Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 115 Avalokitesvara vows, the last side of Wangxiangtai (thanks for subscribing!)\r

Madam Meng sat leaning over, her sleeves slightly slumped, her forearms like a half of a jade lotus exposed, and supporting her cheeks, she seemed to be in a trance, drinking cup after cup of ecstasy wine.

White-haired, red-clothed, drunken eyes, indifference to the hustle and bustle around her, people come and go, she only recalls the past, and she is so beautiful that people don't think about it, she just thinks that this woman... seems to have been amazed by Nai Heqiao for a thousand years... 10,000 year!

Qin Yi and the other tourists all looked at Tu Mi quietly.

Wait for the following.

Tu Mi thought about it for a long time, then suddenly laughed, "Yes, it took about fifty years in the world before I saw him at Naihe Bridge... He didn't recognize me.

Zhang Meng felt distressed and frowned, "You just let him pass?"

"Otherwise?" Tu Mi asked with a smile.

"Zero One Zero" Zhang Meng didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yucheng knew religious stories and studied the rules of the underworld. He found a blind spot and asked: "Wait... As far as I know, people who commit suicide will be punished when they go to hell, and they will enter the city of death. Well, you said that you also committed suicide..."

Tu Mi drank another glass of wine: "Am I not being punished? 35

Zhou Yucheng didn't understand: "What?"

Tu Mi smiled with a spring breeze, but her eyes were clearly sad, "I'm being punished, little brother... I am a mother-in-law, which itself is a kind of punishment..."

Qin Yi added: "Actually, after going to the underworld, the thing that all ghosts look forward to most is to be reincarnated and become a human again."


Tu Mi pointed to the many ghosts in the tavern, and then pointed out: "Do you think that I am here to see the scenery of the world, but I can't forget the love of that life? I am atonement for my actions..."

"The person I love has been reincarnated a thousand times, and I have watched his appearance and identity change a thousand times in his life, and I am still watching here, to see the end of time and enjoy endless loneliness... "

"Isn't this the greatest punishment?"

Everyone was speechless.

Zhang Meng asked weakly: "A person who commits suicide... will he really be punished in the City of Death?

Tu Mi shook his head: "That won't happen."

Zhang Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

Tu Mi immediately said: "You will be punished in the hell of a vain death, which is much worse than the city of vain death.

Zhang Meng's expression changed immediately.

Strange to say.

She usually has no emotional fluctuations, and it seems that everything she sees seems to be separated by an invisible veil.

But coming here, she's had emotional ups and downs many times, and now she's even terrified!

By the way, Tu Mi will popularize the common sense of the underworld for everyone:

"Hey, the City of the Dead is not a good place, but in fact, the prisoners are mainly innocent people who died in guilt. For example, there are various accidental deaths, and there are also those who are forced to commit suicide... but they are all judged to be excusable after the trial. "

"And if you give up your life at will, King Qin Guang will think that you don't know what's good or bad. Thousands of souls can't get the chance to be a man. If you are easily abused, then don't be a man next time... I remember that according to King Qin Guang's temper, Going to prison first, being tortured, or not being able to reincarnate depends on the specific circumstances, and in the next life, you will never be able to be a human again.

Tu Mi deliberately frightened her, got close, and asked in a low voice: "Hey, sister, what do you want to do in your next life? Do you like the piglets in the pigsty? But it shouldn't work, maybe we should start with snakes, worms, mice and ants...

Thinking of those disgusting bugs and reptiles, Zhang Meng turned pale and stood up!

"No!! I don't want to!! I want to be human!!

"Hahahaha! It's good to know that you are afraid! Hahahaha! 35

Tu Mi laughed until she leaned back and forth, completely losing the temperament that she had just glanced at for ten thousand years.

Qin Yi was also puzzled and scratched his chin: "Is this hell really good for treating depression... I feel the atmosphere is good..."

Seeing that the chat was almost over, Qin Yi also stood up: "Okay, let's go shopping, you can do your own thing first.

Tu Mi volunteered: "There are two other scenic spots here at Naihe Bridge. I'll take you there. I'm too familiar with this place... er... First, Wangxiangtai, walk around..."

As he spoke, without waiting for Qin Yi to agree, he walked in front of him with bare snow feet.

Qin Yi is like a tour guide, with 100 people to keep up.

The further they walked, the more the city outline hidden in the shadows appeared.

It looks big and scary, like a wild beast lurking in the dark night, the more invisible it is, the more impressive it will be.

They are near the waterfall.

The hanging waterfall, the falling water curtain is clear and transparent, and it looks completely different from the blue color of the Wangchuan River.

There is a fork on the bridge of the Naihe River, and it turns a bend, leading to the waterfall.

Everyone could hear the rushing water.

and also……


There are many intensive cries in front, wailing, sobbing, cries... mixed in the sound of the surging water.

In front of the water curtain, there was a wide platform with a mountain wall next to it, and the three characters 'Wangxiang Terrace' were engraved on the wall.

Many ghosts accompanied the ghosts, clinging to the railings here, looking in the direction of the waterfall, crying while watching, some ghosts even jumped off emotionally, but they were pulled back by the black and white impermanence, and then they pumped...

"I'm going... There seems to be a figure 4.8 behind the waterfall!

"Yeah! There is a figure!! What a big figure!!

Qin Yi looked up, and from this angle, they could indeed see the shadow behind the waterfall...

The phantom was glowing with white light, and it looked bigger than the waterfall!

If you distinguish carefully, you can vaguely see the outline of the figure, with the hair in a bun on the top, the head and face down, and the upper body down, with a bottle in his hand, and the waterfall is pouring down from the bottle.

Tu Mi smiled and said: "This Lord, he is famous... He is Guanyin Bodhisattva! Of course, this does not even count as a clone, at best it is just a Buddhist Dharma left behind. Wangxiangtai is originally Guanyin Bodhisattva's gratitude to all beings. Suffering, sympathy for all sentient beings and missing their relatives, and thus made a vow to let them see the last side of their relatives.35

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