Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 171 Qin Yi, is it the devil? Global attention! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

The Colosseum gilded by the sunset.

The roar of the Tyrannosaurus was actually suppressed by the cheers of the tourists!

Excited shouts in various languages!

"Oh oh oh oh oh--!!



"Cow b!!!!39

"Gan!!!" Luo

The whole piece of the bullet screen:


The whole violent atmosphere continued.

Qin Yi stood on the high platform, looking at the Tyrannosaurus under his feet, watching the excitement and cheers of everyone.

No need for music, no need for any superfluous language.

The state of frenzied excitement has continued to climb!

He seemed to have seen the concert of the century by the world-class king Jackson.

Jackson just stood still, standing in the center of the stage, standing indifferently.

Stay still, three minutes.

No one dares to do such absurd actions on stage, which is a huge waste of precious time.

But the 100,000 spectators under the stage were all shouting and screaming excitedly!

Nothing was done, and the frenzy continued to climb!


Many viewers fainted because they shouted to the point of lack of oxygen!

How similar to now 12!

Qin Yi stood on it and seemed to be pulled away, observing from a bystander's perspective.

He discovered an interesting phenomenon.

Among the 4,700 spectators, many tourists who had been holding it and pretended to dislike the barbaric behavior of beast fighting have now ignored it!

For example, Leonado, the famous Hollywood star.

In fact, Xiao Lizi had been worrying about the CCTV camera just now. He deliberately frowned and talked with the model female partner.

but now……

"Tyrant! Tyrant! Tyrant!!

He stood up excitedly, with one foot on the back of the front seat, he had completely forgotten about quality!

Opened two bottles of champagne, and after shaking violently, the left and right bows rushed towards the front!

In the fireworks of the wine, his expression was so excited and frenzied!

Reminiscent of his crazy performance in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street! Exactly the same!

And her little model girlfriend, covering her mouth with her hand, looked at him dumbly, as if she didn't know him at all!

Xiao Lizi was so excited that while spraying wine, she said to her female companion in an exaggerated tone: "Oh my God! This is so brutal!! This guy... This guy is really a tyrant! Yes! It's terrible! !

But when he said this, he clearly smiled.

Frowning, but smiling, eyes full of excitement and frenzy, full of wildness!

There are a lot of people who behave like him.

Lian has always been calm and restrained, and has been dubbed the scumbag of artificial intelligence.

At this moment, his chest heaved violently.

His expression was steady, but there were fireworks in his eyes.

The young director tore up Pierburg, stood up to applaud, and shouted something with a strong expression.

As for Admiral Kaiser, who was originally a soldier.

He stood up, waving his fists:


"Bastard!! That's it!!! 35

"Shred them!! Shred all the enemies!!!!"

The saliva spurted, and there were tears in the eyes.

Excited, he slammed his hand and threw the camera.

This calmed him down...

Westerners who are accustomed to revealing their emotions are like this, so what about the relatively reserved Easterners?

Qin Yi saw that Wang Sicheng shook his head while applauding, couldn't help laughing, and scolded and vented his emotions.


"Too hanging!""


Entrepreneur Wang Shi did not respond.

But it can be seen that he raised his chin high and his face was forced, as if he was trying his best to endure the excitement.

That is the admiration and desire for power.

There are more people who couldn't help but stand up and consciously formed a surging wave of people, cheering for the perfect performance of the Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Qin Yi watched, intoxicated.

It was interesting that the crowd was divided.

Men, especially some rich generation, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, these people are the most fiery! In the savage battle of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, their strong self-control can hardly control their turbulent emotions!

And most of the women couldn't bear to look directly at this cruel killing.

Someone stood up just now, left the Colosseum, and under the guidance of the staff, went outside to breathe.

There are only a very few women who seem to be aroused by the same fierceness, and these women are more enthusiastic and swear in excitement!

Elena couldn't stand it any longer.

She stood up and glanced at the boiling audience full of anger and confusion.

With all her strength, she screamed that she thought she was sober.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Have you forgotten that you are a civilized human being?!"

"Why cheer for savagery and gore?!""

"Are you cheering for hell?!!!!

"We should resist this inhumane form of extreme cruelty!!! Animals are like people!! They need love and protection!!! Not fighting!!!"

Hearing her words, many women around felt the same, nodded in agreement, and cast contempt for those cheering crowd.

It's a pity that her voice was too low, and she was soon drowned in the crowd.

Qin Yi saw her and just swept away.

But Gao Wenbao pulled out his thoughts and motioned the cameraman to give her some shots.

In the current atmosphere, those men with predator genes flowing in their blood do dominate the atmosphere.

The more successful a man is, the more animalistic he will be. It's just that he always tries his best to pack and cover up 057.

But when the pictures of these beasts, through live broadcast, entered the Internet in the civilized world.

Then through various channels, it was distributed all over the world.

There was a sudden uproar!

Western mainstream media.

【If killing animals is not cruel enough, then please check out Jurassic Park!】

[The devil's actions of Qin Yi, a native of Xia! The horror that happened on Dinosaur Island! 】

【Extinct dinosaurs cannot rest in peace, human desires are endless!】

【Sinful! Genetic engineering and the Colosseum!】

After watching the broadcast of Dou Beast that afternoon, many international celebrities immediately stood up and criticized this barbaric behavior!

A certain Hollywood actress appeared on the social software instagram. She faced the camera with tears in her eyes, wiped her tears with a tissue, and said in tears:

"Oh! My God! I can't imagine such a horrible and cruel thing in the world!"

"These poor dinosaurs..."

"And the long-extinct mammoth and the tiger...and the orangutan...they came back to life, but only to die tragically again, just to please these tyrannical rich people!

'Beasts are cruel enough! Not to mention the Colosseum of prehistoric animals! How can such a twisted and evil existence be possible!

"I appeal to the international community! Severe boycott of Jurassic Park!!

When the female star just made it out, there was no shortage of mocking voices.

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