“Xiahou Yuanrang.”

Chen Yu strangled the red rabbit horse, looked at Xia Houtian, who was roaring in the sky, and said coldly.

Although I don’t know what accident occurred, causing the eight array diagram to be cracked.

However, if it is broken, it will be broken.

After killing Xiahou Tuan, go directly to kill Cao Cao, that is.

Chen Yu’s goal was always only to kill Cao Cao and cause the Cao army to collapse.

During the existence of the Eight Array Diagram, it is enough to contain the opponent.

Now Cao Ying’s famous general has lost most of it, and the eight formation diagrams have disappeared, which is a little more convenient for him.

At least don’t worry, if you are not careful, you will also be in the formation.

“Lv Bu!”

Xia Hou Tian pulled out his long knife, with a fierce killing intent.

“Just you? Didn’t give you a strategist? ”

Chen Yu’s eyes swept and asked a little strangely.

“Match your mother!”

Xia Hou roared angrily, rushed forward, and the long knife was cut out one after another.

The wolf shadow appeared, like a chariot, and rushed towards it.

“It’s quite Zuan.”

Chen Yu frowned, and Fang Tian drew a halberd and cut out, facing Xia Houtian’s long knife.

The two huge forces collided together, and Xia Hou snorted muffled, and his feet stepped into the earth.

Then it kept retreating and ploughed a pit more than ten meters long on the ground.

It is indeed much stronger than Yanyi, about Yu Zhang Fei’s combat power.

If Chen Yu had just entered this world, he might have to fight for half a day.

But his current bonus value is too high, and he can easily cause crushing.

Even if Xia Hou Tian is the supreme martial artist in this world, he cannot pose a threat.

Chen Yu slapped the red rabbit horse, and the red rabbit horse rushed forward like the wind.

The crescent-shaped halberd overflowed, tearing to pieces several soldiers who had hurried to the rescue.

“Lv Bu Xiaoer, come and fight me to the death!”

Xia Hou gasped, barely suppressed the tumbling blood qi in his chest, and slashed out.

The wolf shadow condensed in mid-air, ready to pounce.

“Well, then give General Xiahou a ride.”

The bright red Fang Tian painting halberd waved, carrying a heavenly blood qi.

After three moves, Xiahou’s mouth shattered, and the long knife flew out of his hand.

Fang Tian’s halberd pierced into his heart, picking him up in mid-air.

“Ding, you have killed Xia Hou Teng, obtained 9 points, and are currently accumulating 96 points!”

“Gain 32%”

Chen Yu was silent for a while, and Fang Tian’s halberd hung down, causing Xia Houtian’s body to slide to the ground.

As an opponent, such a person deserves respect.


The thick fog cleared, and the Cao army’s army lost more than 10,000 in the melee.

Corpses everywhere, blood stained the battlefield.

“This is… Xia Houtian? ”

“That robe of the military master’s sacrificial wine, is it…?”

“Only Guo Fengxiao is in this position.”

“The general is brave, unparalleled in the world!”

“Lord Fujun, you… It’s awesome! ”

Zhang Liao, Chen Gong, Sable Cicada and others gathered and looked at Chen Yu, who was covered in blood.

Eyes full of adoration.

As if looking at a fairy…

After Chen Yu stepped into formation, after they dispersed the Chinese army, they closed the battlefield all the way.

Then, along the way, I saw the bodies of Xu Chu, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang, Xun Yu, Xun You, Jia Xu and others.

I saw with my own eyes one by one the masters who moved the world, becoming a cold corpse.

As a result, their mood was already a little numb.

In the wildest hypothesis, no one thought that after this battle, the elite of the Cao army was completely destroyed.

And all this was done by his own master almost single-handedly.


The Cao army was defeated.

War is not like playing a single-player game, and it is completely possible to ignore whether soldiers will be afraid of the death of their comrades, or misunderstood because of unclear information.

Instead, specific personnel are required to initiate tactical orders and direct the initiation of tactical cooperation.

A slightly higher casualty rate and the death of the relevant personnel will inevitably lead to a kind of disorganized paralysis of subordinate command and combat.

This caused widespread panic.

The front-line troops of the Cao army were killed more than 30% in the eight formations.

Several masters will be basically dead.

