Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

076 Mortal Kingdom Of Gods! Big Rally! The Plane Of Heaven Is Coming! [Please Subscribe! 】

Lin Yun can feel that in these two months, his godhead is undergoing drastic changes!

[The Immortal Divine Fire of the Ancient Gods (Current Unlocking Progress: 0.18%)]

【God King Godhead (to be unblocked, current unblocking progress: 62%)】

"Most of the power of the god king and godhead has been unlocked!"

"After killing Greckon, along with promulgating the scriptures and changing the religious structure, with Bill Berg as the leader, the Knights of the Supreme Monarch Sect were established. My strength is also rising with the increase of the church's strength and cohesion. .

"To rule the multiverse is a long day!"

"With the improvement of the law of hidden cultivation, the more I have, the more I can feel my own insignificance..."

Lin Yun could feel that, without using the Doomsday Judgment, there is still a huge gap in the strength of his body compared to those god kings and ancient gods who have existed for tens of billions of years!

And above the ranks of god kings and ancient gods, there are more unknown ranks, and the highest rank known to Lin Yun!

"If you want to perfect the god system, the kingdom of God, the sect, and the layout of the entire multiverse, to achieve the state of omniscience and omnipotence, personal ability is one aspect, and the expansion of power is another aspect.

"Four Six Zero" "The two complement each other and are indispensable.

【Secret Law imprint (85%)】

"My imprint of the law of hermitism is about to be completely integrated into myself."

for two months.

Lin Yun Appoints Beaufort Randolph as the New Pope!

Appoint Bill Borg as the head of the knights, establish the knights of the church, promote Yin Heng as the cardinal archbishop, and be in charge of the reincarnated believers of the old world under the church, and even the Inquisition!

While the Church, the Knights, and the Inquisition depended on each other, they successfully created the Holy Scriptures.

"Many fanatical believers, from the perspective of theological masters and mortals, have created and perfected the scriptures of Zhijiao!"

"The heresy in the church has also been cleaned up by me!"

"But the sin of wrath, one of the Seven Lords of Hell, under Samuel's command, Heici Lite, the angel of death, did not appear!"

"My priesthoods of the sun, murder, war, judgment, monastery, and dawn are also growing and improving at a slow rate.

[Current mission completion: 75%]

He calmly put on the doom mask.

Go outside the gate of the church!

Millions of people are crowded in the streets and alleys of the entire city of Ace, and countless followers of Zhijiao are cheering and shouting wildly!

Scarpal Kingdom, outside the golden riverside of the royal capital of Ace City.

In the past, a fourth-level undead apprentice, now the eleventh-level crowned undead master Yin Heng, wearing a power ring on his fingertips, wearing a red dress, with a high crown on his head, looking into his right hand, which represents the status symbol of the red-clothed archbishop. Scepter, feeling a burst of emotion!

"Bishop Yin Heng, today is the day of the sect assembly."

"Everyone will follow the Holy One and pray to Lord Vanshaliel together! The Holy One will also announce the establishment of the Holy City!"


Yin Heng looked at the entire Tebu sea area, at the port of Charlestown in Ace City, tens of millions of people were gathering, and those were all believers of the sect.

In just two months.

It's not just Yin Heng's status that has changed!

That Beaufort Randolph is now the pope of the sect!

"Lord Holy One, promulgated the sect's code of law, proclaiming 'faith', multiracial integration, pursuit of power, sect taxation, protection against disasters, war, trial, esoteric teaching, hermitism, holy marriage, cleansing of sins, astrology and the sun worship..."

"Even the religious decrees, as well as the thorough adoption of the sect's legal code, established the Sigg plane as the holy place of the supreme monarch's sovereign sect in the multiverse

Prepare to build the Holy City of Miracles!"

"And in addition, in the Holy Scriptures, the Inquisition also plans the future options to contend with the gods of the multiverse..."

"And can sanction false conversions, primitivism, and barbaric beliefs!"

"Gender Equality"

"And allow dwarves, elves, goblins, gnomes, undead, and demons to coexist..."

"This kind of sect doctrine, as well as the influence of Van Shalier's dominance, are completely enough to make other gods feel suffocated

In a huge gathering.

Countless reincarnations from the old world are gathering, and Yin Heng even heard some reincarnations quietly discussing recent events.

"The method of that saint is too harsh."

"Yes, the Elf Church, together with the Temple of Knowledge, has been oppressed by the Supreme Monarch Sect and moved away!"

"Recently, a large number of citizens of Ace City are also changing their beliefs!"

