Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 176 Xia Guo, Dongfang, gradually wake up! (Thank you for subscribing!)\r

【Fuck! This is what I always wanted to say! I always feel like I don't know how to express it! 】

[I wanted to say it for a long time... Many values ​​in the West are actually very distorted and not conducive to survival, but you can't say it wrong! 】

[Dare to say it's wrong, all kinds of 'anti-human', 'barbaric' and 'backward' hats will be buckled!! 】

【I've always felt that Jurassic Park is fine! 】

[Well, seeing the momentum of the fishing reel yesterday, I shivered, for fear that if I said the wrong word, I would be attacked by the Internet!!]

And the general public in the West began to feel all kinds of chills!

[Excuse me, does this Xia native speak English (human language)? Why can't I understand it?]

[How can prehistoric genocide and current racism be the same thing!! He is just sophistry!!]

【Elena! Strengthen your belief!!!】

【Eastern people are so confusing!!】

【Evil is evil!!】

This world, I don't know when it opened, seems to have been linked as one.

Hence the term 'globalization'.

Because of the Internet, information can be disseminated efficiently.

Just like now.

It was obviously only a live broadcast for Xia Guo, but it was broadcasted by 12 people from various channels. The same picture, although it has been delayed, dropped frames, and has blurred picture quality.

But it still appears on the Internet all over the world, for over 100 million viewers to watch.

And globalization, it is inevitable that there will be a charismatic trait.

Cultural repression.

Since modern times, some countries with the right to speak have formed a kind of cultural hegemony, which is instilled in the weaker countries.

Today, on the whole, it is the kidnapping of the world by Western culture.

Good and bad, no one can tell.

Because of fear and cowardice, I took it all.

But gradually...

Many people are starting to reminisce.

Like now.

Western audiences, arrogant accusations, can't have different voices at all, and don't pay attention to what people in other regions think.

Xia Guo is not.

On Xia Guo's network, many real-time comments about Jurassic Park in western social media have also been reposted.

They watched, pondered, and complained.

【I suddenly feel...why are these so-called developed countries becoming less and less intelligent?】

[Yeah, why are they obsessed with being 'absolutely correct' like a cerebral infarction? Where is the absolute correctness! 】

[Sometimes I want to laugh watching them talk]

[In the past few years, they have been touting their upright character and three views... Now think about it, isn't it stupid? 】

[We don't dare to say, we don't dare to ask... Let's see what Boss Qin has to say]

Qin Yi took the lead and got out of the car.

He was carrying a large-caliber M1216 combat shotgun, another Type 95 assault rifle, and a scope.

Qin Yi's idea is very simple.

He was only involved, not mainly hunting.

The M1216 tactical shotgun fires 12-gauge shotguns.

This thing is not to mention hitting people, it is invincible in melee combat, and it will be shattered with one shot.

It is definitely not possible to hit large dinosaurs. The situation like Tyrannosaurus Rex is far beyond the previous assumptions of scientists. That high-density flesh and scale armor, it is difficult to kill it without armor-piercing bullets by the number of bullets.

And the shotgun is close, waiting for you to shoot...

Your head is gone!

So Qin Yi just thought that when the situation is dangerous after all, for example, a dinosaur suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and when he got close, this slashing shot, with a large range and strong impact, would be no problem to force back for a moment. .

In short, a shotgun saves first aid.

And the other one...

The Type 95 made in my own country is not a very good rifle. It has obvious flaws, especially with the addition of a scope. The handle above the gun is already high. With the scope, it is even higher. Such a high aiming line is equivalent to exposing the head, which greatly increases the probability of being hit.

Well, it doesn't matter if you deal with dinosaurs.

Qin Yi has not received professional training, so he saw that the lethality and recoil of the 95 type are within an acceptable range, and he can only hit after installing a scope.

Well prepared, they officially entered the jungle cautiously.

"Let's just walk in like this??" Elena was afraid and anxious, not sure if she should keep up.

Qin Yi didn't turn his head back: "This forest is actually used for warming up, the forest is narrow, and there are usually no big dinosaurs... If you dare not enter, just get in the car, and these cars will go around to the open space in front of this forest and wait for us. Just fine."

Only then did Elena realize that these cars were not left behind.

The staff of Jurassic Island split up and started six large jeeps, as well as two armored vehicles and two bulletproof vehicles with machine guns.

"No! I'll follow you! If I die..."

"You're going to heaven, I know!" Qin Yi began to think she was annoying.

Elena's face flushed with anger, and her chest heaved violently!

It shouldn't be like this!

You shouldn't be ignored!!

In fact, among the tourists, several men from the Xingtiao Kingdom also disliked this Virgin.

Tear Pierberg whispered: "Is the camera filming us?"

Zack Coborg: "No. 35

Tear Pierberg: "This bitch is really retarded... It's hard to imagine that she is also a half aristocrat with an elite education.

Zackberg: "Indeed.

Dinosaurs lived in three main periods.

Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.

This Jurassic island made by Qin Yi system, the original environment is very similar to the Jurassic period, most of the ecological environment of the earth.

It is warm everywhere, sunny, humid air and sufficient oxygen supply to form a thriving forest vegetation... It is too rich, only such an environment can provide so many super animals that need to eat all day to survive and reproduce!

The forest they entered now was one of the hunting areas divided by Qin Yi.

Belongs to appetizer level 057.

They were divided into 7 teams, with an average of 5 people, and they were separated by mistake, so as not to shoot in a hurry, they would accidentally injure their own people.

They not only sprayed many pheromones that carnivorous dinosaurs disliked, but also deworming water to prevent the approach of highly poisonous insects.

In this way, the difficult jungle trekked for some distance.

"Why didn't you see anything?" Someone began to complain.

"Yeah, and it's very bird calls.

"Can you take a break for a while?"

"I'll drink some water and go!

They passed an extremely narrow stream, lined up one by one, and passed the same tree that had somehow fallen.

In fact, we didn't walk for a few minutes.

But the jungle that has not been opened up is muddy and rugged everywhere, and it is very tiring to walk. How can modern people, especially the pampered rich people, adapt so quickly.

Especially the older ones are out of breath.

Elena was also tired, but she was young after all, and she also paid attention to exercising. She walked aside and sneered: "How is it? If you haven't seen a dinosaur, you are too tired, right?

She probably thought she was playful, walked past the camera, blinked, and whispered: "I bet 1 million meters of gold, these billionaires won't last long... They're too old."

Qin Yi ignored her and groped for the soil with his head down.

"Um... teacher, what are the footprints of these three toes?"

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