Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 106 Infrastructure Maniac! Building Jurassic Park! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Yu Ziqiu doesn't seem to drink well.

Beer can be drunk too.

Drunk-eyed, she tilted her neck, as if she didn't hear clearly: "What did you say? What money printing machine??""

Qin Yi:

He was just looking at the other rides in Thrill Valley provided by the system.

The completion rate of Thriller Valley was 10% before, but now with the cabin in the woods, it suddenly increased to 15%.

The more expensive and larger the project, the higher the completion rate of the occupancy.

Qin Yi sees a grouping of projects that interest him:

【The world of the dead】

To put it bluntly, this group is to restore the underworld of several civilizations. Among them, Qin Yi is most interested in, of course, the "underworld" of the Xia civilization!

Underworld Underworld viewing project, the note for this option is that sentence:

【Let people do good deeds and experience the greatness and heaviness of life "zero one zero"!】

Qin Yi just took a brief look at the introduction and felt extremely shocked!

This is a huge and terrifying simulated underworld system!!

Yama Hall, Guimen Pass, Huangquan Road, Flowers on the Other Side, Naihe Bridge, Mengpoting, Sansheng Stone, Wangxiang Terrace, Wangchuan River, Nine Paths of Reincarnation, Jiuyou Difu, Dead City, Eighteen Layers of Hell!!

Tianqi Rensheng Great Emperor! Beiyin Fengdu Great Emperor! Wufang Ghost Emperor! Earth Store King Bodhisattva!!!

It will all be made!

If only part of it is built, the price is not too expensive, but if the whole is built, it will take a full 1.5 million shock value!

In the detailed introduction, Qin Yi sees...

This underworld underworld, in the world extracted from Infinite Paradise, belongs to that dimensional world, a high-level educational tourist destination built by the cultivation civilization, and it belongs to the replica version of the real underworld there.

There is a very powerful 'side effect'.

This hellish underworld...

Not just for tourists to see and to reflect on their lives.

It is even possible to identify some people with monstrous sins and conduct a trial of their souls in advance to prevent them from continuing to do evil!

This made Qin Yi hesitate a little.

What made him hesitant even more... was that this underworld showed that it would use the space laws of that comprehension civilization.

It basically does not occupy the land in the real world, but directly creates an exaggerated space!

As soon as this underworld underworld comes out, Thriller Valley will truly shock the world!

The supernatural in the absolute sense is completely solid!

As the boss of Thriller Valley, Qin Yi will definitely become the most watched and most dangerous person!

Qin Yi sighed and replied again: "I said, I want to build a shady underworld to restore our legendary afterlife world.

He spoke for a long time.

Yu Ziqiu shook his head and seemed to understand.

Immediately, he smiled and waved his hands drunkenly: "Ah! You think too much! This is too exaggerated! It's not easy to make! Humans can make them, but they can't make that kind of grandeur and terror! The movie, called Walking with the Gods, have you seen it? It uses special effects to show some of the horrors of hell... It's a bit like our legendary underworld... But it's just special effects! You can imagine that scenes like that appear in reality In the world? It can't be done..."


"Don't think blindly..."


While talking, Yu Ziqiu slumped on the sofa in the suite and fell asleep.

Qin Yi looked at this silly girl with a little amusing.

He reached out and picked her up, then walked into the bedroom, put it on the bed, and covered the quilt.

Standing by and watching for a while, Qin Yi turned around and walked out, closing the door carefully.

Qin Yi is a little lonely.

And the girl Yu Ziqiu, although she belongs to the official family, has a real and interesting temperament...

It makes Qin Yi feel...

is a good friend.

Qin Yi slept very late. He went back to the office, opened his mailbox, read the various design blueprints of Jurassic Island, and made revision notes according to his current understanding of amusement parks.

The next day, Yu Ziqiu, who had just sobered up, brought a group of guys in suits and leather shoes full of energy.

People from the central bank.

This meeting was another complicated procedure and discussions about the loan amount.

From 1 billion, to 5 billion, to 10 billion!

Qin Yi can understand, after all, without seeing the island, without letting them build any facilities, how can one fully believe that a Jurassic Park is about to shake the world and make money all over the world?

So, the tentative loan of 10 billion...

The big guys with the national prefix...


A few more days passed.

The calm Pacific Ocean was once again surrounded by a huge fleet!

After confirming that there is a dinosaur world hidden from the Pacific Ocean, it has been monitored by all parties for a long time!!

The Maritime Self-Defense Force of East Japan, after observing the fleet from a distance, reported to the headquarters in horror:

"Discover the Xia Kingdom Fleet!! Discover the Xia Kingdom Fleet!! 35

"Location, 115 E! 143 W..."

"It's not an aircraft carrier group, nor is it a destroyer... It seems like..."

at the same time.

The Haiphong station of Han country is also urgently reporting:

"Yes... all kinds of ships!!

"Too much!!"

"There is still a fighter formation escorting!!!"

On the ship of the Star-Spangled Kingdom, a group of navies looked dumbfounded at this majestic and eccentric maritime fleet with the flag of the Xia Kingdom.

From the range of sight, it slowly drove past.

They are also reporting:

"my Lord……"

"Which ships do you ask me? I... let me take a closer look.

The highest officer of the ship, directly holding a telescope in the sea, observed at a relatively very close distance.

"Apart from escorting fighter jets and destroyers..."

"There are also large tonnage engineering ships!"

"4.8 Crane Ship! Oil Tanker! Freighter! Container Ship!!"

"What the hell is Xia doing?! Are they building a new empire in the Pacific?! 35

They are very disturbed and can't do anything.

Because it's all open sea.

The ships of the Star Striped Nation, after receiving the order, have been following in the rear.

Because they all understand.

Xia Guo is not about to build a new empire.

Instead, build a dinosaur kingdom at sea!

They can't allow this to happen!!

Unfortunately, it didn't take long, just like the countless attempts before, after entering a certain mysterious sea, their direction system completely failed!

And the satellite and the naked eye have suddenly lost the trace of the Xia Kingdom fleet!

Infrastructure maniac! Landed on the island!.

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