Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 172 If there is no morality, you can't kidnap me! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Many foreign netizens replied to her:

【Your pretentious cry is really funny!】

【Big tiger hiahiahiahia!! Can you fight saber-toothed tiger?】

【Seriously, why bother? We have more domestic problems, don’t we?】

[Your video is cruel and terrifying to me...Is it okay not to act in life?]

But soon, another powerful wave of mainstream sound overwhelmed all voices.

Animal protection activists have collectively voiced:

【Promoting universal values! Refuse to kill animals!】

【Stop the brutal atrocities immediately!】

【Abolish Jurassic Park!】

Celebrities from all walks of life have also come out one after another, rushing to take advantage of this hot spot.

Even the Pope, who annoyed Tigan, had a valuable voice.

However, his focus was slightly different.

He said: "Gene technology is a serious act of blasphemy, no human being has the right to create life that should not exist out of thin air!! Arrogance!! It is the most terrible original sin!! Jurassic Park will cause the catastrophe of all mankind! !99

The old man's fans are quite significant. After all, there are about 3 billion Jidu and Tianzhu cultists in the world, or even more...

Almost from the time when the moss dragon went out to sea, such a wave of fishing boats began to surge!

By the end of the Colosseum, it once reached its peak!

People doing network big data analysis all over the world have discovered this terrifying peak!

This means, global attention!

Unprecedented horror!

Many people who originally watched with relish did not dare to speak out.

Because they know that once they express different opinions, they will be attacked to death by mainstream Western voices!

And these people who like to watch...

He also considers himself to be dark, beastly, and sinful.

Under this circumstance, good people all over the world who are standing on the moral high ground have found a shining spokesperson for truth, goodness and beauty.


She's in Jurassic Park!

Stand in front of the demon Qin Yi!

"I hope you can stop this~"!

The tourists exited the Colosseum one after another, and the sky was getting dark.

A beautifully dressed white beauty stood in front of Qin Yi and shouted out this sentence with righteous indignation.

Qin Yi was a little strange and looked at her.


Elena said sternly: "My name is Elena Rothschild, my identity is the vice president of the Stars and Stripes branch of the World Animal Protection Association, and I am also... (500 words omitted) The shareholders of these companies , my father is from Huaqi Bank..."

"Stop! Stop!

Qin Yi had a headache listening to it.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm from the Xia country, so I might not be very comfortable with it. We can introduce each other's identities, just... a sentence will do, and we don't need to involve the eighteenth generation of our can talk about something."

Elena seemed to dislike Qin Yi's lack of attention, but she didn't dwell too much on interests.

She said again: "I want you to stop this! Stop making dinosaurs fight each other! Stop using prehistoric animals to please humans! Shut down this horrible Jurassic Park?

Many people around have cast their attention.

The upper class is very small, even on a global scale, the most powerful people are actually a handful of people.

Therefore, Elena is very famous. As a woman of noble birth who runs for the great cause of animal protection, she is very respected in Western values.

These remarks are so deafening.

But Qin Yi stared at her blankly for a long time.

Then he asked, "Why?"

In the crowd, there were several young people from Xia Guo who couldn't help laughing out loud.

Elena's face changed with anger.

"Why? What do you say? Are you doing these things in line with universal values?! Are you ethical?!

Qin Yi smiled and scratched his ears: "So that's are that kind of person..."

Elena didn't understand: "What? What kind of person am I?"

Qin Yi bypassed her and left directly: "I don't need to argue with you, people like you have only one function in the world... to force Lai Lai.

Forcing Lai Lai, the word, he speaks in Chinese.

Elena didn't understand.

But she could see that Qin Yi was dismissive of her own.

Elena felt greatly humiliated.

She shouted: "I believe that there are many people around the world watching here right now, watching our ideological debate! Do you have the guts, like a man, to have a debate with me about justice!! Don't use you The machismo! Whitewash your cowardice!! Will you just run away!?

Everyone thought that Qin Yi would either become angry or angry, or simply stay away from her.

As a result, Qin Yi took a few steps and turned around suddenly: "Okay, tomorrow, okay?"

Elena was stunned: "Ah? You agree?"

Qin Yi nodded and smiled indifferently: "What is there to disagree with, why don't you just talk about it, but tomorrow, the place where I will accompany you to talk about this topic may be more cruel than today, you can accept it Is it right?"

Elena said righteously: "As an animal protector, I can tell you unequivocally that I, Elena, stand on the side of mercy and justice! There is nothing to fear!

Qin Yi no longer responded, and was surrounded by several staff and left.

The tour guide also led other tourists back to the safe area for dinner.

They went back to the safe area and told the tourists who didn't come about what they saw at the Colosseum today, but they didn't explain it to the children with flickering words.

Because everyone felt that the matter of fighting beasts was incorrect.

They go online and they see the swearing and bashing about it all over the world.

I wanted to talk, but I swallowed it back.

Many people even thought about it, (Li Zhao) must behave a little better tomorrow, stand on the side of justice, and stand on the side of Elena!

Mingzhe protect himself!

And Elena who came forward...

Because of his noble background, brilliant resume, beautiful appearance and pure heart, he has attracted tens of millions of people again in an instant!

Her various social software are full of words of admiration and respect!

【Elena! You are so beautiful!】

【I was once disappointed in this world, but I saw the sparkle of humanity in you! 】

【If that oriental man named Qin is a devil, you are an angel who brings love and beauty!!】

【I want to kiss your instep at this moment, this is our highest etiquette! Because you are a real beauty! Beauty is shining in the soul!!】

【Tomorrow! We will wait and see!!】

[Yeah! Elena! Defeat him! The devil is speechless! Let him make an appearance all over the world!!].

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