commander - Comrade Meng Mei!"


All the soldiers saluted Meng Mei in unison! The movements were neat! The voices were consistent! It was extremely pleasing to the eyes!

So Meng Mei, as the acting commander, issued her first order.

"Now! Everyone repair the gap immediately! The task must be completed within 6 hours!"


The soldiers saluted Meng Mei in unison! Then they saluted Chen Hao! Only then did they rush to the location of the gap and race against time to complete the task!

Seeing this, Meng Mei couldn't help but sigh.

"Although I am the acting commander, the commander in everyone's heart is actually you!"

"What's the difference between you and me?"

"Hate it! What are you going to do now?"

Meng Mei looked at Chen Hao reluctantly. They finally met, but she didn't have time to be gentle and affectionate with Chen Hao-so her eyes were glued to Chen Hao like a greedy cat, almost pulling the thread!

Chen Hao smiled slightly.

"I'll just take a walk first!"

Then she leaned close to Meng Mei's ear and whispered.

"I'll deal with you in the evening!"

"No! I want it now!"


"Go to the illusion!"

Meng Mei didn't agree with anything and directly cast an illusion on Chen Hao, pulling Chen Hao into the illusion-of course, this is also because Chen Hao didn't resist! Otherwise, Meng Mei couldn't do this!

And in Meng Mei's illusion, a few hours inside is equivalent to a few seconds outside!

So just a few seconds later! Meng Mei suddenly stumbled and almost fell to the ground! ——Chen Hao reacted quickly and hugged Meng Mei in his arms!

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