Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

073 Doom! Puppet! The God Of Murder Is Coming! 【Subscribe】

Outside the sewing shop in the 2nd block of Beihai, there are a large number of Crown Assassins.

Believers of the holy, demigod-level god of murder are gathering... A large number of high-level thieves from the entire Thieves Union have used their strength and connections to repair the congested underground pipes in the entire city of Ace and build them into In the name, many people were placed outside.

Just to complete this assassination operation.

Gould said with a cold smile:

"He is bound to die. We have investigated all his daily life long ago. Which cafe he is used to drinking coffee in. He is used to ordering a cup of Earl Gray tea at afternoon tea. He prefers to watch the sunset. When evening comes, that Every saint will return to the Red Falcon Hotel from the parish of the church to communicate with the adventurers."

"Block No. 2 in Beihai is the place he must pass through, and it is also the place where he died."

"My lord, the divine power of the murder god will spread throughout the entire Shik plane, and we will also gain the power and glory of murder."


Blood-stained wraiths floated in the sky, assassins and killers with gloomy eyes hid in the rain, even though the raindrops fell on the hood, they did not waver in the slightest.

One assassin's ears quivered like a civet.


A snow-white white horse, led by the church driver, came towards this place.


The church driver looked puzzled and said: "There is no checkpoint here, and there is no need to go through any inspection... You are responsible for repairing the road... Pfft..."

Lines of blood emerged from the throat of the middle-aged coachman.

On his back, the figure of an assassin appeared, and the short dagger pierced his heart.

Immediately afterwards.

That coachman turned into a cloud of transparent mist?!



Suddenly, a young man wearing a deacon robe and a golden mask walked out of the carriage.

"Isn't he a most religious saint?!"

"Touch of fatigue!"

Yin Heng looked at his most common spell, and erupted a jet of black smoke that spread ten meters. He had just broken through to the crown, and he still didn't understand how to adapt to his own power!


The assassin in front of him instantly approached him.

"Fear the radiance.

"Scream of the Undead!!"


A large area of ​​rain was distorted, and the skulls of the undead grew out from the depths of the ground, and then rose up, condensing into hundreds of terrifying skeletons!

"This... is this the crown-level skeleton summoning?"

"too strong!"

Yin Heng looked in shock at himself who could only summon two first-level skeletons in the past, and waved his hand to summon hundreds of seventh-level fearful black skeletons!


"The Supreme Monarch Sect is indeed an evil monster, they are willing to gather the power of the undead?"

The strange rotten breath turned Yin Heng's feet into a poisonous swamp!

Everything is in the swamp and starting to rot.

"There are corpses everywhere."

"Death armor.

The snow-white bone armor lingered around his side, however.

A saint assassin raised a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said calmly:

"Murder is the only way to please the god of murder, Grekkon."


"Darkness, Cat Lightness, Poison Strike!"

Quietly, he landed beside the crowned death mage, and then, he was shocked to find that his attack was actually reversed by a strange stance, and his body was beginning to rot!

Massive toxins, plagues, and the breath of death made his face start to age!

"How can it be?"

"What's this?"

Gould looked around the necromancer in horror, only to see a large piece of rot, which exploded in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a tiny flying insect!

"Is it a gift from the gods? He actually not only believes in Vanshalier, but also a follower of evil gods!"

"Hide `||!"

A large number of highly poisonous flying insects turned into a ring and broke out on the ground.

The light rain in the sky gradually turned into a torrential rain!

The darkness shrouded the sky, as if turning the entire evening into a falling night!

Lin Yun leisurely admired the picture.

"Yin Heng's potential is very high. He should be among the reincarnations of the old world that I have seen so far. The small group of people with the highest potential. The position of bishop is very suitable for him... He is also very good at using the divine power I bestowed on him. Very appropriate, unflappable in the face of danger."

"And honest enough to have the value of cultivating a devout believer."

"It's more suitable to be my true eye in human beings."

Lin Yun intends to lay out the multiverse and become an all-knowing and omnipotent existence, so he must gather enough believers from the old world.

He will construct a web that spans the multiverse.

All the gods in the net will become his prey.

"Believers in the old world have two advantages. One is that they can connect with their beliefs and pretend to be aboriginal people. On the other hand, they can log in to the consciousness network and establish contact with me through another channel."

outside the compartment.

The three Crown Assassins fell down and died before they got close.

Lin Yun's face was blurred, and three lights and shadows of the soul appeared on the gloves.

"'God of Murder', Lu Jin."

"Do you understand what it means that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole follows?"

The battle lasted a quarter of an hour.

But intensified.

The entire sewing shop in the No. 2 block of Beihai has been completely crushed by a huge bone monster. The bone monster is close to two meters, bent over, and its bones are like blades.

Yin Heng shouted excitedly in his heart:

"Is this power the god-given and majestic power of Lord Vanshalier? Even the Holy Throne... the assassin of the Holy Throne fell into my hands!"

"This... this is simply unbelievable!"

Outside the church in the distance, a large number of troops were gathering, a duke held a noble sword and said: "The breath of the undead is erupting.

"The church says they are cleaning up heresy."

"Use undead to cleanse the thieves of heresy?"

"The Supreme Monarch sect wants to establish a holy capital in Ess, and the royal family doesn't want to offend any gods! Especially the heaven gods."

"The dispute of the true god is not something we can intervene in."

And just when the duke was about to stand by and watch.

Throughout the city, a large number of imperial guards began to mobilize towards the 2nd block of Beihaina!

"Crush them."

The elite army of Scarpal Kingdom, together with the cavalry, appeared on the streets of the city where the rain was pouring, and rushed towards the death mage!

