Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 177 A good start! The disgusted bird-like dragon! (Thank you for subscribing!)\r

The teacher in Qin Yi's mouth is Wu Fa, the captain of the Umbrella Company's Alpha Squad.

Wu Fa has done a lot of research on dinosaurs since he took over the responsibility of Jurassic Island's law and order.

Hearing Qin Yi calling his teacher, Wu Fa was taken aback and ran over with a smile on his face, "Don't, don't! Boss, please don't shout like that! It's killing me!"

Qin Yi stepped aside.

Wu Fa walked over and squatted down to observe carefully.

The footprint Qin Yi found was very small, not much bigger than the palm of his hand.

"Three-toed, typical theropod dinosaurs..."

Seeing that there was no reaction from the people around him, Wu Fa added: "Tyrannosaurus is also of this type...

This scared a lot of people.

"What?! Is there a Tyrannosaurus here?!"

"Which dinosaurs are we hunting?"

"Are they sprayed with pheromones so they won't bite us...but what if they're irritated?

Elena looked at this scene coldly and sneered.

heh, man.

In the end, it is still a greedy animal.

The vegetation here is not covered with too much soil, Qin Yi looked at the ground with many small footprints like this, "There is a group of them, I think there are quite a few, and they don't seem to be carnivorous dinosaurs. Look, there are fresh branches on the ground. If the stubble is broken, the tender leaves have also been gnawed.” He looked at Wu Fa, “Can we hunt down this kind of dinosaur?”

"Herbivorous dinosaurs...and being so small, it's perfectly fine and basically not dangerous. 35

Qin Yi turned his head: "Go?"

Several older tourists also gritted their teeth: "It's okay! Hold on! Let's go!

Wu Fa took the lead, and the 7 tourist teams spread out again and moved forward slowly.

"This road is very big, and there should be quite a few dinosaurs.

Qin Yi said: "Many people don't know, they think that the natural world is for animals to adapt to the environment, but this is not the case, the environment will also be changed by animals, just like this forest, most of the trees are still very dense, but this road is very difficult. ... very bald..."

Seeing a few tourists rubbing their heads, Qin Yi smiled: "Because there are often dinosaurs trampling here, walking and walking, there are not so many plants."

Walking to a relatively open place, Wu Fa suddenly stopped moving.

"There is something in the surrounding grass~". ""

Each of them raised their guns alertly and looked in all directions.

There was indeed something in the bushes next to it. Almost at the same time, there were sharp screams one after another, and at the same time the bushes began to sway!

"Take the gun! Be alert! Turn on the safety!"

After the brief familiarity just now, this simple action can still be done well by everyone.

Elena ran behind Qin Yi with an ugly face and looked around nervously: "What is this?! So many dinosaurs?

Qin Yi is not nervous.

The main thing is that even if there is no pheromone, the dinosaurs here can't hurt him, the owner of Jurassic Island.

Qin Yi took a few steps forward and approached the bushes.


After the bush, a slender blue head suddenly grows!


It was nothing at all, but it came out so suddenly and screamed like an old duck, which really startled Qin Yi!

Resist the urge to pull the trigger.

He found that the guy didn't attack him.

"It's a bird-like dragon.

Qin Yi recognized it.

The little thing in front of me looks really interesting.

Ornitomimus, a hand-footed dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period.

At first glance, it looks like an ostrich.

The head is small and the neck is long, and the physique is not particularly large.

The hair is just so gorgeous!

The part where the bushes are exposed, the indigo plumage is supple and has a silky smooth texture in the sun.

After the bird-like dragon stuck its head out, the surrounding bushes rustled again!


Another person suddenly frightened the dog bark!

Qin Yi looked in that direction, and saw a number of indigo-colored slender heads popping out one by one from the bushes.

It looks especially like being followed and peeped by a group of wretched and perverted big peacocks!

Wang Shi held the gun and had been aiming for a long time: "Can you shoot?"

The instructor beside him said: "As you wish.

When the other instructors saw this, they quickly said: "Shoot together! Otherwise, they will all run away!


The crowd shot decisively!

Bang bang bang bang-!!

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa--

The sounds of rifles and submachine guns were intertwined.

The instructors didn't make a move, and left it all to the gang of raw melons who didn't know how to use guns.

Elena hid behind Qin Yi, covering her ears and screaming: "Ah—!! You guys are crazy—! Stop it—!!

"Quack!! Quack!!!"

The sound of firearms is actually much louder than what you see in movies and TV shows.

So many rifles and submachine guns shoot together, standing close, it is deafening!

So Qin Yi shouted several times before everyone stopped.

"Alright alright!! Okay!! All run away!!"

There is a smell of gunpowder in the air.

When the last shell fell on the ground, there was nothing left in the surrounding bushes.

Xiao Lizi seemed to be very excited, and reloaded the bullets in a hurry: "Did you hit? Did you hit?!

Several instructors walked into these bushes, looked for it, came out, and shook their heads: "No.

Everyone was a little discouraged.

"how so……"

"They're too flexible."

"We were standing so close, so densely shot, that none of us were hit?"

"We didn't even hit this small dinosaur as big as an ostrich...don't even think about the big one."

"No, maybe the small ones are harder to hit, and the bigger ones are easier to hit!

"Hunting dinosaurs... how easy is it..."

Qin Yi always felt that something was missing.

What about the noisy Virgin?

He looked back and found that Elena was so frightened by the sound of bullets that she had not recovered, her hands were covering her ears, and her eyes were a little dull.

"Scum..." He sneered.

"I hit one. 35

At the moment when the morale was damaged, an elderly tourist with a vigorous pace came out of the bushes, dragged a slender neck in his hands, exerted a little strength, and finally took the whole colorful bird-like bird out. The dragon dragged out.

Only then did everyone clearly see the whole body of the bird-like dragon!

This kind of dinosaur looks like a combination of an ostrich and a peacock. The color of the tail and wings are extremely bright, and they are all soaked with blood at the moment.

This elderly tourist is Admiral Kaiser.

He smiled smugly, and said to Genxue (of Li Zhao): "How about it? Veterans don't die, they can still shoot birds!"

The atmosphere suddenly heated up!

"Awesome, old man! 35

"You used to be a soldier, didn't you?""

"The first prey is there! Righteousness!"

"Pure man!! 99

Together, these people look far simpler than when they were in the city, without any barriers, as if they were brothers who graduated from the same nursery school.

Wu Fa smiled and said: "Congratulations, congratulations, the first prey, do you want to cook it on the spot? Enjoy the game?

The big guys are all about to move.

The index finger also moves.

Including Tear Pierberg, who has always had a bad appetite, I don't know what happened. Looking at this bird-like dragon that just died, the color of this thing obviously looks so bad...

But he just felt a little hungry.

Admiral Kaiser waved his hand arrogantly: "I want to eat you! I won't eat it! Such a small prey! I don't like it! I'll put my words here, if I can't catch a dozen-ton dinosaur today!! I won't eat today!!"

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