Global Reincarnation: Start In Paradise And Become A Seraphim!

077 The Miracle Comes! Flowing Water Does Not Compete For The First Place, But The Competition Is En

Countless angels linger between heaven and earth, and the gate of heaven is wide open.

Hymn to heaven.

It is spreading throughout the city of Ace.

"The Sovereign Sect, the Supreme Sovereign, actually led the projection of the entire heaven to descend when everyone prayed to that Vatican in this gathering?!"

"Is this the church that cleared up heresies and overwhelmed all other denominations in just two months?"

And masters of theology, look to the heights, those gods ruled by Van Shalier!

Look at that person, among the mortal world, can be called the supreme angel!

Especially the existence of the Seraphim Archangel.

This made the entire rally usher in a complete sublimation!

Lin Yun also looked at the sky in surprise.

"Teacher...why did you lead heaven down?"

Gabriel laughed.

no words.

And next.

An even more shocking picture emerged, one by one angels, kneeling on one knee, as if they were supporting the arrival of some great man from heaven!

Yin Heng only felt that he was so stabbed by the holy light that he couldn't open his eyes.

He is the necromancer of the High Tower Academy!

Facing heaven.

Facing the holy light, I naturally felt my legs and feet go weak! I was in awe and fear in my heart!

Bilberg led the knights of many sects and said:

"That Vatican is about to come!!"

"His position in heaven is so lofty that even angels bow down to him when they see him!"

Behind him, a great demon looked at the glory of heaven with horror!

And as the reincarnations of the old world, they were also completely shocked by the scene in front of them that was enough to make people remember their lives!

A large amount of information is flying like confetti in the consciousness network!


"Is Van Sharil about to appear?"

"The seraphim who has shocked the entire multiverse for seven days since its birth, the Seraph who defeated one of the seven kings of hell and launched the doomsday judgment, is finally coming?!"


All the people looked up to the heights, only to see a 15-year-old Seraph with six platinum wings and a dazzling golden light on the wings!

Appear in the sky!

He overlooks all living beings, and with an incomparable and unimaginable divine power, he spreads his own power throughout the city of Ace.

"This place will be my mortal kingdom."

"This place will be the place of glory and victory."

"This place will be the center of the entire mortal belief, and all believers will be blessed by me and heaven."


God's grace descended from heaven, countless reincarnations of the old world felt the improvement of their own strength!

"I broke through from the second level to the third level?!"

"Is this the Supreme Monarch sect?"

"Heaven, as well as the true god Vatican, are descending, and we can also receive soul stones on the forum, which is simply great!"

"A miracle, a vast miracle!"

Compared with the cheers of believers in the old world, Bilberg was stunned:


"In such a grand occasion, even the Archangel Gabriel descended in person, but Van Shalier was just a projection?"

"Why is his status so high?"

So proud. "

"Is it difficult for a large gathering of this scale to allow his real body to descend and appear?"

The big demons of Bilberg breathed a sigh of relief. He tried his best to hide himself, not wanting to be noticed by the chief of guards, Gabriel, and all the dark beings looked at the object of his belief. !

To the true seraphim in the multiverse, "God's Judgment" Van Sharil!

Bow and kneel!

Whether it is dark elves, Lodi dwarves, high elves, wood elves, halflings, green-skinned orcs, or even dragonborn and dwarves, all believers who join the Supreme Monarch sect.

All come down in heaven.

When the terrifying real body of Van Shalier appeared, a lot of faith was raised!

"This is the real god drop!"

"This is the aura and power erupted by the real top gods."

"No one dares to choose to go to war in front of that Seraph Archangel, in front of countless heavenly armies and world projections."

The projections of the heavenly world are all in the sky, and countless angels kneel down, together with the images of millions of believers descending, completely establishing the position of the Holy City and the Holy Land!

The followers of Mitje, the God of Judgment, sighed.

Paladins, judges, security officers, lawyers and other believers who are related to the trial priesthood all feel a gloomy future.

"In the future, if, if that blazing angel, Van Shalier, really competes with the master for faith, what should we do?"

"Tipus, the god of war, has fallen."

"He even made a ten-year covenant with Tips. Within ten years, Van Sharil hopes to neutralize the plane, and the land of war will be completely converted and become a vassal of heaven...Are we going to fail too?"

"The matter of the Holy Land has become unstoppable!"



The Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility, the God of Death, Naraku, the Body of the Storm, the God of Mystery and Knowledge, the God of Civilization and Discipline, the God of Bards, the God of Courage, together with the gods representing the major gods, are in Sigg. The believers who appeared in front of them.

They passed the scene in front of them to the gods of faith!

In the elven pantheon with medium divine power, the god of destiny and history, Rabis Ient, stood on the forest and said with a smile:

"Paradise comes..."

"This is enough to show Heaven's determination to help Van Sharil, enter the Siq plane, and dominate the city of Ace, but we will not let it go."

"When you are the strongest, no one is your opponent, but the battle among the gods is never a short-term activity.

"Flowing water does not compete for the first place, but the competition is endless!

"The Supreme Monarch Sect is bound to usher in a complete collapse in the end, and this will be your fate..."

But even with firm words.

A hint of jealousy still emerged in the green pupils of the Rabis god.

She thought about how she could communicate her faith.

Is it possible to cause the entire elf god system to go all out?

Make the plane of the elven god system come to the entire city of Ace?

The answer, of course, is no.


The entire city of Ace, and even the Kingdom of Scarpale, were shocked by the sudden scene. Tens of millions of believers began to build a vast and huge holy city in the city of Ace!

[Current mission completion: 116%]

Inside the church.

Lin Yun held the teacup leisurely, and said with a smile, "The task progress has increased so much?"

