After Cao Cao died in battle, Cao Hong, Cheng Yu and others committed suicide by wielding a knife.

Yu Ban, Manpet and others chose to surrender.

Cao Cao’s guards either died or surrendered, completely collapsing.

At this point, the Cao army no longer had any formed troops.

Chen Yu didn’t care about this either…

He’s already full marks anyway.

Yu Ban and others, whether dead or alive.

It doesn’t matter to him.

As the sun set, Zhang Liao, Gaoshun, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi and others were still cleaning up the battlefield, collecting the remnants of Cao Cao’s soldiers, and collecting the spoils by the way.

Chen Yu and the sable cicada returned to Xia Ping side by side.

Chen Yu took out the rest of the rice balls in his pocket and fed the rest of the rice balls to Chitu Ma.

Then, let the sable cicada go find a few handsome little mares.

The red rabbit horse immediately became happy and trotted back to his independent stable.

The sable cicada was stunned for a long time, before agreeing to come down with a red face and hurrying to the cavalry battalion to pick a horse.

Chen Yu smiled and climbed the city tower alone.

“I’ve seen the general!”

“General Huwei!”

“The general is unparalleled in the world!”

When the soldiers stationed in the city saw Chen Yu, they knelt down one after another.

Look in awe.

“Let’s all go down and rest, the state of war will be lifted tonight, and the guard post can be maintained in peacetime.”


“Thank you General!”

A moment later, the footsteps gradually faded away, and only Chen Yu and Zhuge Liang remained on the city tower.

“Mr. Zhuge , don’t come harmless?”

Chen Yu looked at Zhuge Liang, who was haggard and closed, sitting on a deck chair sighing, and asked.

“Congratulations to Marquis Wen, and now the world is terrified by the first war.”

Zhuge Liang opened his eyes, his voice was weak, and he was weak.

“Are your eight formations so hurtful?”

Chen Yu was startled and asked.

Originally, I thought that after the formation of the mage professional position, it could be dashing and dashing to carry out fire strikes.

Now it seems that it is not so easy.

Oh, it seems to be right too.

In reading novels, forbidden spell mages often just throw a big forbidden spell, and their own people are gone first.

Even if the lucky person is still there, he will age for dozens of years.

Become old and become the protagonist’s golden finger or magic tool.

“Hey, the way of heaven is not for all things, and Ze and all things are not for benevolence. But that’s not what people do…”

When Zhuge Liang said this, he was slightly startled and glanced at Chen Yu.

“It’s okay, go on, I understand.”

“…… There is not much to say. Simply put, this killing was too heavy and was eaten by luck. ”

“Originally, I also made a hundred million points of preparation, which can be avoided.”

“But there are many capable people in the Cao army, and there are many madmen who don’t want to die, and some people will not hesitate to destroy the ashes, but also curse me.”

“Let’s do it now, death will not die for a while, but if you want to dissolve it, it is enough to choke.”

Zhuge Liang sighed, but his tone was also a little respectful.

“Is this method Guo Jiaguo Fengxiao of Cao Jun?”

Chen Yu’s heart moved.

In his kill list, only this top strategist of Cao Cao is missing.

Consider that the other party is the first magician in the game.

With such means, it is not incomprehensible.

“Guo sacrificial wine? Ryo also felt that it was mostly him. ”

“Although Cao Ying is big, this spell is estimated to be only he and Jia Wenhe can cast.”

“Considering Jia Wenhe’s style of acting, it can basically be excluded.”

“Be ruthless to others, and leave no room for yourself.” Sure enough, the strategy is good, the wizard of the world. ”

Zhuge Liang thought about it and nodded.

“How many percent of your cultivation do you have now?”

Chen Yu’s eyes swept over the battlefield in the distance and asked.

“Thirty percent is only a matter of twenty years, and it will be difficult to recover in twenty years.”

Zhuge Liang thought about it and said with a bitter smile.

“Isn’t that nice, don’t you have to die.”

Chen Yu smiled lightly.

“…… Wen Hou already knew that Liang had murderous intent? ”

Zhuge Liang stiffened again, and subconsciously tightened the crane on his body.

