Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 151 The film director of Jurassic Park is here too! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

have to say.

Qin Yi was a little excited.

At a glance, he saw many familiar people in front of him.

For example, the super rich who created FB, Zacke Borg!

Always changing the young model girlfriend's little plum!

He even saw the star of the survival show known as Lord Bei...Bell!!

And among the people of Xia, there are more familiar faces!

For example, the milk tea couple, the national husband, and the fairy sister and a series of celebrities who are frequently searched!!

But Qin Yi didn't know, these big guys were even more excited to see him in person!!

The most exciting is Admiral Kaiser of the Stars and Stripes!

He stared at Qin Yi viciously, his eyes were like a tiger that chose someone and devoured him!

it's him!

It's this lunatic!!

So young!!

She still looks like a bitch!!! (In the eyes of many Westerners, eastern men who look a little bit more beautiful, and don't have a shirt to reveal a tendon, look like a bitch.)

Zhakeberg's expression management is usually not very good, and his eyes are rounded, like a robot.

He was excited and waved his hand: "Hi! The owner of Jurassic Park, Qin Yi, hello.

Qin Yi didn't know what to say, so he nodded slightly.

Zake Berg was not angry, but respected him even more.

Sure enough, he is an extraordinary man, with a mysterious temperament that has a long history in the East...

How should I communicate with him without being rude...

Unfortunately, my Chinese is so poor!

"Boss Qin! I finally meet the real person!"

The fairy sister Liu Yifei, who usually looks at the worldly fireworks, is actually very young and has no air in her bones.

She picked up her phone and took a few pictures of Qin Yi with a face full of surprise.

Obviously a star, Liu Yifei is now like a happy fan, incoherent: "You know what! I like you very much! Oh, no! It's just that I like Thriller Valley! Ah! But I haven't had a chance to go! In short!! I have heard of you! I think you are super handsome! I just heard that you are handsome, I have also seen your pictures!!

Qin Yi:???

Liu Yifei shook his head and said with a smile, "Oh, no more! Can we take a picture together?"

As soon as she said this, many people behind her were ready to move!

They poked their heads out of the team.

Originally, Qin Yi's appearance this time seems to be low-key, but in fact it is flamboyant, showing his position here with a strong aura.

There is a strong sense of distance.

Many tourists are a little afraid to fight.

But with Liu Yifei's silly greeting, many people in the back thought about taking a photo with Qin Yi or something.

Seeing this situation, Qin Yi was also a little panicked: "There are too many people, it's inconvenient, let's do it another day."

Liu Yifei also understood, sticking out her tongue in embarrassment: "Then another day, sorry."

Qin Yi was too embarrassed to say anything at the moment.


I also grew up watching your TV series...

I've always wanted an autograph.

In addition to her, many people in the front row of A-rank tickets, who felt that they had some strength, also had the courage to say hello.

Qin Yi was polite and distant, all nodding.

He said, "I am Qin Yi, and I am...

He hasn't finished a whole sentence yet...

A group of people clapped and clapped...

Qin Yi had to stop and wait for them to finish filming.

After the filming was finally over, he continued: "I am also today's general guide. I have a habit. When the amusement park opens on the first day, I will definitely bring the first group of tourists to visit all the projects in person. It is an honor. I can accompany you today..."

Applause interrupted him again.

Qin Yi was too lazy to speak.

He found that these rich people are really too polite.

I like to applaud too much.

Qin Yi was completely unaware that it was his identity that had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

He is so mysterious.

Too high.

When Xia Guo's Propaganda Department issued a statement, it directly mentioned his name. Combined with the previous rumors, Qin Yi was far above the secular world, above these stars and entrepreneurs.

"Okay, then let's go in.

"By the way, these are the mounted police in Jurassic Park. They are responsible for maintaining order and protecting everyone's safety. If there is any problem, the first thing to do is to find the tour guide. If there is an unexpected situation, the tour guide is not available, you can also find them."

A child raised his head and glanced at the side. For him, there was a huge giant raptor, and a mighty and handsome mounted policeman.

The mounted policeman wearing sunglasses smiled and saluted.

The boy laughed too.

"This park is so beautiful!"

Zhang Zetian took many photos and instinctively wanted to spread them to the circle of friends.

Immediately, he realized: "Oh, there is no network here? Is there any mobile wifi that can be rented?"

Liu Qiangdong reminded: "This island is too far away, in the Pacific Ocean, there must be no cables to come over, the cost is too high, there is no wired equipment, of course there is no wireless network.

However, a tour guide beside them reminded: "We can directly connect to the satellite network. Our boss has already negotiated that Shishi No. 14 communication satellite will provide network support... Of course, the cost will be slightly more expensive. 99

Liu Qiangdong was stunned!

When he looked around again, he realized... this is indeed the country of Xia!

Maybe, after a while, a mobile base station will be built directly here!

Qin Yi led people inside.

When he turned back, he suddenly saw a seemingly familiar face in the crowd.

He also had a crooked face, an old man with a white peaked cap, his face was thin, and he walked alone in a very low-key manner.

Qin Yi couldn't help but ask: "Is this gentleman the director of Pierburg? 040"

The old man raised his face, revealing a face full of white beards, and smiled in English: "I didn't expect you to recognize me as an old man?" He took off his hat and looked at it, "It seems that wearing a hat is too deliberate. 35

At this time, the surrounding talents were in an uproar!

For so long, they didn't notice this low-key old man! He is one of the most famous film directors in the world!

He was also the director of the first three Jurassic Park movies!

In this world, the first man to set off dinosaur fever!!

Dong Qing wanted to record the show, so he naturally started: "Hello, I'm Dong Qing, the host of Xia Guo..."

Others followed suit.

Although it is normal to not recognize a director, everyone still apologizes.

But Pierburg didn't seem to want to talk to them any more.

After a few words, the very cute trot took a few steps and ran to Qin Yi's side: "Mr. Qin..." Then he excitedly pointed to the dinosaurs mounted by the mounted police around him.

"Are these colorful feathered dinosaurs really Megaraptors?

Qin Yi nodded: "It's absolutely true.

When other people see that they don't want to take care of them, they get to know each other.

So Qin Yi and Tear Pierberg walked in the front.

Tear Pierberg heard this, slapped his forehead and revealed a very strange smile.

It seems to be annoyed, and it seems to be self-deprecating.

"I'm such a stupid director!!

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