Meng Mei complained about Chen Hao's super physical strength with a red face.

"Too cruel..."

"Nonsense! It was obviously your illusion that limited my performance. I must prove tonight that I am even more amazing in reality than in the illusion!"


Meng Mei said coquettishly! Then she tried to restrain the numbness of her body and limped to command the task of filling the gaps.

Chen Hao shook his head helplessly.

"You have gaps to fill, and I have gaps to fill, and they are all big tasks that take several hours! Haha!"

As Chen Hao said this, he walked to a small corner next to him, and then looked down at a trembling figure inside and said.

"Do you want to come out by yourself, or do I point a gun at your head and force you to come out by yourself?"

Zhao Dong, who was hiding inside, secretly complained-he thought that he had avoided Chu Qian! He also avoided Meng Mei! But in the end, he still couldn't avoid Chen Hao!

So Zhao Dong tried to put on a smile, and then stood up and said with a smile.



Chen Hao didn't waste any words and sent a bullet to Zhao Dong directly - before the end of the world, Chen Hao wanted to send this bullet to Zhao Dong! Unfortunately, Zhao Dong went to jail to operate the sewing machine at that time, and Chen Hao thought he had no chance! - Unexpectedly, by chance, a few months later, this bullet was still sent out!

My dear, there is more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the latter is more exciting!

"Okay, the mess has been dealt with almost, and next, it is time to deal with the business!"

So Chen Hao slowly walked underground to the 339th Corps - the 339th Corps did not only hollow out the belly of the mountain to build a base! It even dug 100 meters underground! Set up a secret underground second base! That is where the "x" plan is!

And all this was told to Chen Hao by the replica No. 7!

Because before the end of the world, the "x" plan was originally used to study "super soldiers" - using technology to push the soldiers' physical functions to the limit!

But after the end of the world, super soldiers are no longer enough! What they need more is powerful superpowers! ——So the "x" plan has transformed into a place to cultivate superpowers!

"Is this the entrance?"

Chen Hao said as he looked at the big iron door in front of him - this big iron door is made of special materials! The thickness is as high as 1 meter! Even the thickness that laser weapons can hardly break through!

Behind the big iron door is an elevator that goes 100 meters underground!

"If No. 7 didn't lie to me, then the things underground are really exciting!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but recall the secret that No. 7 said.

During the entire "x" plan, a total of 2 crazy existences appeared!

One is the "Destroyer" - this is a monster that perfectly inherited the genes of the Night Owl! Even too perfect! Its power, conservatively estimated! It is also 10 times that of the Night Owl! So it was frozen by the researchers! They still dare not wake it up!

The second one is the "matrix" - that's right! Night Owl is not a born superpower! His superpower comes from the "matrix"! Night Owl is just an ordinary person who was injected with her genes and merged quite successfully!

So how powerful is this "matrix"!

Even No. 7 doesn't know! ——And the only thing No. 7 knows is that this "matrix" is a woman!

A very beautiful woman!

Chapter 107 Destroyer

The 339th Corps, the entrance to the secret base 100 meters underground, is full of soldiers with live ammunition because it is a level 1 confidential place!

But now, all these soldiers have put down their weapons - because the person who came is Chen Hao!

As the team leader, Ding Haoran, on behalf of all members, saluted Chen Hao.

"Mr. Chen, we all know what happened on the ground... Thank you for giving Commander Wang face!"

"It was Commander Wang who gave himself face."

Chen Hao smiled slightly and looked at the entrance of the secret base - the door of this entrance was even more exaggerated than the elevator entrance above! The thickness of the metal door reached 2 meters! So it was not opened by pushing and pulling, but by hanging it up like an elevator!

Ding Haoran and others were not stupid, and naturally understood what Chen Hao meant.

"Mr. Chen, since you came here, I think you probably know what is inside."

"Well, I want to see."

"There is definitely no problem! It's just that two of them are more dangerous. Do you think they are..."

"I don't want to see the ones that are not dangerous."

Chen Hao walked calmly towards the door and waved to Ding Haoran and others.

"You continue to stick to your posts, I can go in by myself."

"Okay! Please be careful!"

Ding Haoran and others had no reason to object - because they had seen how powerful Chen Hao was! To be honest, compared to protecting Chen Hao, they are more likely to hold Chen Hao back!

