Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 178 Unlock your nature! The aggressive Beiye! (Thank you for subscribing!)\r

No one laughed at Admiral Cather's arrogance.

Today, here, even the most savvy bigwigs have lost several decades of age.

"Okay, then I won't eat it, I can hold on! 35

"I'm getting older and I'm afraid of low blood sugar, so I'll just... eat some chocolate! Hahahahaha!

"That's right, with so many of us coming here, are we going to fight such a colorful 'pheasant'? That's too ridiculous!

"Well, I'm sorry for the good hunting ground provided by Boss Qin! I'm sorry for these prehistoric animals! I'm sorry for the rifle in my hand!!"

Elena was still panting, and at that moment, she almost felt like she was going to be killed by a stray bullet!

Huge fear of life and death! Let her calm down until now!

But then I saw these men again...

Oh! And a few more women!


Why was I half tired just now, but now I'm excited again?

There is evil light in the pupils!

Killing! Isn't that so much fun?!

Elena found a camera, leaned forward, and said angrily: "Did you see it? Did you see the inferiority of human beings?! They are excited to kill!! They live to kill!! 33

Xia Guo barrage:

【I saw it!! I saw your big face and blackheads... oh~ my god~ this is so scary! 】

[I don't know what to say, but I just feel like there is nothing wrong with it? Why?] 057

[Could it be that dinosaurs are not cute enough hahahahaha~?]

[This woman seems to be right, she is also beautiful, but she is so disgusting? I don't want to understand it, please explain]

[Let's have a natural aversion to the Virgin Biao]

[The Virgin Biao should let others do good deeds, the Virgin is doing good deeds by herself, Elena has been running around for the cause of animal protection for so many years, shouldn’t it be considered a Biao Biao?? You are too malicious]

【I don't know either, I just hate her from the bottom of my heart... I beg Boss Qin to tell me!!】

Western comment area: (The barrage culture can't get up in the West, they can't understand why there are dense texts on the pictures they watch)

【I see! Elena!! They are a disgrace to human beings!!】

【These beasts in clothing】

【Let go of these poor dinosaurs!!!】

【They are all beings on earth, why do you want to hurt them?! 】

【Boycott Zakkoborg!! Never use Facebook again!!!】

【Boycott the movies of Leonado!!!】


"Then what should we do next?"

They all looked at the instructors (bcei).

Wu Fa was about to speak, but Qin Yi interrupted: "What do you want to do? These instructors can give appropriate help and hints, but it is you who want to hunt.

Those who are willing to play this game, as expected, are all very courageous and active people.

Instead of being unhappy, they were even more excited!

The 7 teams formed a group and chatted with each other.

Among them, the most selective Rakshasa woman said: "Let's first determine if there are any large dinosaurs we want to hunt nearby!"

Everyone nodded in approval.

If there is no reliable prey around, then don't waste your time here.

Bell finally spoke again.

"Then go ahead first. 35

He was walking in front alone at this moment, and he lowered his head and scratched at the bushes, "I found a lot of small dinosaur footprints here. They are numerous and very leisurely, indicating that this is a relatively safe area... large animals. It's hard to get in and out of this crowded area of ​​trees, otherwise, there will be some scratches on the trees, there should be thick broken branches and large pieces of bark..."

He turned around and shook his head helplessly: "But there are none here, so I think we need to go to a more open place!"

No one would disagree with Bell's opinion.

Even if he had never seen a dinosaur before.

Qin Yi lost a look at Gao Wenbao, whose face was dirty for some reason, and Gao Wenbao understood immediately.

He arranged for a cameraman in his best body to follow Bell.

Seeing this familiar back, Xia Guo's netizens are even more excited than those of Guo Guo.

【Ouch! My lord! You are finally going to harm the dinosaurs!!】

[After two days of low-key, I couldn't help it hahahahaha!!!]

[Will it be too dangerous for him to walk in front alone!]

[Artists are bold, knowing that there are pheromones, there is no danger of being too deadly]

[Even if a large dinosaur doesn't bite you, it will break your lumbar spine with a flick of its tail! It must be dangerous! 】

[I have an intuition now...I think, Boss Qin can handle Jurassic Park to zero risk, and hunting can also take zero risk, but he is unwilling to do it]

[Yes, he deliberately left some dangers]

【It's not dangerous, can Master Bei be so excited?!】

【Hahahahaha, what you said is so reasonable!!!】

"You are crazy." Elena followed Qin Yi through gritted teeth.

Qin Yi said: "A real man needs only two things - a dangerous game."

With Elena's knowledge, she naturally knows the source of this sentence, "So, Nietzsche is a lunatic!"

Qin Yi retorted: "We are all lunatics, and you are a burden."

Elena was frightened several times today, her self-control was gradually exhausted, and she was furious: "What are you talking about?!" For the first time, a few fxxk exploded in her mouth, terrifying her global fans.

As her fans want to come, she is as holy and kind as she should have an eternal compassionate face.

Qin Yi glanced at her with as much disdain in his eyes, he only wanted to look at her for 0.01 seconds, and then withdrew, "We are lunatics, with weapons in our hands, what's the matter, we lunatics need to protect you, And you, don't provide any value, just babble, you say you're not a burden?"

Elena scolded: "You are asking for it by yourself!!! You are asking for it when you are in danger!!!

Qin Yi said lightly: "You asked for it yourself..."

Elena's healthy wheat-colored skin suddenly turned into a pig's liver color.

Her genius brain is spinning like crazy!

But there is no way to refute it!

This sentence seems simple, but it is a logical closed loop... Because Elena really asked for it to follow, she knew there was danger, but she didn't take a gun...

They soon reached an area with sparse trees.

The bright noon sun shone down and was extremely dazzling.

"This place must be full of large animals!! Look!! This tree was rubbed like this by some huge body!!

Belt excitedly hugged a tree and asked the cameraman to come and shoot.

The cameraman is indeed not a simple profession. He followed Bell all the way and carried such a heavy machine...

It can even speed up!

The camera captured a large piece of white-flowered tree flesh, many bark fragments on the ground, and large shallow footprints.

"Quack—! Quack—!"

Bell looked alert, suddenly stretched his head like a roe deer, and looked around: "Shh...don't make a sound..."

After a while, he might have seen something.

The corners of his mouth raised an evil arc.

"I have a great idea."

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