Canyon White Wolf! (1/1)
After hearing this voice, Wen Ning was a little dazed. The voice was not because of anything else, but because this guy was really powerful.
Wen Ning was also curious, could it be that something else happened, and most importantly, there seemed to be something wrong with this voice now.
Just when Wen Ning was curious, he saw a huge white wolf coming out from the side of the valley.
Soon the white wolf also looked directly at Wen Ning and the panda in front of him, and this was the blood-red light coming from his eyes~.
And Wen NingAfter seeing such a situation, this is the one who immediately said to the panda: “This guy looks very powerful, are you-are you sure.”
It’s not that Wen Ning doesn’t believe in his own panda, but it’s true that this panda is in all aspects of body size and other-.
They were indeed not the opponents of the White Wolf, so Wen Ning’s worries were normal.
At this time, the panda called Wen Ning twice, signaling the question to step back.
When Wen Ning stepped back, he saw that the panda also roared, and the next second, the panda suddenly became several times bigger.
It was the first time that Wen Ning knew that his panda had such ability, and Wen Ning said in shock, “You actually have such ability.”
“Oh my god, you are too powerful. I didn’t know about this before, but this time I know what you are capable of.”
“But since you can become as big as this white wolf, then I can be relieved.” Wen Ning said with some confidence.
Then I saw that the panda also roared directly, and then rushed over, and soon Wen Ning’s panda also caught the white wolf.
At this time, the white wolf opened its mouth to bite the panda, and the panda directly grabbed the white wolf’s head.
Then the right hand directly grabbed a large stone next to it, and a stone smashed directly on the head of the white wolf.
The white wolf was so smashed by the panda that it screamed out on the spot, and Wen Ning looked at his panda so smartly and said, “Not bad, not bad.”
“I really didn’t expect you to be so smart. I thought you would come up with something else.”
“But I didn’t expect you to be so smart. If that’s the case, I’m relieved, but I’m curious, you’re so smart.”
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“Why didn’t you find it before?” Wen Ning at this time relaxed a lot after seeing how powerful his panda was, and was not worried about his panda being injured.
And after the white wolf was beaten several times by the panda, it let out a roar, and then bit the panda’s left arm.
. . . . . . .
However, this panda is not a vegetarian. When the panda saw the white wolf biting its left arm, it also roared.
It was directly stuck in the neck of the white wolf, and the white wolf was also caught in the neck by the panda, and it almost made him breathless.
Soon the panda also smashed the white wolf directly to the ground, and then smashed the stone in his hand on the white wolf’s head.
Every time he smashed it, the white wolf was directly made to roar, and soon this was the case.
It’s just that in terms of some things, there is nothing to say about this matter, and Wen Ning took the opportunity to hold the bell flower in his hand. towel.

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