Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 107 A day trip to the underworld!! Hurry up and experience it!! (Thank you for subscribing!)

Jurassic Island, the big project has finally begun!

On Qin Yi's side, he did not personally supervise the work.

After struggling for several late nights and carefully reading the instructions for the underworld tour project, he still couldn't help his inner anticipation and curiosity.

【Do you want to buy the whole set of the tour package of Yincao Underworld?】

【Are you sure to consume 1.5 million shock points?】

Qin Yi answered in his heart.


Every time Qin Yi adds something, it can only be added in the middle of the night, otherwise, I am afraid that it will attract onlookers...

The project of Yin Cao Difu does not occupy an area at all.

Because it is a completely different space existence.

But still have to choose an entrance.

Qin Yi looked at the three bright big characters presented by the system—Ghost Gate.

A little wary...

"Where should I put it?"

After another period of deliberation, Qin Yi decided.

"Just put it next to the gate of Thriller Valley, and open an inconspicuous little door.

Because he read the description of this project, the capacity for the flow of people is very, very large! It can be said that the flow of people in the entire Thriller Valley now can be completely eaten by this project!

If you don't want to limit the flow at that time, you can't open the entrance of the underworld in the old area of ​​Thriller Valley, otherwise it will inevitably cause congestion.

The system map appeared in Qin Yi's mind.

He clearly saw that a dark door suddenly appeared on the side of the gate of Thrill Valley, on the rock of the rockery...

Qin Yi let his eyes in.

As a result, he was blocked from the door.

[Please explore the host in person before you can turn on the monitoring map function. 】


Qin Yi originally wanted to first take a general look at how big this underworld is. After all, the manual is too general.

The result is not to be seen.


Qin Yi had already lied down, so he couldn't hold back his curiosity.

He put on a coat and went down in slippers.

Going all the way to the gate of Thriller Valley, turning a corner, and after taking a few steps, I saw the dark door.

Speaking of guts, Qin Yi is now ranked first in the world.

But right now.

He looked at the round hole that seemed like a natural formation, and at the stone tablet with three red lacquer characters standing in front of the hole.

Inexplicably, I felt a gust of wind blowing, and my back felt cold.

Qin Yi walked over slowly.

The full moon was in the sky at the moment, and the light was quite bright.

But Qin Yi found that the gate of hell was clearly facing the moonlight, but he couldn't see what it was like inside.

And that stele was even weirder.

It was clearly exposed outside the cave.

But it doesn't seem like it's in this world...

The moonlight circled in front of the stone tablet and did not shine on it.

In front of the stele, a clear curve appeared on the concrete floor. Outside the curve, the moonlight was like frost, a vast white patch, and inside the curve, darkness was endless.

The stele is dark, and only three red letters seem to be self-illuminating, allowing people to see clearly.

This scene is like...

The moonlight of the living is not qualified to shine into the valley of death.

Qin Yi took courage, wrapped his coat tightly, and strode into this dark...

gate of hell!

As soon as I entered, I heard two voices, a man and a woman.

"Hi boss!"

Qin Yi was scared to death: "Fuck!! You two..."

"It won't be black and white!!!

Outside the cave, there is no sound at all.

The night wind of early summer gently swept through the Valley of Thriller, and the moonlight shone on the peace of the living as it was hundreds of millions of years ago.

Time flowed smoothly.

After about an hour.

Qin Yi walked out of the gate of hell again.

He looked a lot haggard.

Not only is his face full of shock, the key is

He also grew a lot of stubble, as if he had stayed up all night.

"Is it still dawn?

Qin Yi turned on his phone and glanced at the time.

1:32 minutes.

"I remember when I went in, it was almost 12:30...and it was only 1 hour later!!35

As Qin Yi walked back, he whispered to himself: I understand, although time is passing in the underworld, but the speed of the passage is different from that of the outside world... I was in it just now, and it feels like it has passed. All day, but only an hour out. ""


"The underworld is too exciting..."

Qin Yi dragged his slightly tired body back to his room, lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

As soon as he woke up the next day, Qin Yi was busy dealing with the underworld project.

First, he called Su Li.

"See that newly opened door next to the main entrance of Thrill Valley? 35

"That's right, it's the gate of hell!"

"Let's pull a quarantine zone where tourists stop, yes, new projects will not be open today. 35

Then Qin Yi logged in to the official website of Thriller Valley, official blog, official WeChat account, etc...

Today, the amount of silk from an official blog's fans alone has exceeded 30 million!

If you squeeze out the fans of those traffic stars and only look at the number of active fans, an official blog of Thriller Valley is about equal to the number of followers of 5-10 traffic stars.

Therefore, if there is any news in Thriller Valley, update on these platforms, the efficiency is the highest!

Qin Yi updated a content uniformly.

【Thriller Valley has a new project ready to open!!】

【Yincao Underworld Group Tour Program! Meet all your expectations!!】

He also made up a temporary copy... 10...

(Sorry, I do have something to write slowly, but it is not that I can't write it, but I was lazy before and didn't save the manuscript. Once something happens, the update will not keep up. I'm very sorry... I will try my best to start saving from today. Click on the manuscript to prevent this from happening again.)

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