Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

072 Hunting The True God! Bestow Blessings! Terrible Vansariel! 【Subscribe】

Yin Heng, the fourth-order reincarnation of the High Tower Academy, followed behind that saint!

He didn't know what kind of honor he had.

To be able to receive such courtesy.

He watched a cardinal, an ordinary purple-clothed bishop, and the purple-clothed deacon respectfully salute the young saint, and followed him to a basement.

In the basement.

The young saint leisurely put on a small round hat and the deacon's black clothes, and said:

"I'm going to the tailor shop in the 2nd block of Belhena to clean up a group of heresies."

"My lord, I...I only have the fourth rank.

Lin Yun said: "I appreciate your sincerity. Unlike other reincarnations in the old world, you didn't treat the sect as a fool."


"Do you think the Supreme Monarch doesn't know about the reincarnators of the old world? I even know that your new batch of reincarnators is about to come to the entire multiverse. As the remaining souls of the old universe, you are born to be rejected by the new universe. But in you, I see a kind of growth and other possibilities."

Yin Heng was almost speechless.

The young saint in front of him was wearing black gloves meticulously, and said to him: "Put on your clothes and take you to clean up the heresy. I have a hunch that things this time may not be so simple, ha ha."

Yin Heng followed behind that saint.

Put on the deacon uniform of the church!

15 in the past.

The church deacon group that helps the entire imperial capital of Ess, the garrison, the army, and the noble guards to maintain law and order, undoubtedly possesses extremely strong power!

"Master Saint, do we want to intervene in that matter as a deacon?"


Top hat, black leather jacket, black leather gloves, he even looked at the saint and took a black umbrella from the wall.

Everything is black.

"Lord Saint...only...just us?"

Lin Yun smiled, but did not speak.

He patted Yin Heng's shoulder, and then walked out: "I'll give you three minutes to prepare yourself mentally."

Yin Heng changed into the deacon uniform of the church.

Looking at the light rain splashing in the sky, there is an inexplicable feeling that the wind and rain are about to come!

Outside the basement, at the entrance of the church, a carriage was parked with a high seat and silver wheels.

The young saint got into the carriage and said, "Go to the 2nd block of Beihai."

"Yes, guest world"

Lin Yun said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, the establishment of the holy city will eventually need manpower to complete. Since you are a necromancer, although your rank is not high, participating in the battle will also benefit your growth."

Lin Yun held a book and said: "Now that the Inquisition has been reorganized, in the entire Xik plane, in the capital of Ace City, the candidate for the Pope of the church has not yet been established, and the law code is about to be promulgated. Cardinals, Patriarchs, and Archbishops , diocesan bishops, priests, the status of priests are changing."

Yin Heng was a little frightened when he heard the church's confidential news.

Lin Yun said: "Since the Supreme Monarch Sect has entered the capital, it will naturally suppress a group of people and leave a group of people behind. The positions within the church are changing. The word bishop comes from the Latin word "episkopos" (?okoto ?), that is, the meaning of "epi from top to bottom" and "skopos observer", meaning supervision" (loversee).

"Do you want to become the bishop of the Supreme Monarch sect?"



"Very good, offering your faith to the great Vanshaliel, getting his feedback and approval, magic and blessings, you will be able to easily gain the power above the crown."

"Crown?!! How is it possible?"

He is just a fourth-level necromancer, and a ninth-level crown, is that an unreachable existence?!

He still needs to climb at least five stages, from the apprentice at the bottom of the tower, to the fifth floor, and gradually start learning the basic necromancy spells, until the intermediate and advanced level... Only then will he have the chance to become the crown necromancer!"

"Master Saint... the crowned mage is already called the 'Great Mage'..."

"you do not believe?"

Although Yin Heng knew that this was somewhat disrespectful to the sect, he still shook his head honestly.

"Try it."


Lin Yun laughed: "What do you think I brought you into battle for?"

"I...I don't know.

The young saint in front of him is too mysterious, he wears a mask, making it impossible to see the exact face clearly!

