Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 116 Life is a blink of an eye! Life is heavy (thanks for subscribing!)\r

They walked over and mixed among the ghosts.

Everyone looked up and was shocked by this fantastic and magnificent waterfall!

Even the old man Zhou Yucheng, who kept asking questions and nitpicking, murmured with his neck raised and kept saying: "The trip to the underworld is a worthwhile trip!! This is not a scenery that can be seen in the world!! 35

Soon, everyone seemed to see something.

Qin Yi watched it once yesterday, but since he was here, he looked again.

When you focus on looking, the waterfall will show an image.

Unlike what Qin Yi had understood before, Wangxiangtai did not simply present the relatives at this moment.

Instead, he put a revolving light on first.

It is the legend that before death, people will see the scenes of life fast-forward.

"Wow! Woah~!!!"

A loud cry opened the originally dark picture scroll.

Even if it was the second time, Qin Yi was still full of warmth.

He knew that this was the first time in his life that he opened his eyes.

At the point of entry, a blur is blurred, and only two groups of figures can be vaguely seen. (Newborn babies basically have no vision, knowledge points!)

A young woman's voice was full of exhaustion: "Quick... hold me here and see! Is it my cub..."

Another male's voice was much more high-pitched: "Sure enough! I just said it! It's a handle! It's a good handle! I like my son! When Laozi gets rich, he can inherit my wealth! Hahahahaha!!

Qin Yi:  …

"My dad... Was he so ignorant back then?

Then, the view of the waterfall became clear.

He was crawling on the ground.

Dad didn't seem to go to work and was repairing the TV. After a while, Mom also came back, and the two were arguing about the TV.

And that big-ass TV is now full of snowflakes.

Grandma is drying clothes on the balcony.

Suddenly, the trembling gaze gradually increased.

Walked staggeringly.

The grandma who turned around saw it, and she was as surprised as she had won the five million jackpot, and shouted:

"Oh! Xiaoyi can walk!! Xiaoyi learned to walk by himself!!

With this voice, my parents stopped arguing, and my grandfather came hurriedly from outside, holding his face.

"My grandson is a genius!""

Qin Yi's nose is sour.

The screen switches several times.

Many important life nodes, Wangxiangtai has been shown to him again. The memories of childhood are not remembered at all, but there are records here;

The first day to go to kindergarten; the first time to make friends; the first time to get a red flower; the first time to quarrel with the parents; the first time to fall in love; the first time to break up...

Life goes by in a flash.

And now...

He saw his parents who were too old, and his mother was busy at the pet store, and she took time to chat with people, her face full of pride: "My son now pays me living expenses every month, you say, I want him to pay What about living expenses! Anyway, I have saved it all, and I will leave it to him in the future... Hey, doing business is a good job, but there are risks, what if you lose money one day? I must not mess with my son's money. flower!"

And Dad... was actually in the blind date corner!

He was in the blind date corner of the square, holding a thermos cup and reading glasses, and leaned over to watch those blind date advertisements: "How old is your daughter? is your education? The job is the research and development of daily chemical products? What do you mean? ?Doing chemistry?? Okay, leave a contact info...

Qin Yi:

Am I old enough for a blind date?

After reading it, Qin Yi found that his face was a little wet before he knew it.

Turning back, Meng Po Tu Mi was looking at him close by, laughing so hard: "Yo, can you cry even after watching the replay? 35

Qin Yi's face was cold: "I'm snot.

Tu Mi: "Pfft..."

Qin Yi opened his eyes and saw that the 100 tourists he brought, whether light or heavy, were actually crying.

Life, there is an unbearable weight, and I feel like that every day, looking back on it, there is too much weight.

The depressed girl, Zhang Meng, burst into tears.

Qin Yi walked over and said, "Did you find... that it's still important for you to be alive?""

Zhang Meng covered his face and nodded.

Tears flowed from between his fingers.

Qin Yi looked at those tears, which fell to the ground.

But it is very magical, like directly penetrating the ground of Wangxiang Terrace.

Tu Mi said: "These tears, 010 merged into Wangchuan, which is why Wangchuan became the color it is today."

Qin Yi was speechless for a moment.

It just feels grand.

Tu Mi finally said to Zhang Meng:

"A wise man passed by Naihe Bridge and had a conversation with me."

"The today you waste is the tomorrow that those who died yesterday expect."5

"The present you hate is the past you can't go back to in the future.

"The life you have rejected is a gift that thousands of souls can't ask for. 35

"Live well... don't rush to see another Meng woman.

Qin Yi walked among the crowd, slapping them as he walked, "It's alright, it's almost time to go! Let's go to the next attraction, see Sansheng Stone!

For most people, it is difficult to quickly withdraw from emotions.

Qin Yi saw a person.

It was that fat man with a simple and honest face, his demeanor was too calm.

He looked at the waterfall with an expressionless face, which made him look particularly dazzling.

And his daughter, the rebellious girl with yellow hair and tattoos on her arms, squatted on the ground, buried her head in her arms, and trembled constantly.

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