Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 113 Who Said That Mother Meng Can't Fall Into the City? (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

At the junction of Huangquan Road and Naihe Bridge where they walked...

The stone tablet in front of the bridge is engraved with four lines of characters.

Naihe on the bridge, Naihe,

Right and wrong do not cross the Wangchuan River.

There is no right or wrong before Sanshengshi,

Wangxiang Taiwan side will meet Meng Po.

When we got here, many people were a little afraid to go forward.

"I...I'm a little scared..." a girl said.

Her boyfriend also looked at Qin Yi cowardly: "Can we go back?"

Qin Yi is very embarrassed, of course it's not impossible to go back... but it's not a hassle.

He advised: "Don't be afraid, this is an amusement park project, and it's all fake. Do you think this is really Naihe Bridge? Do you think there is really a Meng Po on it? Don't be afraid!""

When Qin Yi said this, everyone reacted.

They have long regarded this place as the real underworld!

As a result, the small brain simply turned around, and everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Qin Yi was a little uncomfortable: "What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Zhou Yucheng, the oldest, looked at him seriously: "Boss Qin, is this really still an amusement park?

The old teacher asked what other people were saying.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be a man-made place!!

Qin Yi snorted: "Of course 010 is an amusement park, walk around, this attraction is amazing, Naihe Bridge! I spent a lot of money to build it!!

Among the tourists was a buddy who was engaged in municipal engineering, and muttered: "If you really paid for this bridge... Then the ticket is not 399, you can charge 3999..."

Qin Yi can't hear it!

No matter how many people think this place is supernatural, he should not hear it!!

Thick skinned, you can do whatever you want!

The Naihe bridge is unbelievably wide, there are two roads, they are on the way to go, there are many ghosts, and it is quite lively to watch.

There is also a road that goes back. There are quite a few ghosts in the first half, but none in the back. Most of them turned into the Meng Po Tavern, and then took another fork in the road one after another.

That fork in the road leads to the endless depths of the underworld on the right, with no end in sight.

The beauty Bai Wuchang said: "All the ghosts who go to the underworld have to go through this process, from Huangquan Road, to Naihe Bridge, and into Meng Po's tavern... Of course, you can't drink Meng Po soup at the moment, look at the people on the opposite side, After accepting the verdict, they came back to drink Meng Po soup, and after drinking it, they went to reincarnate.

Qin Yi saw that the atmosphere was a little frozen, so he had to say a few words, and continued in an exaggerated tone: "Oh! That's how it is!

Bai Wuchang rolled his eyes, thinking that your acting skills are bad enough...

When he finally reached the front of the tavern, Qin Yi took the lead and stepped on the threshold of Meng Po's tavern. Before entering, he reached out and shook the wind chime hanging in front of the door.

"Mengba, you're a visitor.""

Qin Yi squeezed away the ghosts who were about to enter, causing a few disgusting sights. In those sights, there were other black and white impermanence.

Bai Wuchang apologized to the other colleagues behind him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... This is actually our boss's boss... So it looks a little annoying... I'm sorry...

Number 100 followed Qin Yi into this seemingly small tavern, only to find that there is indeed a universe inside.

It looks like there are at least thousands of square wooden tables inside, and there are a lot of ghosts in the tavern! But it still looks sparse!

The middle of the tavern is separated by a red line, and the ghosts on this side and the ghosts on the other side cannot influence each other.

A simple-looking shop assistant came to entertain him.

"Yo, Boss Qin is here? Hurry up and sit down!"

Qin Yi asked everyone to sit down, then asked with a smile, "Is Madam Meng busy?"

The shop assistant glanced at the red line.

There was also a door, and in front of the door sat several white-haired mother-in-laws, and behind them there was a pot of steaming thick soup.

They are whipping up (bcei) bowls of soup and handing them to the ghosts who are about to be reborn outside the door. These ghosts have all kinds of things, and some are crying and don't want to drink. force them to drink.

Yes, Niu Tau Ma Mian is finally here!

Different from black and white impermanence, Niu Tau Ma Mian doesn't seem to be able to change its image. They look terrifying, like the legendary monster image, and they are tough and tough, and they are very difficult to mess with!

Others, with tears in their eyes, drank as soon as they lifted their necks.

There are still some ghosts, after all, they choose to sit in the tavern, drink slowly, and taste slowly.

The shop assistant scratched his head: "She's not there, so she must be in a daze in front of Sanshengshi, I'll call her over!

Qin Yi nodded: "Okay.

Seeing that everyone was watching the ghosts over there drinking Mengpo soup, Qin Yi said: "This Mengpo soup, it seems that the effect is delayed. After they are reincarnated, their memory will slowly disappear, so they are now All awake. 99

The depressed girl, Zhang Meng, looked at it madly: "It would be great if the underworld was really humane, it seems to be much warmer than the human world."

Qin Yi gave her one more look: "Do you think the world is not worth it? Little sister?"

Zhang Meng laughed at himself and shook his head: "Life is very tiring."

Qin Yi pointed to the opposite side: "Look at those ghosts, do they really see death as their home? Whoever doesn't want to go back, no matter how hard or tired they are, they want to live again."

Zhang Meng's eyes were full of confusion: "Why..."

" know better when you're drunk, and you don't know your fate until you die.

A female voice as gentle as water sounded, the red sleeves swayed lightly, and a fragrant wind was raised.

Everyone looked at this charming, white-haired demon girl in surprise. With a pair of captivating eyes and a smile, she sat opposite Qin Yi.

The last sentence she said to Zhang Meng was as gentle as a gust of spring breeze, but when she spoke to Qin Yi, she seemed full of fireworks:

"Boss Qin, are you here again so soon? I have a good view here?"

Qin Yi smiled slightly: "You still don't do your job properly, and you don't serve the soup well."

Everyone ignored what this woman said!

Everyone's eyes widened involuntarily!!

Because she is so beautiful!!

Meng Po Meng Po... In everyone's concept, that is an old woman!!

Why is she a white-haired demon girl who is alluring!!.

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