Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 150 Colored giant raptor? Dragoon?! (Thanks for subscribing 1)\r

A full 5,000 tourists disembarked from the boat one after another.

After disembarking, they were immediately guided by the sea crew to another group of staff.

It is a group of tour guides who wear different clothes, but all look very good, with a work nameplate on their chest.

"Come on! A-class tourists come here!

"Friends of B-class tickets, come here!"

"Handsome guys and girls with C-level D-level tickets..."

These female tour guides are very enthusiastic, and they are not polite at all, and some even have a little hometown accent, which is particularly down-to-earth.

This also eliminates the ABCD ticket's sense of hierarchy for tourists.

In fact, the richer and more powerful people are, the more accepting the hierarchy is.

They are the climbers under this hierarchy.

In this way, under the banner of the brightly colored tour guides, everyone quickly found their respective leaders.

A-level ticket tourists, many of them look "zero forty" strange.

Many tourists who buy A-class tickets are well-known wealthy businessmen in the world. When they are rich enough, the services they usually enjoy are far different from those of the general public.

But come here...

Zake Borg held back his laughter, looked at the savage Xia Country girl guide in front of him, raised the big red pennant representing the A-level ticket in his hand, and held a loudspeaker and shouted in Chinese first:

"Gentlemen and ladies! Look for the flag! Don't be left behind!!35

"You are all valuable people!! I can't afford to die for anyone!! 35

A lady like Tian Yun is very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Wang Sicheng laughed out loud: "Damn, is the way so wild?"

Then she shouted again in standard English: "Freedom is precious, and life is more valuable... Just treat it for me, don't let me lose this job! You must follow the rules!"

Many wealthy Westerners laughed, and they could hear the pungent sarcasm in the words of the Xia Guo tour guide.

She thinks they're after "freedom" and this is Dinosaur Island!

In fact, smart people quickly understand that these tour guides have their own distinct styles, which is a deliberately created character effect.

In fact, each tour guide's business ability is very strong.

And they also used this style to suppress the aura of these billion-dollar guests.

The five thousand people began to group.

Without intentional points, on the cruise, many people have found their own familiar circles.

Then the team will be followed by a tour guide at intervals, like the primary school students on a spring outing, surrounded by head teachers who are worried about them.

Most of these top stars, businessmen, and wealthy N generation have never had such a low group tour.

But for Jurassic Park's sake.

They seem to be having a little fun.

This long line of tourists began to follow the guides and walked into the path in the virgin forest.

The excessively bright sunlight was finally shaded by the excessively dense canopy.

The boulevard was not very long, and after walking for a few minutes, they saw the second Jurassic Park gate in the distance.

The tour guide shouted: "In front of us is our central square!

They walked over and passed a crossroads in the woods.

Gao Wenbao and the others quickly let the camera shoot.

Because the intersection has a sign pointing to all directions.

There are various rides written on it.

Safe Zone (up arrow).

Central activity square, Dragon Palace, Dinosaur Science and Technology Museum, Dinosaur Park...

(Left turn arrow) Protocol Safe Zone.

Play items:

Want a dinosaur mount?!

Whitewater canyons; parasailing; hot air balloons.

(right turn arrow) restricted area.

One of the amusement projects was written: the Colosseum.

Everyone who passed by was very excited!

"The safe zone really looks like Jurassic Park in the movie, more normal."

"What is Dragon Palace?"

"I don't know, and I didn't post a map guide..."

"Dragon Palace, I remember it is a kind of underwater palace of the mythological culture of the Xia Kingdom.

"Dinosaur Park...Reminds me of Changzhou Dinosaur Park..."

"The amusement items to the left here seem to be mainly for viewing. You see, the water is scattered, and the hot air balloons are all looking at the scenery from above."

"I'm going! I want to take a picture!""

"The dinosaur mount is more suitable for taking pictures!!

Many girls have already found something they want to play.

But all men.

Especially the successful men who are at the forefront.

Their eyes were almost attracted by the last few words.


The Colosseum of Dinosaurs!

The tour guide said: "Don't worry, we will show you all of these projects later! And these projects are only a small part of Jurassic Park!

Walking to the huge iron gate of Jurassic Park, the guide led them in...

This is a town full of technology!!

Before we can appreciate the unique architectural style of the central square, there are more beautiful tour guides on both sides.

They laughed like flowers, as if they had seen 5,000 fat sheep to be slaughtered, Shi Shiran packed his luggage and sweetly shouted: "Welcome to Jurassic Park!

The voice didn't fall!

From the town behind, suddenly two rows of amazingly colorful dinosaurs rushed over!!!

The tourists in the front row were startled and instinctively retreated!

But suddenly, those two rows of identical gorgeous dinosaurs suddenly stopped at the same position!

Only then did the tourists discover that these dinosaurs actually had gorgeous feathers on them!

What shocked them even more was...

There are people riding on it!!!

These uniform giant raptors are saddled on their backs, carrying the majestic park mounted police!!

Each of them are soldiers of the Umbrella Corporation!

At the moment, they are wearing uniform camouflage uniforms and carrying live ammunition. In terms of practicality, they have added a lot of ornamental features unique to amusement parks!

Gao Wenbao praised while filming: "I used to think that the mounted policemen in the country were tall and handsome... Now this comparison... What is that!!"

The dinosaur expert was so excited: "Fuck! F*ck!! F*ck!!!"

Dong Qing did not forget his mission, and hurriedly interviewed: "Excuse me, what do these express?

The dinosaur expert said excitedly:

"They tamed the dinosaurs?! FUCK!! He's not even riding a four-legged plant-eating dinosaur, but...I don't know what kind of dinosaur this is!!"5

"I never thought there would be a dinosaur of this color!!"

"Scientific research in recent years has found that many dinosaurs may indeed have feathers, and may also be very showy! But I didn't expect that there are such dinosaurs that are more showy than peacocks!! This is amazing!!! How do they disguise themselves like this? ?!35

"Because they are so fast that they don't need to disguise themselves with color." A gentle male voice came.

Gao Wenbao heard who the voice was, and excitedly pointed the camera there.

Next to the gate, Qin Yi came out.

He was wearing a plain white linen T-shirt and black trousers, as plain and elegant as a practitioner.

Qin Yi opened his arms and said mildly and domineeringly:

"Welcome to Jurassic Park.

"Come to... my park.

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