"This progress means that the pilgrimage has been completed ahead of schedule?"

"I originally thought that this vast pilgrimage that would affect the multiverse would require a lot of chapters and even twists and turns, but I didn't expect that Lord Gabriel would lead the heavens down and directly subdue all other forces that are just around the corner!!"

"Heaven is, after all, one of the strongest forces in the multiverse."

"The death angel Maharaja Heici Lite that should have appeared, as well as the influence of the gods of hell and darkness, after I took control of Bilberg, the risk was minimized!"

"Together with the God of Murder, the God of Judgment, the God of Tyranny, and the believers of the Storm Gods, Elven Gods, Dwarf Gods, Dark Elf Gods, Halflings, and Orc Gods who were offended by me when I was cleaning up the heresy , Heresy, dare not act rashly!"

"I originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to hunt down more god projections, gather more priesthood, and other types of laws... It's a pity."

Lin Yun looked at the pope in the church, Beaufort Randolph, and said:

"Beaufort, I should go."

"Master Saint?!"

"It was a good trip, but the ending seemed rushed."

Beaufort․ Randolph looked stunned

He was stunned, looking at the peeling off of the golden mask, a handsome, perfect, seraphim who descended in the pilgrimage of the great assembly before, and the object of his prayers day and night, Van Shalier, has a youthful face that is five times the same!

All of a sudden!

From the back of that young man, six platinum wings spread out!!


"Master Saint?!!!"

Lin Yun says:

"The establishment of the holy city, including the pilgrimage to the multiverse, will be entrusted to you. Before leaving, I will give you a blessing from the gods alone to repay your fanatical belief."

The new pope, Beaufort Randolph, could hardly believe his eyes!

The saint who has been with him for so long!!!

It turned out to be the seraphim of heaven, his ruler, "God's Judgment" Van Shalier?!!!

" is this possible!!"

"Master!!! You.....You actually descended into the mortal world with your real body?"

Lin Yun smiled and said, "Yes."

Beaufort Randolph was trembling and speechless, and knelt down on the ground with a plop. Immediately afterwards, a torrent of divine light shrouded his body.

His power is going crazy!

Even in the blurred vision, I saw the heroic figure of a silver-armored seraphim in the church!

"Teacher, let's go."

Lin Yun said: "Master Michael should be waiting too soon, right?"

"Do the Hell Knights need me to deal with it?"

"No, he's still kept in the dark by me."

Gabriel said: "Hell has never stopped coveting you, and even the absolute truth can hardly see through Lucifer's conspiracy."

"I see."

【Secret Law Branding (100%)】

【Murder law imprint (14%)】

All of a sudden, the law of hidden cultivation quietly merged into Lin Yun's body as he felt it.

Positive strength and power zone!

The law of murder and priesthood are one of the important gains from his arrival!

"After returning to heaven this time, I will continue to accept the teachings of Master Michael."

"And this time the reward."

“It's so exciting!”

"More importantly, can I break through the God King and become the seventh Seraph Archangel!

"The improvement of my age is almost directly proportional to the improvement of my strength!!"

"God King!!"

this time.

Lin Yun's face and height have grown a bit, and he is almost the same as a twelve-year-old human boy! He yearns for the power he possessed when he was an adult!

I also hope more and more to truly become the commander of heaven!

Become the Archangel of the Seven Archangels!

Even rule the entire heaven, lead the heaven, and surpass the gods!

973 Bottomless Abyss, on the 570th floor, Purgatory bard Feld looked at the scene in front of him with ecstasy!

"It's here... I'm finally about to achieve the goal of mastering!"

His strength has already surpassed that of a demigod!

It is even one step away from igniting the fire, and during this time, the entire multiverse is spreading

The prestige of the Supreme Monarch Sect, but in the bottomless abyss, the legend of a blasphemous poet began to spread!

"The great fallen seraphim, Lord Vanshaliel!"

"I will fulfill your wish, find that succubus girl, and become her right-hand man!"

"Great Vatican, your servants pray to you, imploring you to bring down stronger powers of corruption, rot, death, and plague!"

A balor looked at the bard.

Whip waving!

But the next moment.

"Advanced Divine Art, Finger of Death!"

The crowned Balrog's body was pierced by the death ray, and a huge alien vortex was formed in the abyss, which aroused the panic and fear of countless demons around!

Lin Yongpeng is now in the palace of the Succubus Queen.

Log into the Awareness Network.

She was amazed to see the amount of posts, news on the news!

"Brother... actually established the mortal kingdom of God! The entire city of Ace, the plane of heaven has descended?!"


"I've been busy with becoming a god recently...I haven't been in touch with my brother!"

The girl looked at that scene in amazement, a radiance of godhood emerged between her brows, and the aura of the lower gods attracted the subordinates of the purgatory lords around to bow their heads and bow their heads.

"Brother...I have become a god...but you have already established the church and the holy city?"

"The power of the mortal kingdom of God... If a holy city is located on the Sigg plane, it can at least double the power of the gods! Maybe more!?"

"My brother...what is my brother's state now?"

"Isn't it the God King?!"

A Fiend Lord of Inferno says:

"Master, that blasphemous bard Feld, has arrived at the 570th floor of the Abyss plane, the place where the Crow's Arch is located.

Lin Yongpeng thought to himself: 'Brother's followers...has finally come?

"How many people did he kill along the way?" she asked the demon lord.

"A lot... and since the object of the blasphemy is that Vanshalier, there is no god at the level of the master of the plane, so he is willing to take the initiative to trouble him."

"He... was able to kill me all the way from the upper layer of the bottomless abyss. This... is he not weaker than a god?"

"Is this brother's believer?".

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