: Killing the Quartet! (1/1)
In this way, Wen Ning’s pandas are killing all directions here, and Wen Ning is also very happy at this time.
This good guy is actually starting to work now. Originally, Wen Ning was worried that these scorpions would put his panda in trouble.
But what I didn’t expect was that there was really nothing to say about this matter, and this thing itself was like this.
This panda is a panda, directly beat all these thousands of scorpions to death, and then directly ate them all.
Then I saw that the panda was also eating these poisonous scorpions, and then a purple gas was released from behind after 300 minutes.
Then the panda also comfortably walked back to Wen Ning’s side, at this time Wen Ning said with a smile: “I think you are really good.”
“There are other things, but the current problem is here. I wonder if you are really invulnerable to all poisons.”
“Why are you really not worried about the existence of these poisons?” Wen Ning also asked curiously.
After the panda roared at Wen Ning, it followed Wen Ning directly into the valley.
Along the way, Wen Ning did not encounter any attacks, which made Wen Ning feel relieved.
Wen Ning has always been very vigilant because of being attacked before, but fortunately, he saw that his beast master is so powerful.
This really made Wen Ning very happy. At this time, Wen Ning walked in with the panda directly.
As soon as he entered the valley, when he turned around, Wen Ning saw a small green grass growing solitary and tenaciously in the middle of the valley.
Wen Ning also took out his own PD, which had the picture of the bell plant that Zhao Fei sent to him, after careful comparison.
Sure enough, the grass was the bell grass, at this time Wen Ning smiled directly and said, “Not bad, if that’s the case, then it’s according to what you said.”
“But I’m curious, why did you grow up here alone, don’t you worry about other things?”
Wen Ning was also very curious in his heart, although Wen Ning didn’t know why this little grass was here alone, but at least for Wen Ning now.
Some things are like this, and it can only be said that under such circumstances, Wen Ning must find a way to solve this matter.
And thinking of this, Wen Ning was going to go up and get the bell plant into his hand, and then take it back to see Zhao Fei.
After all, this thing is worth one billion.
Wen Ning didn’t even think that there would be such a good opportunity to directly get this bell plant into his hands, which would be considered as a development for himself.
And at this moment, the panda also stopped Wen Ning, and then looked ahead vigilantly, Wen Ning saw his panda like this.
Only then asked curiously: “What’s the matter, is there something wrong?”
The panda also yelled at Wen Ning twice, and Wen Ning naturally understood immediately that this was the panda reminding himself.
This dangerous thing is nearby, if you are not careful, it is very likely to be cleaned up by this thing on the spot.
Just when Wen Ning was still thinking about what this thing was, he saw a huge voice roaring not far ahead. .

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