Wear this thing in winter, weird cold…

“In the eyes of the world, Benhou is capricious, ambitious, rude, rigid and rude, but a man with a strong ear.”

“Every time Kong Ming compares himself with Guan Zhongle Yi, he naturally has a lofty heart, and most of them want to get rid of this national thief for the world.”

Chen Yu said leisurely.

“…… Everyone in the world thinks that Wen Hou is brave and indecisive, and he can’t think of wisdom and understanding, and the temple is counted as a thousand years. ”

“Liang was originally conceited and intelligent, but today he knows that there are many heroes in the world, and he is only a drop in the ocean.”

Zhuge Liang was stunned when he heard this, and couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

“Well, just sigh. In a few days, I will go to the temple hall, pay attention to your actions, and don’t fall into a lot of doors. ”

“Wen Hou doesn’t plan to kill me?”

“I always act without taking my deeds to heart. You and I are guests and hosts, the cooperation is quite pleasant, naturally not an enemy. ”

Chen Yu looked at the prompt that the challenge task had reached the upper limit and said casually.

Killing Zhuge Liang is no good anyway.

Let’s stay and see.

If Zhuge Liang is alive, whether the Tianzi Dragon Qi can rub a little more luck, you can still count on it.

Much more reliable than Jia Xu.

“Thank you Minggong.”

Zhuge Liang was silent for a moment and saluted slightly.

At this moment, above the firmament, a huge dark red meteor streaked across the sky, vast and tragic.

“Is it Cao Mengde?”


A moment later, countless small meteors followed, whistling in the sky.

“Xun Wenruo, Guo Fengxiao, Xiahou Yuanrang, Xiahou Miaocai…”

Zhuge Liang sighed softly and pointed out one by one.

Stars fall like rain!



“What’s going on? I can’t afford to stay up at night, huh? ”

Pang Tong subconsciously woke up in a dream.

Feeling something, he pushed open the window and looked at the sky in awe.

“This horoscope…”

“Oh, it turned out that Cao Cao was dead, I thought it was raining, it scared me.”

For a long time, Pang Tong exhaled a long breath and closed the window.

It’s just that his slightly trembling hands hint that his heart is by no means calm.


“Cao Cao?”

Jiang Xia Taishou Mansion, Zhou Yu opened his eyes wide, looking at the heavenly firmament, looking unpredictable.

For a long time, he put on his battle robe and turned into the hall.

“Prepare the horse for me, I’m going to see Wu Hou.”


“It’s going to be chaotic again.”

Zhou Yu muttered.

“Taishou-sama, what did you say?”

“It’s okay, I didn’t tell you.”



Hanoi County

“Huh? This is……? ”

Sima Yi raised his head and stared at the starry sky, suddenly stunned.

After a moment, the corners of his mouth hooked up and a smile appeared.

The smile is getting more rampant.

Finally, the whole person burst out laughing irrepressibly.

“Zhongda, what’s wrong with you?”

The new wife Zhang Chunhua was taken aback and quickly asked.

“Haha, the traitor is dead, and the power of the Han family will return to the Han Emperor.”

“We set off quickly and went to Xuchang to serve the country.”

Sima Yi laughed and walked into the house.

Sima Yi was intelligent and knowledgeable since childhood, and was a Confucian teacher.

However, because the Han family was controlled by the Cao clan, Sima Yi refused the official position granted by Cao Cao for a time.

Whether it is history or speech, it will take nearly ten years before he is forced to join the ranks.

But now that Cao Cao is dead, Sima Yi no longer pays attention to these things.

It is different from the heroic attitude of eagles and wolf Gu in the future.

At this time, Sima Yi, who had only reached the age of twenty, was full of ambition to serve the country in his heart.


“Let’s go, it’s time to go back.”

Chen Yu silently looked at the stars, nodded, and walked down the city tower alone.

“By the way, wear a knee pad when pretending to be a fuss in the future.”

“Otherwise, you may spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair.”

The voice drifted in the wind, with a hint of banter.

Zhuge Liang: ???

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