"The scale of this large gathering is really terrible, not only the millions of believers, but also the believers of other sects in the entire city of Ace, the princes and nobles of the city of Ace, and members of the parliament

Military officers and big businessmen will not be absent! The influence is really terrifying!"

Countless reincarnations of the old world are watching the coming of that saint!

The black crowd knelt on the ground.

Whether they are general believers or true devout believers, in such a sect gathering, they all become a whole!

The reincarnations of the old world were all exclaiming.

The saint wearing a golden mask, facing the call of the crowd, said calmly:

"I declare that from now on, the city of Ace will become the holy place of the Supreme Monarch sect, accommodating multiple beliefs!"

"The city of Ace is the mortal theocracy empire of the Supreme Monarch Sect!"

"Here, the most magnificent and magnificent sacred barrier in the multiverse will be built!"

"It will become a miraculous land that embraces all beliefs, all virtues and sins. From today onwards, the city of Ess will also be called the Holy City of Miracles. The main faith is the supreme monarchy, overriding many churches !"

"We are waiting together to pray to the great heavenly pantheon, the future master of the multiverse, and one of the future seven archangels of heaven, Vanshaliel, and welcome his divine and glorious coming!"

No one dared to refute the speech of the saint in front of him, who surpassed many sects.

these hours.

He cleaned up a large number of heresies, and he was not afraid of offending other gods at all, and the projection of the gods of the murder god Grecon was killed!

No one is willing to choose to confront that saint at this critical moment!

A follower of Mitje, the God of Judgment, Gardner Mandel lurks in the crowd, watching the holy man bathing in a golden holy emblem!

The former Storm Lord of the Church of Storms, Leo listened to that declaration with horror.

Lodi dwarves and green-skinned orc believers are shouting wildly in the city!

Together with a high elf, they are also admiring the great real name of Van Shalier!

Lin Yun waved his hand, motioning all the voices to silence...

For a moment, there was no sound in the city of Ace!

The waves of his power turned into ripples and spread in all directions, saying:

"At this moment, follow me to recite Van Shaliel's real name, and pray for his greatness and immortality!"




The prayers of countless believers gathered into a torrent, and then... in the massive old world reincarnated, even believers, goblins, halflings, dwarves, berserkers, barbarians, chaotic warriors, imperial crusaders, and even in the sky In the eyes of the griffin knights hovering, patrolling, and maintaining order!

A huge golden beam of light emerged from the body of the young saint like a surging sea.

Madness sweeps!

"The holy city of Ace is about to be established, and I will lead a grand pilgrimage from the multiverse to the Sigg plane!"

"Please, my lord Vanshaliel, send down the oracle and repay the prayers of all believers!"

All of a sudden!

A dazzling snow-white holy light emerged from the sky above the city of Ace!

The sacred radiance illuminates almost everything between the heaven and the earth, turning the whole world into a piece of pure white!

The gate of the vast angel.

floating in the sky!

Lin Yun's figure floated upwards, and Bilbom in the distance was actually hidden by a force. A large number of demons, undead, devil believers from the bottomless abyss, and believers of evil gods all felt a sense of fear, and it was very frightening. The Power of Panic!!

"That is....……"

"Heaven's Gate?!"


"That saint is actually welcoming the arrival of the gate of heaven?!!"

【Current mission completion: 85%】

With the emergence of a gathering and ceremony led by Lin Yun, the projection of the heavenly plane is suspended over the entire city of Ace!!

A seraphim in silver armor!

Accompanied by holy sounds and hymns, 5.2 suddenly descended over the entire city of Ace.


"How is it possible, how can the projection of the plane of heaven come to the plane of Shik? Aren't they always aloft?!"

"One of the most terrifying forces in the multiverse, Heaven, has actually appeared?"

"Is this... is this really a meeting of the Supreme Monarch Church?"

"The holy city and the pilgrimage are nothing more than that!"


"And, that seraphim! Which one of the seven archangels is he?"

Gabriel looked at the crowds gathered like an ocean, the dark crowd was illuminated by the infinite holy light, and the projection of the heavenly plane appeared in the human world. It was a picture that even Lin Yun had never imagined!


Everyone saw the young saint quietly knelt on the ground on one knee, and immediately after that, the holy power poured out endlessly, because of the belief of the emperor's believers.

shocking emotion.

Together with countless old world reincarnations, including Yin Heng's eyes, they were all in a trance!

"Is this... really a human world?"

"The city of Ace is about to become the mortal kingdom of the Supreme Monarch Sect!"

"Heaven has come?"

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