Slender, elegant and perfect figure.

It seems that he always looks down on everything, and he is never impatient. There is a god-like illusion that everything is under control!

"The one who will face the assassination next is not me, but you."


Yin Heng thought to himself, is this young saint going to use himself as a scapegoat? But, if that is the case, why did he have to ride in a carriage with him?!

into a compartment?

He felt more and more mysterious and confused, and couldn't figure out the motive of the saint in front of him.

Lin Yun said with a smile: "Block No. 2, Beihai, is ten minutes away from here, which means that you still have ten minutes to pray to Lord Vanshalier.


Yin Heng remembered what the saint in front of him told him before, whether he was willing to become a bishop.

" mean, you want me to become a crowned life through prayer, join the Supreme Monarch Sect and live in the priesthood?!

"And one more thing."


"Solve this group of heretics and prove your own worth. This is a test I will give you."

Yin Heng was shocked instantly.

He watched the young saint take out an old medieval pocket watch from his pocket, and said, "You still have 9 minutes and 32 seconds.

Yin Heng suddenly understood that this would be a great opportunity for him!


He didn't want to miss it in vain, very few people can be valued by the saints of the church, but in many churches of the gods, the position of saints even surpasses the pope!

It is the agent of the whole god in the mortal world!

Since he wishes to pray by himself.

Of course, Yin Heng would not refuse, he closed his eyes respectfully, and sent a message to Lord Vanshalier, the seraphim who was called "God's Judgment" by the multiverse and meant to be the "commander of the heavenly army" in the multiverse. prayer!

Three minutes passed quietly.

He gradually entered a state of silence and flow.

Immediately afterwards.

A vast incomparable divine radiance [the cage is above his body!

Immediately afterwards.

He seems to have seen the scene of heaven, the beautiful and lofty murals, the saints with supreme faith, the flowing waterfalls, and the huge city of angels, all of which make one's heart tremble!

And even more surprising.

But it was the seraphim in front of him. Behind him was an entire incomparably huge golden kingdom of God. Within the kingdom of God, there were countless precious stones.

He stands proudly on the throne.

Overlooking the common people.

In the transmission of faith, I gave myself feedback!

"Van...Van Sharil!!!!"

"I will give you the blessing of the gods, the belief in defeating darkness, and the invincible power!"

"But...but I'm a necromancer?!"

"Embrace the dark."


In an instant, aura of corruption emerged from Yin Heng's body surface, death, plague, famine, together with rotten, depraved, and angry radiance, shrouded his body!

The Shenhui of Hai 650 quietly lights up!

Countless priests in the entire church watched in amazement at the burst of divine power!

"It's a gift from God!"

"It is the blessing of Lord Vanshaliel!"

"Which believer is so lucky to be able to obtain such power?"

In just a split second, amidst Yin Heng's puzzled emotions, a terrifying force of evil and death erupted from his body!

"Fifth Tier...Sixth Tier!!"

"Seventh...eighth...ninth crown!!!"

"Ten... tenth rank crown!!"

He watched in shock as a large amount of death power filled his body.

"Master Van Shalier, isn't it an angel?"

"How is it possible to master the power of death and depravity? His saints have colluded with the great demon Zun Monarch before, and the sect can accommodate darkness?"

"What the hell is going on? It's completely beyond my imagination and cognition!"

"Master Fanshalier, no...shouldn't they be the gods of the heavenly pantheon?"


The aura of the tenth crown erupted on his body surface, and the young saint beside him took off his mask.

His face was blurred.

It seems to be shrouded by the waves of divine power, but the handsome outline can be vaguely seen!

"This is the artifact, the mask of doom."

"Lend you a while."

"The gods look down on all beings and like to play chess. These heretics are not worthy of me doing it myself. I am waiting for a bigger fish to appear."

"Big fish?!"

"Yes, if I am the fishing rod of Lord Vanshaliel, then you are the bait under the fishing rod and fishing line.


"This confrontation is just about saints and saints. It's too boring. I want to hunt down the true god projections of heretical gods."


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