There is simply no way to organize in an orderly manner.

into a ball of loose sand.

After all, the scene of the eight-array diagram changing the world is too terrifying for ordinary soldiers.

The Overseer team also had no effect.

Even, a moment later, the Overseer fled.


Cao Cao’s main formation was the only one that did not collapse.

More than 2,000 guards protected Cao Cao’s regiment and stood tall in the place of the Chinese army.

For some reason, Cao Cao did not try to collect the remnants of the army, nor did he try to retreat.

Just standing behind the battlefield.

Like an outsider, he looked on coldly.

“The last one, finish the work and go back to sleep.”

Chen Yu patted the red rabbit horse and fed it another rice ball.

The red rabbit horse snorted.

It seems quite pleasant.

Then, he suddenly accelerated and ran towards Cao Cao’s main formation.


Seeing Chitu rushing towards him, a heavily armored man armed with a spear rushed to meet him.

Chen Yu casually waved Fang Tian’s halberd and cut it down.

The rich blood qi made the other party slightly suffocate.

The next moment, the spear was cut off by Fang Tian’s halberd without hindrance.

Then, Fang Tian’s halberd fell.

“Ding, you have killed Cao Ren, obtained 5 points, and are currently accumulating 100 points!” (Challenge the ceiling)”

“Gain 33%” (challenge cap)

“Lu Fengxian is fierce, the lord will retreat for the time being!”

“I’ll resist one or two for the time being, Ming Gong take care.”

“The world can be without me, but it must not be without ignorance!”

Cheng Yu, Manpet, and the others hurriedly gathered thousands of remnants and gathered beside Cao Cao.

Yu Ban, Cao Hong and the others were wearing heavy armor and looked worried.

Although they are also famous players.

But compared with Xiahou Teng, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Chu and others, the gap is very large.

Seeing Chen Yu almost one by one, sweeping through a thousand armies, like no man’s land.

Let them look at the scalp tingling.

Everyone is battle-hardened and has a clear judgment of the situation.

In fact, when the battle has reached this level, there is basically no need to fight.

“No need, let him come.”

“Today’s defeat is a lonely pass, and it is a shame to everyone!”

Cao Cao put on the golden armor, sighed slightly, and then pulled out the Heaven-Leaning Sword.

Golden light flashed on him.

This is a domineering skill exclusive to the monarch class.

After exerting this skill, if he relies on the sky in hand, his strength is enough to deal with the first-line famous players.

Of course, Cao Cao also understood that just that…


“I’ve seen Cao Gong.”

Chen Yu came to Cao Cao and stopped.

Although he is short in stature and does not look good, he does have the aura of heroism through the ages.

The other party’s strength is indeed very strong, but for him now, there is no threat at all.

“Gu really can’t figure out why he lost to you this time.”

Cao Cao looked at Chen Yu, his tone a little dazed.

He is a generation of soldiers, and his subordinates are like clouds of military generals and advisers like rain.

The victorious war turned into a fiasco, which he simply could not accept.

“The destiny is so, not a war crime.”

Chen Yu thought about it and said indifferently.

“Destiny? Hahaha, indeed, Gu also feels like this, Wen Hou please. ”

Cao Cao was startled and suddenly burst out laughing.

“Duke Cao wants to fight me?”

“Loneliness is the powerful subject who rules the world, and the traitor of troubled times.”

“Dying in battle is also a lifelong wish, how can you live and wag your tail and beg for mercy?”

Cao Cao said proudly.

“…… Okay, then Cao Gong please. ”

Thinking of Huarong Dao, Chen Yu couldn’t help but be a little speechless when he heard it.

Oh, it seems that Cao Cao is more backbone than in the rendition.

After all, it’s the protagonist.

That…… Okay.

“Hahaha, Wen Hou please.”

Cao Cao laughed loudly, leaning on the sky and unsheathing the sword, and the cold flickered.

“Cao Gong has gone all the way.”

Chen Yu nodded and waved Fang Tian’s halberd…

“Ding, you have killed Cao Cao, gained 10 points, and are currently accumulating 100 points!” (current upper limit)”

“Ding, Cao Cao has been killed, and the Cao Liu allied forces have completely collapsed.”

“Judge that the main quest is perfectly achieved, and the reincarnation can return to space at any time.”

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