Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 112 On the Naihe Bridge, Meng Po Tavern (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

In the sea of ​​​​flowers on the other side, there are many such souls.

In order to keep his emotions normal, Qin Yi took them back to the center of the road and continued to walk.

Finally, Huangquan Road is about to come to an end.

They finally saw the second scenery in addition to the other side of the flower.

A dangling waterfall, as if it was really pouring out of the nine heavens, fell into the river below, flowing quietly.

The river looks like a dynamic emerald.

The color is between dark green and lake blue, and it seems to be mixed, but not merged, forming a very special color.

Above this river, there is an equally wide stone bridge that looks like a natural formation. The stone bridge looks like a part of the natural extension at the end of Huangquan Road. The stone bridge is white and slightly arched, and the stone bridge seems to be divided. There are two roads, one coming and going, and in the center of the two roads is a tavern.

The tavern is made of blue bricks and black tiles, lit with small lanterns, which is quite small.

But that little warm light made everyone feel at home.

Even Qin Yi is no exception.

Bamboo poles pick up a cloth banner and write on it "Naihe Bridge. Meng Po Store"


In the distance, there seems to be the outline of a city, immersed in the darkness and indistinct.

At this moment, everyone was excited.

" it..."

"Meng Po soup! Meng Po must be there!"

"'s completely different from what I imagined"

"Yes, the imagined Naihe Bridge is very small, and the Wangchuan River is dirty and scary... Is this really Wangchuan?

Qin Yi nodded: "It's Wangchuan River."

The second time I came, Qin Yi was still attracted by the beautiful scenery.

In the underworld, there is no sunlight, not even a blood moon.

The top of the head is bare and dark, not like the kind of darkness that is usually seen at night, the kind of black light, maybe there are stars, maybe there are lights on the road, the light is refracted in the air, so the night often presents a kind of transparent. Transparent blue-black.

But here...

It's just a piece of thick ink that can't be melted.

However, there is light everywhere.

Huangquan Road emits golden light; the flowers on the other side are blooming with bloody red light; the amber-like Wangchuan River turns blue-blue light; Naihe Bridge emits bright white light; Meng Po's tavern is glowing with warm yellow light, That light warms the depths of a person's soul.

Just looking at it, I felt that half a lifetime of fatigue was washed away.

Only peace of mind.

This picture is as beautiful as the world.

Some tourists are also a little bit unacceptable.

"The underworld! How can it be so beautiful~"!

"It's so beautiful...not as gloomy as I imagined...'

Religious scholar Zhou Yucheng also frowned and put forward: "As far as I know, according to records, the Wangchuan River is blood-yellow, full of worms and snakes, and the wind is blowing.

Hei Wuchang looked at him coldly: "Then, dare to ask, why? Why does Wang Chuanhe have such a beautiful name, but it is full of worms and snakes, and the wind blows? 99

Zhou Yucheng said as a matter of course: "According to the records, Hei Wuchang on the Wangchuan River will push those wicked people down, and they will be eaten by copper snakes and iron dogs! Think of it as punishment!

Hei Wuchang said: "We are only yamen who hold our souls, when will it be our turn to judge good and evil?

Zhou Yucheng choked for a moment: "This..."

Hei Wuchang said again: "Besides, if the Wangchuan River is used to punish the wicked, then what is the use of having eighteen levels of hell?

Zhou Yucheng couldn't say it at all this time: "This, this... Anyway... According to the records..."

Hei Wuchang patted him on the shoulder: "Little brother, it is better to have no books than to believe in books.

In the eyes of others, Hei Wuchang looked much younger, but he was still old-fashioned, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and educating this old teacher with gray temples, looking very interesting.

Zhou Yucheng is a serious person. He heard a ghost screaming beside him, turned his head to look, and saw behind the ghost, Hei Wu vigorously swung the mourning stick up! At the same time, he was yelling at something!

His eyes lit up: "Hey! There are loopholes in your design! You said just now that you are not responsible for the trial, so why do these black impermanence treat these ghosts like this? 35

In the crowd, there was a fat man with an honest face and asked, "Yes, how do you judge whether a good person is a good person or a bad person? A good person will do some bad things, and a bad person will occasionally do good things. Besides, different eras have different moral standards, how can you tell the difference?

The others also nodded.

Zhou Yucheng said: "In fact, many religious stories have a certain way of judgment. For example, in Egyptian mythology, Anubis will weigh the weight of his heart when he takes away a person's soul... Osiris's entrance to the underworld A judgment hall was set up, with Isis and Nephthys standing side by side behind them, and a jury of forty-two gods stood at the other end. The deceased confessed his innocence here, and then the heart was weighed by Anubis on the balance. , if it is lighter than a feather, go to heaven, if it is heavier than a feather, go to hell.

Zhang Meng said: "This is too romantic."

Zhou Yucheng corrected: "Actually, in religious stories, weighing is considered rigorous after all, good things are piled up and bad things are piled up, let's see which one is more heavier... Some religions are very simple, such as Catholicism, God anyway All-knowing and omnipotent, the process of judgment is simply omitted, and after death, you will go to heaven or hell directly... I think this is the person who wrote the Bible being lazy.""

Qin Yi heard it from the last sentence.

"Co-author you, a religious expert, is an atheist at all?

Zhou Yucheng smiled: "I really don't believe that 'God' is what religion says, the god I believe in can be called 'Tao', or the rules of nature.

Hei Wuchang replied: "Then it's more complicated for us. Black and White Impermanence were all human before their death. We only make a preliminary judgment to choose which person and who will pick them up... Next, they will have to go through the Ten Hall Trial Ten."

Talking and talking, they walked onto the Naihe Bridge.

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