With the turning of gears, the 2-meter-thick metal door was slowly lifted up, revealing the research room inside - dozens of researchers were walking back and forth, walking in front of rows of green nutrient tanks! - These nutrient tanks were 3 meters high, with some figures suspended inside, all of them looking like they were sleeping!

"It seems that they are still cloning Night Owls, but it is true that such a powerful individual soldier is indeed very valuable in combat!"

But Chen Hao also saw that some clones can maintain the form of normal people, but some clones can't! They are so distorted that they can't even be seen as a person!

"It seems that there are many failed ones!"

Chen Hao didn't say anything, but continued to walk forward. The researchers he met also nodded to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao saw that in some rooms, some clones were sitting on chairs and being tested - some of them have superpowers! Some don't! Some only retain some of the superpowers of the night owl! For example, flying, or super strong defense!

At the same time, some researchers were secretly communicating next to them.

"The most important problem is life span!"

"Take No. 419 as an example. All indicators are very satisfactory! But it only lived for 10 days and died!"

"It seems that we still can't master all the genetic codes!"

"We must work harder!"

For the persistence of these researchers, Chen Hao just smiled without emotion - if powerful superpowers are so easy to copy, why does Chen Hao still choose natural breeding?

"It seems that they still don't understand that the more powerful the ability, the more difficult it is to control the uncertainty. It is basically impossible to copy it perfectly."

As for why it is "basically" impossible?

That's because-cloning is equivalent to humans trying to imitate God's ability! But no matter how similar the imitation is, it is just imitation after all!

But Chen Hao is different! ——His creation space is actually the ability that only God can have! ——So the means to perfectly copy creatures are actually in Chen Hao's hands!

But mainly copying creatures is too time-consuming and laborious-especially creatures with superpowers, which consumes a lot of energy!

So Chen Hao was too lazy to use this ability.

"Okay, I've read the general things, and the next one is the key!"

Chen Hao came to the end of the laboratory-here, there are a total of 3 rooms, marked 1, 2, and 3!

Chen Hao didn't think much, and walked directly into Room 2 on the left-because when Chen Hao was at the door, he smelled a hot breath inside!

But unexpectedly, after Chen Hao walked in, he found that it was actually a big ice cellar! ——In the center of the room, there is a piece of ice sealed with special materials! In the center of the ice, there is a monster!

"Is this the God of Destruction?"

Chen Hao looked at it carefully——This destroyer is said to be a replica of the Night Owl, but in fact, it is more like a big lizard! ——In addition to the basic human form, it also has a big tail! So the whole body is 10 meters long!

"Haha! Interesting! But since you are already awake, why do you still pretend to sleep?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, the God of Destruction, who was originally motionless in the ice, suddenly had two red lights in his eyes! ——Chen Hao is very familiar with this red light, it is the same laser beam as the Night Owl!

So Chen Hao immediately opened the space field!

With a whoosh! The laser beam of the God of Destruction instantly cut through the ice! Like a sharp blade! It quickly cuts on Chen Hao's body! ——But it was easily taken in by Chen Hao's creation space, without causing any damage to Chen Hao!

But from the intensity of the laser beam, Chen Hao also knew that this God of Destruction lived up to its reputation!

"The intensity of the laser beam is indeed more than 10 times stronger than that of the Night Owl! No wonder No. 7 was so afraid when he talked about the God of Destruction!"

"But... why does it look weird?"

Just look at this super powerful God of Destruction! At this time, it was hiding in the corner of the room, trying its best to keep a distance from Chen Hao! —— It gave people the feeling that it was completely a frightened little mouse, not daring to face the big tiger coming towards it!

This made Chen Hao feel a little funny for a while.

"I understand, the more powerful the supernatural creature, the more acute its perception, so you know that I am an existence that you can't afford to offend, right?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, the God of Destruction actually nodded aggrievedly.

Chen Hao was also helpless for a while.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you, you continue to pretend to sleep!"

After saying that, Chen Hao turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, the God of Destruction behind him suddenly took a step forward and knelt down facing Chen Hao's back.


Chen Hao turned around to see the God of Destruction kneeling on the ground, his mouth opening and closing as if he was saying something.

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