Gould raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said:

"The power of lies can always leverage stronger support. It's just a necromancer. After he dies, it will be the turn of the saint.

"Master Gould?"

"Do we even have the help of the imperial army? They must die."

"Prevent the church from reacting, and make a quick decision!"


The kingdom's elite imperial guards, together with crown assassins, dark guards, and illusionists joined hands, instantly plunged Yin Heng into trouble and chaos.

He looked at the overwhelming black mist and figures.

Look at the assassin who suddenly attacked and killed him from the shadow plane!

The bone armor of the undead shattered.

His heart was instantly pierced!


However, just when Gould raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, he was about to lead everyone to kill the hidden and behind-the-scenes saint.

The fallen Necromancer is like a puppet on a string.

He stood up stiffly.

The young saint, with a blurred face, came out of the carriage.

He looked around at the encirclement, as well as the picture, and said with a smile: "You want to kill me?"

Gould said: "You will definitely die. The power of the murder god is unimaginable. If you want to gain a foothold in the Sigg plane, the so-called Supreme Monarch Sect? It's nothing but ants."


Lin Yun nodded.

His face was blurred, like a vortex of divine power.

Yin Heng, who had lost consciousness, was quietly enveloped by a wave of divine power, and then, following his will, he stood up and turned into a puppet.

"How about this, you play a game with me, as long as you defeat my puppet, I will let you live? How?"

Gould laughed:

Just you?"

His figure flickered quietly, and a demigod-level terrifying power erupted.

Immediately afterwards.

The shuttle of the shadow plane appears like a poisonous snake.

"Shadows lurk, attack and kill."



That demigod-level power was quietly resisted by the puppet-like Necromancer!


"You can try to break the rules of the game, or you can try to escape. I don't mind the ants in my palm struggling everywhere."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

Gould said, "Spider Walk!"

"Dark abyss."

In an instant, his figure disappeared into the air, and darkness enveloped everything around him, hiding his figure.

He stabbed the dagger at the back of the head of the young saint!

But next moment!


That stiff necromancer's puppet actually saw through his concealment and assassination at an outrageous and unimaginable speed?!

"Kill him! Completely destroy Van Sharil's missionary intention!"

"Yes, Lord Gould!"

The human forbidden army from all directions, together with the assassins and illusionists, the holy and crown thieves of the Thieves Guild, felt that they had a chance to win, and gathered towards the center like a tide!

Leave no room for the enemy.

There is no verbal contest.

"Murder, death, and lies are the truth of the world!"

Rain falls.

Lin Yun laughed: "No, murder is not the truth, the truth of the moment, I call it 'bad luck'


The world was silent, and the necromancer Gao Heng, who was wearing the mask of doom from the divine artifact, quietly blurred his figure under the manipulation and influence of the divine artifact by Lin Yun.

gray fog.

The whole world is filled with gray fog in an instant!

Those thick fogs are full of doom.

Full of negative energy!

Gould, together with the body of a famous killer, was contaminated with that aura, and immediately felt that his own destiny seemed to be imperceptibly changed, and a drastic change had taken place!

"What... what is this?!!"


"I feel a wave of doom coming!"


Thunder fell from the sky, and a Holy Assassin who had just emerged from the shadow plane was swallowed by the sudden space rift!

"Spatial Rift?!!"



Thunderbolt killed a crowned illusionist, and immediately after that, everyone in the Thieves Guild faced their own calamity in a short period of time!

He is starting to age.

The plague and the highly poisonous power that should be immune to it are actually in the body, bypassing all the immune system.

bypassed some gods

Line of defense.

Explode in the heart!

Countless people clutched their hearts and knelt in the black mist!

Gould was not spared either!

"Immunity checks and magic checks are all invalid!"

He looked at the masked puppet and said, "God artifact?!!"


Lin Yun said: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, why do you like to procrastinate so much? Where is your god of murder? Where is the object of your faith? Why hasn't he come yet?"


The demigod assassin named Gould held high the dark and simple dagger, and when he was dying, he began to pray fervently:

"Great day of darkness! Great god of lies! God of murder!"

"Your divine power pervades the multiverse."

"Van Shalier invaded the plane of Xik, trying to build a holy city here. I followed the will of God and killed (De Li Hao) the holy man of the Supreme Cult...but he has a divine weapon..

The great god of murder, your most devout and faithful believer, pray for your divine power to descend!!!"

"Come on, God!!"


In the eyes of countless dying imperial guards, there is a touch of Far East emotion!

In the hopeful eyes of countless thieves.

They ushered in death.

A large piece of soul was harvested by a group of dark divine power.

A slender man with stunning pupils and a deadly snow-white skin descended from the dark divine power to the world!

"God descends!!!"


"It is the projection of the true God descending into the world!"

"The god of murder... Grekon, has descended!"

Gould clutched his heart in pain, feeling the unstoppable power of bad luck, and respectfully knelt down to the god: "Grecon... True God, save me...

"You will dedicate your soul to become my petitioner and enter my kingdom of God."1

"Yes! Great Lord Greckon!"

The vast divine power stirred up the clouds above, and the thunderstorms also kept falling and splashing.

The young saint took off his black gloves.

On the handsome face shrouded in divine power, the light of a doom mask quietly emerged.

"Grickon, I've been waiting for you for a long time...

"Are you waiting for me?"

Lin Yun said leisurely: "The battle for the mortal throne and the crown is not enough to arouse my interest. Only killing the gods and taking away part of your divine power and priesthood is what I want to do."

Affection. "

"I actually like murder too, and I like your lies, plots, deceit, and the power of illusion."


"So you entrust me with your priesthood, or shall I take it myself?"

"Big words."

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